Prayer for Breakthrough in immigration case

O Lord, please remember me and have mercy on me in my immigration case so I can be released from detention and granted my permanent residency in the UK.

O Lord, please prove to the world that i am serving a living God and turn this situation around to favour me.

O Lord, catapualt me to greatness as you did for Daniel and Joseph in foreign lands.

O Lord, as you parted the red sea for the isrealites and delivered them from the egyptians, please come to my rescue and prove to the Ukba/world that you’ve got the final say on my life.

Father Lord, any document standing as a stumbling block to my release from detention and permanent residency in the UK, I command them to be consumed by the fire of GOD

O Lord, any where my name is being mentioned, I shall received divine favour in Jesus Name.

O Lord, please raise men and women to fight for my favour.

O Lord, destroy all hindrances to my breakthrough and raise a financial pillar for me and my family.

Heavenly father please help me

Heavenly Father please hear my pray, I’m a small business owner who has been operating this business with 1 other person.

There used to be 3 other people including myself working in this office.
I am having problems in employee the right people, and keeping my current clients and obtain new clients.
My stress levels have gone through the roof, I am having heart plan which is not good
Please Lord hear my pray, please help my bring back the glory that this office that I once had.
I know that sound selfish, but I did take it for grated where I could have help ours I didnt, now that I am help I want to help more I cannot afford it.
Please forgive me Lord for I pass mistake and sins,
Please help me to restore my clientele and grant me new clients for the business.
Lord please give me the ability to run my office and manage my employee

Prayer For healing and good test lab results

I need prayers that the blood test screen I took this morning will come out okay and all is normal. That especially the cancer blood test comes out negative.

For my July 22nd surgery for a hysterectomy is safe, cancer free lab results and no complications. That my surgeons are guided by the Holy Spirit. That my recovery is quick and good.


Prayer for constipation problems

God, please bless my child who is having constipation problem. It’s already 5 days, i can’t see her suffering, she is only 3 years plus. The stomach pain, fever, can’t eat, etc… make me worried about her. She is getting sick more often.

It’s just 2 weeks she was having thoart infection, and having fever for 3 days non stop, please god i can’t take it anymore, day by day she becoming thin and thin. Please god heal her lord, bless her lord that she will be healty child without any sickness.

It’s was pain in me whenever i see she suffer in sickness.

Oh my lord you are healer, ur the loved one, god you can do mircale in her life. I pray and ask in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer for Relationship to work out

Lord God plase accept my prayer request for the healing and renewal of my relationship with the man I love Tony.

My prayer of communiating has been answered, after a month, he has made contact and communicated expressed his thoughts, feelings, fears, anxieties.
I Pray Lord take away our doubts, fears,anxieties,
allow him to see the love, faith, hope I have in my heart for our relationship to work out, to have a second chance.

Now that the man I love, knows where I stand, after I expressed my love, feelings, emotions, I pray he accepts my love and sees it is worth trying for.

I pray for our relationship to work out and to thank every single person (family, friend, strangers) that are joining in on prayer to support our relationship to work out.

God Bless
Thank You

Prayer for Thanksgiving and Forgiveness

Lord Christ and Father in Heaven, I come before you thanking you for alll our blessings received and yet to experience. Lord I ask you to use me as your tool in confessing your wish upon this earth. I solemnly confess my sins and repent of any worng doing. It is now that the utmost urgency is requested on your behalf.

You see Lord. our dear friend and neighbor, loving mother of three. wife and life long companion to a wonderful man. devout child of your kingdom, it is now we ask for a miracle in which we all want. I firmly believe it’s Karen’s wish as well as ours to remain on this earth longer than the doctor’s have told her.

To see her children become adults and prosper in her faith as she does each day. Lord I ask healing of her ailments, to rid her of all aspects of this cancer and to enable her to enjoy her life to it’s fullest for many years to come.

Lord, I know all things are possible through prayer and I pray that all those around me come to know the possibilities that lie in state for them upon true faith. It is by faith that we walk we you and will continue each and every day. Let your will be done.

Your faithfull servant
Loving Neighbor

Prayer to save my job

Heavenly Father I love you and adore you.

For you alone are worthy of my praise and adoration.

Lord as I come before your throne I bring you my job situation you know I absolutely love my job and at this moment it is being taken away from me in an unfair manner lord I pray that you will not allow this to happen and I know that nothing is too difficult for you lord please save my job lord I beg of you and I implore you give this people wisdom so that they can see the error of their ways and restore my job to me this I ask in Jesus name

Prayer for my husband to be a Godly loving and faithful husband

Dear Lord,

I come before you today humbly asking for your guidance and protection. Cleanse my soul and heart Oh Lord for I am a sinner. I am unworthy to receive a help from you but I know you are the only God I know who can help me..Lord,I am struggling with my relationship with my husband and I have been lonely after our wedding.. I have noticed his being cold and far from me.

I feel his being hot tempered and irritated with me. I am very frustrated right now. I am not happy with my husband anymore because of the way he treat me. He is very different right now. Now Oh God I need your help to renew my husband’s heart, make his heart as faithful and humble as you have. Make him love me honestly and faithfully. Stay him away from any evil deeds and temptation, especially women on chat and women on text. that make him get mad at me easily. I know my prayer requires a miracle because before i met my husband he had so much girlfriends already and even now I have a strong feeling that my husband is not that loyal and faithful to me.., I do believe God that nothing is impossible with you. I know you can change my husband’s habit and character.

