Prayer to Deliver My Son from Mental Illness and Drug Abuse

Dear heavenly Father,

I pray that You will lay Your healing hand on my Son, Tyrone, and set him free from the bondage of mental illness and drug use. Lord, I know you can deliver him from schizophrenia and drug abuse. Please grant him happiness and peace as he surrenders all to you, Lord. I pray for Tyrone’s restoration of mind, body and spirit and that he will be able to function well in society and have a great relationship with others and, most of all, you, Lord.

Lord, encourage Tyrone to accept the help he needs, right now, to recover and find that sweet peace that comes from recovery. I know that You are waiting for him to come to You with open arms. I pray that he will see the light that is shining ever so brightly at the end of his dark tunnel. I know that if my Son will turn to You, he will find a peace hes never known and that only comes from YOU. I pray that You will lay Your healing hand on my Son and set him free from the bondage of mental illness and drug use.

Lord, please give Tyrone the courage he needs at this time. Please give him the strength he needs to fight this battle and overcome . Help him to know your love and power that lives within him and he can call on you to be victorious in this battle! Lord, I love you and I thank you! It is done.

Prayer for Immediate Employment

Lord, you know I am not perfect and fall short every day of my life but, I want to take time out to say THANK YOU for your mercy. Lord, I pray to you today that you hear my cry for your help and your blessing of Immediate Employment. Lord you know my struggles and I have been searching for employment for quite some time now with little to no results.

I am praying for your guidance in finding a job that will make good use of the skills you have given me. Lord I also ask that you speak to me and that I hear you clearly on the right decisions to make in my life that will get me closer to the plan you have in-store for me.
Lord I’ve been told “ask and you shall receive”. I surrender my troubles and worries to you Lord and I trust that you will meet all my needs.
Thank You Lord! Amen

Prayer to move on with my life and forget my ex-boyfriend

Dear Lord,

It has been almost eight months to the night when a man I loved deeply broke up with me. I still think about him day and night – but I really want to get over this because it’s no use hanging on to a fractured past.
Please deliver me from the suffering of remembering our times together – both the good and bad times – and please, I implore you, please help me to move on and do Your Will.
Even though we do not keep in touch anymore, we are still colleagues (albeit in different offices) and it’s hard not to think about him when his name is mentioned. But please help me to move on and treat thoughts of him that creep into my mind with nonchalance. I beseech you, O Lord, to let me truly forget and forgive him to the point when I would feel absolutely neutral, the way a mere acquaintance would, when I next see him or hear news of him. Please help me to get over my ex-boyfriend so that the goodness in life that You have in store for me will manifest itself soon. I beseech you, Lord, to help me forget him soon and for a good man who’s equally yoked in Christ with me to appear in my life soon.
I pray that you bless me with the willpower, courage and ability to really move on from lingering thoughts of my ex-boyfriend and get on with my life…Amen!

Prayer for Healing after a Stroke

Dear Lord, I pray for my Uncle A who had a massive stroke in February. You have guided and kept him thus far. He’s making progress, he’s still not walking or talking but with your loving mercies, he will one day. I committ my uncle to you Dear Lord.

Heal his feable frame and touch his voice box so he make speak again. Thank you for sparing his life, use him as a living testimony of Your works. You know the man he was, now Lord I ask that You make him the man You want him to be. Bless You Lord, thank you for hearing my prayer. I love You Lord, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

10 Great Reasons to Pray

Did you know that prayer is one of the most powerful forces in the world?

Many men and women will attest to the fact that their prayers changed lives, saved lives, moved mountains, upheld faith, got them through tough times, and so much more. Here are some great reasons to pray every day.

1. Prayer Protects Us

1 Timothy 2:1-2 admonishes people to pray for everyone who is in authority so that life can be lived peacefully and quietly in holiness and godliness. If you pray protection over yourself, your family, and others, the angels and protective forces surround and protect you from harm. This is one powerful reason to pray.

Read: Prayers for Protection

2. Prayer Changes Things

2 Chronicles 7:14 tells states that if people would humble themselves, pray, and turn from sin, God will hear them, forgive their sins, and heal the land. Prayer changes circumstances, people, and the spiritual state of the land.

Revivals have occurred due to much prayer!

3. Prayer Keeps You In the Will of God

Many people wonder from time to time if they are doing things that are Gods will. They may be faced with a tough decision or want to begin a new adventure and wonder what God wants them to do.

Praying about such issues will help you to get and stay in the will of God. As you pray, be sure to listen to the still, small voice within your spirit for direction and guidance.

