
by Joy ()

I have been off work for about 18 months. I work as a nurse and was verbally/pyschologically/threatened by family members. I was diagnosed with PTSD, depression and anxiety. I am also waiting for hip replacement surgery. However, my disability pay is over this month and the income I do qualify for is just enough to cover my mortgage and about a third of my utilities. I need a financial miracle for short term and need guidance to a suitable job due to my physical abilities. Of course this stresses me as well and likely to cause a flare up of my rheumatoid arthritis which limits my physical abilities.

I am a Christian but have not been following faithfully. I am looking for a local church to help me with my walk. I want to start studying the Bible but have been a bit discouraged as I am not sure where to start or how to deepen my relationship with God.

Please pray for a financial breakthrough. Please pray for wisdom and guidance to a job that is suitable for me as well as a church.

Thank you.

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