I trust you Oh Lord that my husband will love me after I send this prayer. I am claiming that tomorrow Lord I will have a happy moments with my husband, he will then became a Godly. honest, loving and very calm husband I have been praying that for a long time Oh god.. Give us prosper in our marriage. Don’t let anyone ruin our marriage God.Make us together so soon. I need your miracle oh God in our married life and in our application.. God give me also a courage and strength to endure every trial in my life. Help and protect my entire family.

I ask all of these in Jesus name I pray amen

Prayer to pass in Maths and getting a good percentage

My results are fast approaching. Please pray for me that i may pass in Maths and get good marks and a good percentage.These marks decide my future so i’m really tensed. I put this intention of mine in the hands of God because i know that he will bring me salvation. Please pray for me. I’m terrible in Maths but if i pass, i wont have to study it anymore. Passing in maths and getting a good percentage is what i pray for.

Prayer for healing for healing from hepatitis B and body n chest pain

Lord Jesus I thank u 4 all u ve done for me in life. I thank u 4 e gift of life. Father I commit my whole body into ur hands. May u heal me of every disease in my body. Father I pray that e next time I shall go 4 hepatitis B test I’ll be negative.

Father u ve never failed me n I trust u 4 my healing. They claim this disease has no cure but I don’t believe it because I have a master physician who has cure for every disease in e world. Father o thank u for my healing. Amen

Prayer to not have cancer

Please pray for my dad who may or may not have pancreatic cancer. Please let the results from his blood test that he is taking now will be negative. After years of sacrifice for his family, he just started enjoying a life with a grandchild and is ready to begin retirement.

Please allow him to enjoy more years with his family as he enters the next phase of life. Thank you God and thank you all for your prayers.

Prayer for healing with learning disabilities and difficulties.

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I have lack of Reading Comprehension, Knowledge, Vocabulary & Understanding. My difficulties in understanding reading books, Is giving me a hard time. My brain and my mind, is out of focus & concentration. Even my language skills,

If I want to be a native speaker in writing to improve myself and show it to other people, That I’m improving little by little. And also to my family. I want to show it to them, If this prayer request will be answered, Since this is just a big difficulties for me, that I hardly dealing with, Especially I’m disabled.

It’s hard for me to do all the things, That I have to use my brain, especially when it comes to studies I can’t work on them. to be honest, I can’t follow the footsteps of my siblings and my cousins. Because they’re already ahead of me. Which it should be I am, Mainly because I’m the elder, but my mind is out of maturity and disciplined. That’s why I’m being left behind, And it also turns out, I become more lazy and lack of energy & motivation. I can’t work on the things which is more important.

Especially, the household chores I must do it because it’s my responsibilities to do all the chores promptly without telling me I have to clean it. In every single day, I have to be a matured person but I can’t, If I can since it’s already late. & no one will no longer believe me I’m going to do it on my own. My three online classes, (Screenwriting, Biology & Algebra).

I can’t finish them, Simply because it’s too hard for me to accomplished what I have to do it. I can’t understand the lessons given to you, I can’t have what they’re having right now. Material things, those places they’ve already been to, the things they have. etc, I can’t move forward. I can’t step ahead, I don’t know my directions in my life, If where my feet could take me Through the rest of my life. While I’m writing this, It took me so long before I wrote it down here, Why? Because I have to think first what would I write, before I type it here. That’s how my mind goes blank, And I don’t know what I’m supposed to type it here, and what should I write.

And I don’t know some ideas I’m gonna write it here. I struggle hard with my studies, Being such a slow-headed person, One of the causes why I keep on failing with academics. Low perfomance in school, I can’t keep myself on top. Whatever I do, Since I’m in grade school, high-school and up to now. I stop schooling because high-school and college are really hard to achieve it. When you want your grades become higher, And you also want to step to another year.

But yet I can’t cope up with my studies, When it seems I know to myself that I’m having a hard time in those subjects I can’t work on it. Kindly please help me, and pray for me. If you can do a miracle healing for me. I can’t pray to St. Jude or even to god. I can’t concentrate my mind to him. Even to St. Jude. Let us see, if you can help me to pray for me, Immediately.

I want my prayer requests to be granted, and came true. I wanna feel it, and claim it. That all my prayers, requests, and wishes are answered. I have no more ideas or anything else to write it here, Since I run out of words to type it here, I’m going to end it like this.

But please accept and don’t delete my prayer request. I will try my best to pray to St. Jude that I wish all my prayer requests will be answered. Once my brain will function and work to focus and concentrate my mind, I will hardly pray to him.

I promise, Connect and meditate myself to him. I will write my own details to him, Personally.

Prayer for Restoration of my former job.

Abba Father, Our Most High God, El Elyon.

We come before Thee today, humbly in a prayer of faith, believing on Thy Word,
and in Jesus’ Mighty Name, empowered by the Holy Ghost.

We ask Thee Father for the full, complete and immediate restoration of my former RRD job, salary, title and position, this date.

