Where am I

by PJ ()

Father my computer today with a heart. Asking you for string courage and clarity. I feel like I’m just wondering about this world trying to do the right things to serve others and go beyond myself to bring comfort and joy to others but I feel disconnected from you from my family And my life. We no longer go to church, it’s just about getting through the day today. Even though I speak to you every morning, I do not feel the holy moving in my life. I know you set a path for me. I pray for your life to shine for me to see Direction my life and where I should be going. Forgive me when I do not come to you more and ask your guidance, I need you I need direction and guidance and so that I can get to the lot beyond here. I think you and praise you for all that I am and all that I have is because of you I pray that I am better than I was yesterday today and will be tomorrow and your home plans offer my prayers and your beloved son name amen

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