4. Prayer draws you closer to God

Im sure you want to feel very close to God and praying can help you draw very close indeed. Just like spending time with a friend enhances your friendship, spending time with God greatly enhances your relationship. The more time you spend, the more acquainted and intimate you can become.

Commit to regular time to converse.

5. Prayer enhances your happiness level

Studies reveal that people who pray regularly experience less stress and tend to feel happier. The ability to let God know your thoughts, feelings, fears, and requests for yourself and others is a great stress reliever and faith builder.

Youll simply feel happier as well!

6. Prayer gives you hope

Sometimes life can throw some pretty awful things your way and you might be tempted to lose heart or give up on your hopes or dreams. Prayer is your answer to hopelessness.

Praying people hope even though they cant see with their physical eyes the solution or miracle, they believe prayers can be answered. When youre at your wits end and dont know what to do, pray. When youve run into the brick wall time and time again, pray and hope. Never lose hope.

Read: Prayers for Hope

7. Prayer decreases selfishness

I think we can all admit that sometimes we can become selfish and forget about the well-being of others. We can get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget, neglect prayer time, and end up feeling burned out. If you take time for regular prayer, youll be reminded that life isnt all about you.

Life is about all of humanity and to only think about yourself can be selfish. Make a commitment to pray consistently and let your carnality be replaced by your spiritual nature.

8. Prayer heals

Prayer not only brings about physical healings, but also emotional healings. James 5:15 states: The prayer of faith will save the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. There are many instances in the Bible where men, women, and children were healed.

Prayers for the sick ought to be prayed daily, as there really is power in such prayers.

Read: Prayers for Healing

9. Prayer increases spiritual strength

Just like healthy food gives your physical body nourishment and strength, prayer and reading the Word of God nourishes your spiritual nature. As you converse with God in prayer, you are drawing strength from Him and those you pray for are receiving strength as well.

Read: Prayers for Strength

10. Prayer gives us peace

Philippians 4:6-7 admonishes us to pray to God with issues, problems, and concerns and God will see to it that peace comes to you so you can rest knowing that the power of prayer works.

The Holy Spirit is able to give you supernatural peace even in the toughest of times. Take your heartaches, fears, and biggest concerns to God in prayer.

If you have been wondering if you should pray or take more time for prayer, the answer is a resounding yes!

Prayer for Employment Visa Approval

Dear St Joseph,

In you i come that my visa process approval will be a success. Thanks Lord for this another mile stone of opportunity and blessings. Make me a blessings to others out of this employment in Abu Dhabi. I ask that it will be the best break for me as an OFW .
St. Joseph pray for me.
Thank you
Your son

How to Teach Children About Prayer

Have you ever heard a child pray?

If so, you can probably agree that it is one of the most precious things to hear. Children have an innocent faith about them and if they are praying about something, theyre usually praying right from the bottom of their heart speaking to God with childlike faith.

If youre wondering how to teach your children about prayer, I commend you for your desire to teach such an important principle to your children.

Prayer is a powerful tool and if taught to children while they are young, its likely that they will pray throughout their whole lives.


Here are some practical ways to teach your children about prayer…

Lead by Example:

Children will learn a great deal about prayer as they hear you pray. Pray in the morning, before meals, during family time, when someone is ill, at bedtime, or anytime for that matter!

As you boldly declare your faith in prayer to God, your children will be more apt to want to follow in your footsteps. They may even add to your prayers spontaneously.

Promote Talking:

Children might be apprehensive if they hear formal prayers and wonder if they could pray so eloquent.

Teach your children that praying simply means talking to God. Just like they would talk to their teacher, parent, or friend, they can talk to God. Let them know that there is really no right or wrong way to talk to God; they can simply share their feelings, thoughts, and concerns.

Read Bible stories together:

There are plenty of times that Jesus or others in the Bible prayed to God. Read Bible stories with your children as often as you can, as they will get to learn more about God and hear how men prayed to God back in the ancient days.

There are many Bible story books available to choose from. There are also childrens prayer books you could purchase and read together.

Write out some prayers:

If your child is struggling with an issue such as fear or ill health, write out some prayers to God that he or she can pray on occasion. I know one child who taped a piece of paper to her wall by her bed that had prayers written on it. She prayed those prayers every night before going to sleep.

Let your children know that they dont have to pray word for word, but to use the prayers as a guide. You dont want them to think that their doing it wrong.

Remind them of answered prayers:

If you and your children have prayed about something and that prayer was answered, let them know.

If you prayed for Aunt Susie to recover from the flu in record time and she did, celebrate the answered prayer with your children. This will act as a faith builder for them and theyll be more apt to pray in the future.