We ask that you rebuke the devourer, removing any and all demonic & satanic forces that are actively hampering this restoration.

We ask Your blessings and Divine favor with my former employer and our client hosts.

In faith, we believe we have already received an answer of this prayer, Father.

We praise Thy Glorious Name, and give Thee great thanks, Abba Father.

Amen and Amen.

Please heal my daughter from Crohn’s disease

Dear Lord, you are truly Devine and the maker of all things, please heal my daughter from this disease that plagues her every day. She is weak and tired and it hurts me to see her in so much pain everyday . She is young and full of promise, Lord. Please give her strength and heal her body so that she can live the happy life that you have waiting for her with her wonderful fianc .

Please bless Cara with your love and heal her from her Crohns.
This I pray…….

Give Us Our Daily Bread. Forgive Us Our Sins.

By Brad Andres

Give us and forgive us are two phrases which rely completely upon the grace and mercy of our Father in Heaven. There is nothing we can do to merit a give us request, nor is there anything which we can do to gain forgiveness from God.

It seems Jesus meant more than mere bread when he taught the disciples this phrase. He also seems to list a type of requirement for gaining forgiveness which can really twist our thinking on salvation.

Daily Bread

Prayer for daily bread was not new to the disciples, nor to any other Jewish man in the first century. Proverbs taught the Hebrews to pray for daily sustenance and to only ask God for what one needs that day.

Keep falsehood and lies far from me;

give me neither poverty nor riches,

but give me only my daily bread.

Proverbs 30:8 NIV

Couched within this prayer in the book of Proverbs is the idea of daily dependence upon God for all of ones needs in life. Receiving only what we need for our day keeps us dependent upon God. It establishes a barrier of sorts against dishonoring God as a result of having too much stuff or not enough supply to live. It is important understand that this daily bread is not merely enough to survive, to keep us from starving, but our daily bread is to give our bodies and souls nourishment to support growth.

Jesus & Daily Bread

Jesus, however, had a unique understanding of daily bread. Before Jesus started His public ministry, He was tempted by the devil. In particular, Jesus was fasting for forty days, and the devil tempted Him to turn stone into bread. Jesus responded by quoting from the book of Deuteronomy saying, man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4 NIV, Deut. 4:3 NIV).

Jesus makes it clear that God gives us life. Bread gives our bodies physical strength, but ultimately, God is the giver of that bread, and therefore, of life. In addition, God gives us the spiritual vitality to live in peace with Him for eternity. Only God can provide this grace, which He does so through forgiving us of our sins.

Our Debts

In the Lords Prayer, the word debt is used to explain and resemble sin. Our transgressions against Gods law put us into a type of creditor / debtor relationship. In first century Israel, there was a practice which was intended to remind the Jews of the ultimate release from sin provided by God. Every seven and fifty years, all debts were forgiven and wiped away.

This practice foreshadowed the idea of God setting us free from sin through Jesus sacrifice on the cross. God put up payment for our sins against His law through the sacrifice of Jesus. The problem with this idea was that the release of debts is bad for business. Thus, some ancient Jews found ways to get around the releasing of debts.

Forgiveness is linked directly with our forgiving others who have become indebted to us. Undoubtedly, this referenced the practices of release every seven and fifty years. Furthermore, it also refers to the condition of our hearts. One cannot have the love of God dwelling inside of them who desires to see their neighbor suffer. God is granting freedom from eternal oppression, therefore we are to grant freedom to our fellow people from temporal oppression here on earth.

Jesus lets us know through this phrase, that our prayer, our faith, involves action. Faith in God mixed with living life results in a change of heart.

This section of our prayer with God that Jesus sets forward deals with our actions and attitudes. We are to remember that God gives all life. We are to keep in mind that a change in heart walks hand in hand with forgiveness.

God – Help us to love. Help us to forgive. Give us what we need and forgive us for our sins. Keep us on the upright path.


This post is part of a traveling series on The Lords Prayer. You can find the other posts below:

1) Our Father In Heaven

2) Hallowed Be Your Name

3) Your Kingdom Come. Your Will Be Done

4) You are here.

5) Lead Us Not Into Temptation. Deliver Us From Evil

Brand Andres is a licensed minister and his passion is to help people understand the Bible and maximize

their God given potential for life.

Find him at, and follow him on Twitter and Google.


Prayer for my Husband to keep his job

Dear Lord,

I ask for prayer for my husband to keep his job. He is the sole provider for our family. Please take away all his worries, grant after all his bosses review that they will grant him favor to keep his job!! We asked for your strength lord since we have been already with financial difficulties and having trouble paying our home.

Lord God you our are strength and I thank you for all that you do for us and others to whom our also struggling each day. Please grant our prayers and the prayers of others we are your children. In jesus name Amen.

Prayer for assignments, exam and clinical placement

Dear Lord Jesus, Please hear i cry unto you O Lord at this moment in my life im worried, sad, and stress I want to ask of you to shine your blessing upon me O lord and help me to succeed through my studies at this moment through.

