Good Morning Lord thank you is an understatement ! I owe it all to you ! I praying that I stay on the right track and truly read my Bible more ! I pray for those who need you more than ever!! I pray for those who need to know who you are in their life as well as mine ! Help those struggling and can barely make it in this life ! Help our children who need you most of all to be raise in the way of christ ! I know all things are done in your time and I am greatful you are my father and I am your child ‘ Let this day be a day of calm for those who know know fighting and in wars ‘ I pray for all the people who make decisions for this world and let them be on one accord! Thank you Lord for sitting high and Looking low ! I pray for every pastor who is doing the work of the Lord ! Nothing is unreachable with you in our life’s ! in Jesus name I pray Amen Hallelujah Amen!!!
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