Turn from sin

by Chelsie ()

Heavenly father I come before you today asking that you Please remind David that you had a plan and purpose for his freedom and life. Lord give him peace knowing that you are a forgiving God and that you love him and call him your child. Father help him to clear his mind and have peace knowing that you are with him and want to guide and bless him every step of the way! Lord you discipline those you love help david submit to you fully and be renewed and walk in a manner worthy of his calling agian. Help David rise up with the full armor of God on in your strength and power with your light upon him. Help him to be honest and not live in darkness or lies any longer. Send angels to protect him from the ways of this world and his own fleshly thinking. Father your word is a light to our path and a lamp unto our feet. Remind and comfort him with your presence and your living word clear his mind in Jesus mighty name AMEN 🙏

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