Please help me to pass my exam and essay that i have submit, please help me to acheive good things in all the things that i have work hard to acheive. Lord please help me to achieve my goal to be a good qualified nurse so that i can help others and make a difference in peoples life all over. Lord please come into my heart and take me as i am, i am your child O Lord. Please guide and protect me from evil,sickness and all those demonic things out there in society. Lord i no i have sin and i no that you have died on the cross to pay for my sins, LORD please forgive me and help me to be a better person inside and out. Lord please take away all of the negativity and leave me with the positivity. please cleanse me and wash me with your holy devine. please break through all the things that are trying to hold me back. Lord please work your way through my mind body and soul in Jesus name i say AMEN.

Prayer to continue to use me to do your will

Dear Almighty Lord God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit, I thank you for this day, for this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I thank you for my being able to see, and to hear, and to speak, and to feel, and to taste of Your good creation this day and every day. I’m blessed because you are such a loving and such a forgiving God, and such an understanding and caring God. You have done so much for me and yet you keep on blessing me. Forgive me this day for everything I have ever done, or ever said or ever thought that was not pleasing to you. I say I am so sorry.I now repent and ask for your forgiveness. Please keep me safe O God From all danger, hurt, and harm. Help me to start this day and every day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude.

Let me make the best of each and every day, To clear my mind so that I can hear from you. Please broaden my mind so that I can accept all things according to God’s Will. Let me not whine and whimper Over things I have no control over, for all things are working together for my good and God’s Glory. And when I’m pushed beyond my limits, give me the best response, a response which says Alleluia, and Praise the Lord, and Thanks be unto the Most High God Almighty. I know that when I can’t pray, You listen to the prayer of my heart.

Continue to use me to do your will. Continue to bless me so that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong so that I may help the weak… Keep me uplifted so that I may have Words of encouragement for the discouraged. I pray for those that are lost and can’t find their way, that they come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, even through this prayer I am now praying. I pray for those that are misjudged, misguided, misused, and misunderstood. I pray for those who don’t know you intimately. I pray for those who will delete this prayer without sharing the Love of God with others. I pray for those that don’t believe. But I thank You, that I do believe. That God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every one of the family members In their households. I pray for peace, love, and joy in their homes; I pray that they are out of debt And that all their financial needs are met, and they have more than enough to be a blessing to others. I pray for every eye that reads and says this Prayer. That they come to know that there is no problem, no circumstance, no situation that is greater than God, for God is greater than all, God is greater in all, God is greater through all, and God is greater upon all. For God, the Most High God Almighty of all the Universes is truly the Greatest of All.

I pray for all my enemies, and those who have used me and abused me, and have lifted up their hands and their tongue against me. I now forgive them for all they have done. In Jesus Name, all my enemies are now forgiven, and I pray God forgiveness upon all my enemies, for they do know what they are doing, for I am a Child of God. So every battle that I have ever encountered in my life is now in God’s Loving hands, for You, O God fights all my battles for me. I pray that these words be believed, received and accepted into the hearts of every eye that sees them and every tongue that confesses them in name of Jesus Christ, I pray believing, receiving and accepting God’s miracles in my life this day and every day, for God’s Divine favor is now my heritage, in Jesus Name. Amen and Amen! It is done! O’ Praise The Lord! Alleluia!

Prayer for my daughter with type 1 diabetes.

Father, Lord, I want to thank you for this wonderful life. I pray and ask that you continue to watch over my daughter. I know you are the greatest and there is no one greater than you. May your Holy Spirit touch her from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet. This disease is not for her, lord. I know you have greater things in store for her life and I put all my trust and home in You, My Lord. Recently, she’s been having anxiety attacks while she is in lecture class at university. She’s having fear that her sugar count is going low even though it’s not. Please take away that fear from her Lord. Please give her the courage and strength to go through this and to know that You are God and not to let fear take over her Faith in You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Prayer for family members to get jobs

Please pray for my family and I. My mother, brother, and I are all in need of jobs. It is my prayer that we all find jobs that provide enough of a salary to live on and that are mentally and emotionally healthy work environments.

I pray, and ask if you’d also pray, that God opens these doors for my family and I soon. And that we are guided in the right direction. I for one, haven’t had a job in 3 months. I am scared, but for all of us, not just myself.

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Prayer for the laid off

Dear Father and Lord, I find myself again in this place. Laid off again. You know this world, the economy, and the situations of so many. Father hold us under your wing…

fill us with your spirit, give to us a measure of faith, give to us wisdom and patience to stand strong as you work to meet all of our needs. Help us to open our hearts and minds to the opportunities that you lay before us. Help us Lord in our struggle to fight against fear and depression..

help us to remember your words, “Did I not command you, do not be afraid.” Help us Father, lift us up and help us to find your will.

In Christ’s name I pray. Amen.

A prayer to my sister with cancer

dear heavenly father i beg you to heal my sister who has cancer.i speak of divine health in her body bring back all that has been lost in her life.with you all things are possible and i believe the capacity of the miracles you perform in our lives may you deliver my dear sister and revive her health so that she can walk again and do the things she used to do before this sickness intered her body.for the bible says that our bodies are a temple of christ so please if they are indeed are temple of christ then such diseases as cancer are a total stranger to us.please heal my dear sister in jesus christ i pray Amen

I am in trouble Lord, Please help me.. I need your help. Please save me.

