To remove all males and his family looting my money from 2006 in profession and private life.

by Kannabeeran ()

I request for prayers to remove all insane people and insane families causing me bankruptcy, and health loss, often earlier and nowadays ALWAYS.

Fake in-laws who withdraw their support when a fight with others in the family on financial issues.
But, but same in-laws involve in looting my money with other in-laws and neighbours in the same place.

Unnecessarily daily stress in my physique is resulting in many symptoms to take health checkup, not just for checkup in health

Kindly pray for removing all such fake and evil families or people who always are a mental and physical headache to me. Since I am having parents who were generous, same is expected from me.

My parents had their parents blessings. So no physical strain to travel long for eating or refreshing if problems in life aren’t simple.
Always bad elements loot my money through people who talk with me or sit near me in buses, etc.

Please pray for removing all insane people who trouble me in money always, immediately.

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