Dear God:

All throughout my life i worked hard to get education and well being. But now I have a debt of 10 lakhs, and if not paid asap, they will file cases against me. I am 30 year old(you know everything) female, and people who are showing a friendly face are all trying to take a chance on my gender and my situation. I need you to genuinely help me. If you help me this time, I assure you that I will pay you back by helping other poor and needy. I wished to adopt a girl child if ever i have a situation to bring her up. Please help me for that too…Please God, I trust you so much and I am praying everyday, every moment seeking your help and trusting that you would help me.

A Healing Prayer for My Daughter’s Health

Lord. I am in depress need once again of your blessings n powerful healing for my daughter you know she’s already been through so much. Please grant me by healing her n giving her a life she deserves to live. besides coping with seizures for many yrs then anxiety came along and taking med for this as well but I am so blessed and will never stop thanking you lord for saving my baby girl.

you are my almighty and the one I know that hears out my prayers . my daughter being a strong women now at age 30 and married has tried to have children has not been able too. because of anxiety pills and once again you saved her thank you my lord.amen!

And now my lord and in Jesus name please I ask in mercy on my bending knees to please remove n clean out wat doctors said she has few small tumors in both her ovaries and gave her medication for treatment no need for surgery that’s a plus. she’s just started to take metformin which is use for treatment for ppl with diabetes type 2 the side effects kick in n I’m so worry for her but she won’t give up but lord my concern for her health with all these medication please no more she taking this to level her cells of hp in her body.

Please in Jesus name please grant me this miracle I ask from you my lord almighty. With all my heart n please help me pray for my baby girl no matter her age she will always b my baby . I know you hear me oh god almighty I believe and I put my daughter in your hands I trust you my lord my everything in Jesus name AMEN!

prayer for immediate school fees provision

please i need the brethren in d LORD to help me in prayers,i am owing in my school and right now,i am under intense pressure from school,my people doesnt have money for my school fees,i can not work here as a student,please today i was made to know that school is demanding for my fees,please help me to beg my GOD to please save me as HE did in my 1st yr,my hope is definitly not coming from anyother source if not from HIM ALONE,please am so confused right now,i need your prayers please,thank u all.

Praying for help in closing on the house we are under contract with

Dear St. Joseph,

Please intercede for our growing family, we believe we found the home we could grow in and spend wonderful years in however the appraisal came in very very low compare to the contract price and we as the buyers have done everything we can to have the appraisal reviewed and amended to no avail. Appraisal company did not change anything and now we are presenting it to the sellers. We are hoping that they will be willing to work with us and help us to close on the house.
We’re asking for help to remove all the roadblocks and hindrances from us getting and living in the new home.


Prayer for health, complete healing and restful sleep.

Dear Heavenly Father and Our Ultimate Healer, Lord Jesus Christ,

I pray for complete healing from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I pray for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing.

Although the doctors do not know exactly what is going on, I pray that I be restored to perfect health and that you return my sleep to perfect restorative and restful sleep every night as you had originally intended.

I also pray that you remove all fears and doubts I have in You and Your healing power. Please allow me to experience your peace, joy and unconditional love. I pray for these miracles in Jesus’ name and I thank You, God, for all the health and blessings You have given to me so far.


Healing prayer hernia injury

(san juan)

lord i can hardly move my stomach hurts every day and night and when i am working i know that i have sinned and i confess those sins and ask for forgiveness ….. lord please help the pain please lord and heal my stomach and my groin back to normal lord please i beg of you

health is all i want right now lord and the strength to work for my family and support them. lord i beg of u make the pain and discomfort go away please lord please….

Prayer for my cheating boyfriend to stop cheating

i am a single mother blessed with two beautiful daughters, and i was recently together with the father of my last born who is a yaer and 3 months old, but we are now seperated since he was always cheating on me with different women, i loved him and was always taking him back after he did so many things to me but i have decided to come closer to God and pray for help for both of us sothat we must get help because he may have a big problem which we cannot solve on our own, because it is not healthy for us and i need urgent help. please pray for us sothat he must stop running around with other women

Prayer to find a good husband

Dear Jesus,

I have been praying to You since long time to get a good husband. Please forgive my sins and grant me a good husband and a happy family life.

Jesus, You know my heart’s deepest wishes – I want to get a man who loves You truly and have You are priority, who will be a good father to our children, who is educated more than me, career wise in a position above me and also financially stable. He should be ready to help others and not too much oriented towards money.

Please make us meet and get married soon. Please help my parents to see that and be happy and peaceful.

Prayer Request for A Successful Final Defnse of my dissertation

Heavenly Father, I thank you for all the blessings received. I ask forgiveness for all the sins committed. I pray Lord God, that you will send your Holy Spirit to enlighten me, to give me the wisdom, knowledge and understanding that I need for the final defense of my dissertation. Guide me during the presentation of my paper, that I will be able to present well the result of my study and hopefully passed successfully my defense. I also pray for the panelists that they will not make it very difficult to me and enlighten my understanding that I will be able answer the questions they will ask. I offer to you oh God the successes of my doctoral program. Amen

Prayer for Stability

Dear Lord,

I pray for stability in all aspects of my life as I enter the new year. I pray for financial stability, physical stability, emotional stability, and last but not least, spiritual stability. Lord, I pray that you help me to overcome my heavy financial burdens and allow me to prosper and rise up from my situation. I pray that all of my needs and wants, as well as the needs and wants of those surrounded by me, are met with such ferocity and fruitfulness that they will not have room enough to receive it. Lord, I am also ever thankful for my present situation, because it is teaching me patience, humility, and a closeness with you. Lord, I just pray that everything will work out for my good.

Prayer to God to help me win Green Card lottery

Dear almighty God,

You are the one who always leads me in my life through all the dark ways, though life has been giving me hard times a lot, but I am sure those were and are in your desire and I am sure your desire is always for my own good.

Dear almighty God,

2014 has been a lucky and fine year for me so far, you granted me all my dreams and wills, now I have two more wills, I know my wills will never end but I am also sure your generosity will never end either.
God help me to be able to continue my studies in a good university, and more important, help me win the green card lottery and find the chance to have my way to US.

Dear God,

Please grant these two wills as well and make my dreams come true.

Dear God, be with me and protect me and lead me.

With all the love

Prayer for childrens school fees

Dear Lord

you with abundant mercies, bless my family with finances to help us pay for our children’s school fees. dear Lord, remove the curse that has befallen our home- Though we have worked for our money but for 4 months we haven’t been paid. Dear Lord, we pray to you and wonder why this punishment should be meted out to us. we have hope and confidence that it is only through your son Jesus that everything is possible and we seek your compassion that we should be paid our money this week with your help and mercy. pray for us to free us from this stress and mental torture. in Jesus Chrsit’s name we pray to you now and forever.

Prayer for Visa application approval and release

Dear St. Jude. I am praying for visa application to be approved and release speedily. It took delays thats why i have to rebook my grandfather’s flight because the reason thats why i am applying was to accompany my grandfather on his return to Canada.

I am already desperate because of the delays and the time and money will get wasted. Please please St. Jude please hear my prayer. Please bless the visa officer,the agencies and the courier who will be delivering my documents. Plase tap thier shoulder for me so that i can accompany my grandfather.

Please St.Jude. Thank you, St. Jude.

Prayer for a positive pregnancy test.

(Ruston, La United States)

Father God,

I come to you this morning with my whole heart, father God I pray that you bless me witness a positive pregnancy test as when I go for my appointment in a few hours. God you have blessed me with everything I have needed and I turn to you for all things. God please bless me with children to raise according to your word. Please let it in your will that I am pregnant with my first child. In the name of Jesus I pray and I thank you God… Amen

Prayer for Prosperity, Peace, and Strength

Dear Lord,

We are ever grateful to you for the prosperity and peace you have so abundantly bestowed upon us. We place our faith in you and your Divine will. While this year has brought many blessings, it has also been a challenging year, and we ask that you uplift obstacles that are preventing further prosperity and peace of mind in lives. We humbly ask for your healing from the wounds of the past, and plead for your loving kindness as we heal. Please show us the right choices to make so that we can glorify you each day! Please lift any snares, evil, or other negative forces working against us, our business, our family, and friends, and all of our health and happiness. We place our burdens in your hands, knowing that it is through your mercy and benevolence that we can prosper. These things we pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Prayer for healing for my sons addiction and mental health.

Dear God, I come before you again to ask for healing for my son. He suffers horribly from PTSD, insomnia, depression, bipolar, paranoia, drug addiction, guilt, survivor guilt, and other things. As a mom I’ve done all I can. No doctor, friend, or anyone else can fix all of this. Hes seen many doctors, counselors, etc. nothing works. God, I know he’s your child. I believe you will heal him. Please lord, I plead the blood of your son Jesus over my son. I ask for protection of your angels over him.

I pray and ask for healing and clarity over his mind and body. I pray and ask that good people you appoint to be brought into his life, I pray and ask that he be restored. I pray and ask for someone to be put in his path who’s words are directed by you lord God that he will be willing to listen to, and be able to hear what that person speaks clearly, without any of the hallucinations or paranoia. God, please help!

Prayer for Sales in My Business

I have my own business and I usually have a hard time selling my product due to another person in the company giving us a bad reputation. I pray that I can be successful in my business when I share the plan details. I have a product that helps everyone, and is very affordable.

I run into problems when people wait to purchase the plan rather than making the purchase right then and there. My family is struggling financially and this business I am in will help us tremendously. We have debt that is not that high, but the cost of living here is expensive.

I pray that my business turns into a success and I can we can get out of debt. This can help us more to help the community financially, our church, and where the necessity is. Please pray for us and for our financial burden to finally be done with.

Prayer from body pains and chronic headache

Lord i know you know what is wrong in my body please heal me and I will be healed. I put all my trust in you Lord, you are my doctor, you are my medicine. I want to leave in abundance of health for your glory.

Heal me as you healed King Hezekiah and prolong the days of my life. I have no one else to help me but you. I know you have dominion over every infermity and i believe that you are able to heal me my God.

As Your power roars in the waves of the sea , let it roar in me and wipe out every disease and pain. I know you are not a myth, you are the living God. Amen

Prayer for a new house or a rented house

Lord Jesus, We need either a New House or a Rented House, so that we can get up from the place where we are presently staying. We are staying in my mother’s house and it is a nightmare for me, my son & Daughter. We want to stay in peace and away from hatred. Also my children are studying and they want to study with peace. My mother is always saying bad words to us. We are named with bad words by her and her son who is not staying in this house, but comes home and abuse us and trouble us. Please God listen to our prayer and help us to get a house as we have suffered a lot and also we are staying in a small room, where there is no place to move. Lord Jesus have mercy on us and help us. We love you God. We trust in you.

Prayer for ivf to be successful and get pregnant.

In Jesus Name. Heavenly father. we commit the procedure we are about to start into your hands. Please perfect it, use the nurses and doctors to your glory. Let the medication work positively, take control of every step we pray. Please God prepare my body.

Let the procedure result in positive pregnancy result. Pls let me carry health pregnancies to term. Let me me healthy, no complications, no miscarriage or any abnormalty. Let me deliver like the Hebrew women. At the end all glory will come to you in Jesus name. Amen

A prayer for my Son’s Miracle Healing

Dear Heavenly Father and Mother, I ask for a mighty Miracle for my Son’s Health and Happiness. Lord, you know his tender heart and what a brilliant Soul he is. Please give him the strength to choose sobriety and to move forward to get his life back on track.

Guide him to let go of any unforgiveness he has carried for years. Allow him to love himself and claim the beautiful life that is his birth right as God’s precious child. I pray for his wife and children at this very challenging time for all of them. Keep them safe and comforted and, if it is your will and for the greater good, keep them together as a family.

He also needs a job that not only pays the bills but will allow him to use his creative talents. Thank you for your grace and the answer to a Mother’s prayer. Amen

Prayer for a intimate relationship with God

My God and father, in Jesus name i ask you to let your will be done in my life. A closer walk with you is my daily crave. Please speak to me while teaching me to listen as i speak less to have your purpose fulfilled in me. Am weary and trying but seems at times am not retaining when i reading your words. Help me lord. Teach me to know all the things that is of, in, with, about and for you in my life be manifested. Lord Jesus please me seek you each day with joy and fulfillment that i will no longer b weary or sleepy in any part of it. I love you so much and need to make my life available to your evert request. Even if it means sending your man and woman servant to guided the misguided. You know my heart and your plan are greater than the ones for my self so i leave all my situations n daily struggles to you and decide to seek out to know you more to fulfill my purpose. What ever i forget to mansion please fail not to show your compassion. Amen.

Prayer to help me at work from management harassment and threats

Dear God,

Protects me from the harassment and threats of management. Of the mistreatment and fabrication of lies on my character, despite the fact of breaking the law. Give me the strength to endour and prevail, without stooping to their level and allow me the ability to continue producing as I have in the past, which numbers have indicated as one of the best in th Nation. Require management to reward employees justly.

May those of righteousness in upper management open their eyes to these misdeeds to end this treatment once and for all to protect those who diligently work hard to make their final numbers look good and receive rewards for the hard work of lowly employees.


The Rapture in The Bible

The rapture is a controversial topic among many Christians. Lets take a close look at what the bible say about the rapture, and answer some of the most common questions regarding end-times.

What is the Rapture?

The term ‘rapture’ has embedded itself in much of the modern Christian church due to the dramatization of the concept through literature and film, particularly through the popular Left Behind series.

The term is used to refer to a sudden taking away of Christian believers from the Earth.

Apparently, Christians will be ‘raptured’ just prior to seven years of ‘tribulation’ or years of extreme difficulty and suffering for those who remain living on the Earth. Non believers will be left behind to face the end times.

In this article, we will examine the Biblical basis for the concept of a the Rapture, as well as discuss the variations of beliefs regarding the circumstances which will surround that event.

What the Bible Says About the Rapture?

Many people are surprised to learn that rapture is not a Biblical term, but it is true. You will not find the word rapture in the Bible, particularly not in reference to the second coming of Christ or the removal of Christians from the Earth.

The term ‘rapture’ is ‘extra-Biblical,’ in a similar way that the terms ‘Trinity’ and ‘Triune God’ are also extra-Biblical. They are terms representative of concepts found within Bible passages, but which never had those exact terms applied to them by the writers.

The concept of the rapture is derived from the New Testament book of First Thessalonians and the fourth chapter, as shown in verses 15 through 17.

“For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with commandment, and with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead who are in Christ, shall rise first. ” [1 Thessalonians 4:16]

It is quite obvious that the basic definition of the rapture is taken from these verses.

The Bible does clearly state that their will be a time when Christians still living on the Earth shall be ‘taken up.’ The debate between Christians on this tends to be in two areas:

One being whether this scripture is meant to be taken literally or figuratively. Secondly, and more commonly, the debate is more one of timing. Is the rapture something that takes place several years prior to Christ’s final coming or as an integral part of that singular event?

When Will The Rapture Happen?

As stated above, the debate on the event labeled as The Rapture centers primarily about when this event will occur in relation to the other prophesied events surrounding the Second Coming of Christ.

Although there are several minor variations, the two primary camps of thought on the subject are the ‘pre-tribulation’ and ‘post-tribulation’ proponents. To understand their viewpoints, we must first examine what the Bible has to say about this period commonly referred to as the Great Tribulation.

What the Bible Says About the Great Tribulation

The Biblical basis for what has been referred to as the Great Tribulation comes primarily from references in the Gospels:

“Immediately after the tribulation … then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man [Jesus] … and he shall gather his elect” [Matthew 24:29“31; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-27]

This declaration of a time of tribulation or trouble is then coupled with the series of devastating events described in the prophetic Book of Revelation which culminate in a thousand year reign of Christ on the Earth.

Pre or Post Tribulation Rapture?

The fact is that both sides of the debate can provide you with a trail of scripture references that back their reasoning for believing in a rapture event that occurs prior to or following this period of tribulation.

To fully demonstrate those arguments would take much more time and space than we’ve allotted for this article. However, we can address the ‘attitude’ which the Bible encourages us to have in regards to the events of the future, particularly those which my cause us anxiety or concern.

The Attitude of Those Who Trust in Christ

“…I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until the day of his return.” [II Timothy 7: 12b NLT]
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” [John 16:33 KJV]

In conclusion, the Bible clearly teaches that Christ will again return to gather his followers to himself, that he will take them up or ‘rapture’ them from the current Earth.

When that will occur can be debated and where he will be taking them may be debated, however, if you trust in what the Bible says, as a follower of Christ you need not fear tribulation or death. We follow One whom we can trust and who desires and offers us peace, now and for future days and events, as well.

Prayer for Baby with Eczema and allergies

Dear Lord please cure my 12 week old baby from Eczema and allergies. I pray that you take the discomfort away and give him peaceful sleep (day and night). Please Lord give me the faith that he will be healed. Give me patience to bear with this situation. In the mighty name of Jesus

Prayer for my exboyfriend

Lord, Thank you for everything you have done for me. When I was in heartache, distress, betrayed, cheated on, deceived, relentless, and hopeless you helped dig me out and as I stumbled when I began to walk you gave me strength, and when I ran out of breathe and fell back down you carried me.

You helped me get through the most difficult time in my life and I couldn’t have done it without you and have come to realize now more than ever with you everything is possible and without you nothing can exist. Thank you Lord for carrying me when I had nothing left to give.

I also want to repent for all of my sins. All the wrong that I have done I want and strive to be better but become to easily tempted at times. I repent and I am truly sorry Lord.I want to do better and be better for you and those around me.I want to live more like Christ and do your will. Lord please guide me in being more like you intended me to be by keeping me in the right path, keeping the right people in my life and letting go of the wrong people in my life.

Lord I thankful for the clarity you have given me and I would like to pray for someone to attain the same clarity as you have extended to me. I pray that my ex boyfriend sees all the harm he had done by making bad choices and all the people he has hurt because of them. I pray that you fill him with the holy spirit to remove the curse in his eyes that stop him from seeing his actions and the people he is hurting so that he may repent and take responsibility for his actions. I pray that you show him the love he had for me and bring him back to me. I pray that all communication barriers become removed and all things keeping us apart all barriers become removed so he can find his way back to me. I pray he is protected from all those who wish him harm and are using him. I pray for a hedge of thorns around him so all that tempt him looses interest in him and he comes back to me. I pray all evil around him that is clouding his perception thoughts and sight leave his body and surroundings so that he can be freed from temptation. I pray all the negative people around him are removed from his life who are influencing him wrongly so he can see clearly and I also pray that he is able to leave without any bodily harm/ safely. I pray you help him find his way to me and I know only you Lord can make that happen because with you everything is possible.

Please Lord thank you for your many blessings continue to bless all those in my surroundings myself, all those in need of your love, all those who curse me, all those who love me, all those who are searching for clarity and the truth, all those blinded by love, all those who make excuses for others, and all those who don’t know any better. Bless us all we all need your blessings from up above. Lord thankyou for everything you have done so far for me and everything you are about to do. I pray I depair leaves me and happiness finds me. Lord you know my heart and my situation please bless me, help me, and help him.

In Jesus name Amen

Prayer for my brother and wife

Lord in heaven, I thank you and praise you for your perfect will and all our blessings. I worship your greatness in the trials we face. I ask in Faith that you would bless My brother and his wife with a baby of their own soon Lord. You know the hurdles medically and financially that appear to stand in their way but by you nothing is impossible.

As your word tells me, “I believe, help my unbelief”. Grant haste to the answers of all those who pray in faith for a child Lord. That you would put the right plans in place and remove all obstacles. In your will Oh Lord, create fertile wombs and fathers, and loving safe homes for the children many dream of. Correctly place each child of yours according to their needs.

My Lord I know you will bless my brother and wife with a baby, please give them peace and faith that you are wth them. Let them call upon you for this miracle. Lead them to you through this yearning. Oh Holy Spirit, you who solves all problems, light up their paths so they can achieve their goal of a child to love in their home. You who gives us the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against us, you are with us.

We want to thank you as we confirm once again we want to be with you in Eternal glory, and never want to be separatred from you, despite any material illusion. I love you. I thank you. I praise you. I give all honour to your mighty name, from now until your precious kingdom comes soon. Through Jesus my saviour I pray. Amen.