Give them a prayer journal:

Prayer journaling is a great way for your children to learn how to pray. Purchase or make a prayer journal out of a notebook and give it to your child. Tell him to write down prayers, as well as thoughts and feelings. Encourage him to make a note when a prayer has been answered.

This will help him to build his faith and express his feelings and desires to God.

Go through the Lords Prayer:

Matthew 6:9-13 is known as the Lords Prayer. Take your children through this prayer and discuss how Jesus prayed and how they can use the same type of prayer as an example while they pray.

The Lords Prayer can teach them to:

“Honor God
Ask God for daily needs to be met
Ask for forgiveness for sins
Promote protection from evil
Be thankful” [Matthew 6:9-13]

Have regular family prayer time:

Im sure youve heard the saying, A family that prays together stays together. Praying as a family is advantageous in various ways. There is a bond that is formed as people pray together and you can share that as a family.

Your children will come to love family prayer time, as there is much love and devotion during that time. Pray for each other, friends, the Body of Christ, the hurt, lost, lonely, afflicted, and so on. Commit to regular family prayer time and know that your prayers are powerful and changing lives.

Teaching your children to pray is a wonderful act of love and service. The power of prayer is remarkable and to instill that to your children is a worthwhile goal. It doesnt matter how old your children are now; you can begin teaching them about prayer today.

As you esteem prayer in your house, your children will come to understand that prayer is simply a part of life and be more apt to pray now and later in life.

Prayer works!

Prayer to accept the death of my husband


Tonight I beg you to remove the pain I feel everyday. I want to walk and wake up everyday with peace. I want to move on. Be Happy.Not feeling guilty for moving on. I need your strength Father. I know my husband is celebrating his life in heaven. I feel protected by him everyday. Sometimes I can’t understand Why I am going thru this. 26 years old and I faced the worst anyone can go through. My husband served the army and protected us from our enemy lines.. Please forgive him for his sins. Forgive me for my sins. Give me the strength Lord to wake up everyday with a reason to live. Please Father I beg you to remove any suicidal thoughts. Give me happiness Lord.Give me Acceptance.
In the name of our Father,

Prayer For a change in my situation

Dear Father,

I feel so broken, so sad, so alone…I have tried for so long but nothing works for me, it always ends up blowing up in my face. Father I ask why me, why you turned away from me. Everything in my life is crumbling and I don’t have the strength to pick up the pieces anymore.

I am so tired of feeling this way father, I am so tired of all the pain, all the heartache, life is not worth living if it is only to be filled with such sadness such heaviness of heart and I can’t understand why you stay silent oh my God. Rise up Lord and take control of my situation, I know that you see me, you hear me and you know what I am going through because your word says so.

So please do not be silent anymore Lord, do not stand by and watch as I gradually wither away like a flower in the desert, instead rise up oh Lord and answer my prayer, rise up Lord and change my story, give me these things that I ask of you and Lord I will be forever grateful and mindful of your help and I will praise your name all the days of my life.

In all Lord let your will be done, and give me the strength to accept it.

Urgent Prayer Request From A Struggling College Student

College has not been easy. I feel like I’ve been in the parked position, because I am finishing my science major, while also discerning a call to the priesthood or religious life. And because my grades have not been outstanding, I find it to be unlikely to continue on to become a veterinarian.

I pray that the Lord would help me and anyone else in college who is struggling to keep their grades up and working part-time to find the rest and resources to do well in school, graduate, find help for our personal problems, and make the right decision as to what the Lord is calling each of us to do. Thank you for your prayers and God bless.

prayer to restore my relationship with my baby’s father

Heavenly father,have mercy on me and thank you for giving me the opportunity to post this request. my boyfriend stayed together for almost four years,and we have a baby boy , i loved him with all my heart and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.but suddenly things turned sour between us where i felt like darkness was surrounding us.

we started arguing and everything became a mess. he left me with his son and never came back. people keep accusing me and telling him bad things about me. i am feeling so hurt. i know that he still loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me, oh lord i pray for your miracle in his life , turn a light into his heart and change him.what ever it is that is holding him back from me and our son.

by the power of your holy spirit i ask lord that you help hom find his way out and back in my arms. in Jesus name amen

Prayers Needed to Prevent Homelessness

My children and I are in need of prayers in order that we not become homeless.

I’m also a single mother, unable to find a job, and without support. Family members wish not to help and I pray that despite circumstances, my children and I will have a roof over our head & be safe, have food on the table, be able to pay bills, stay in good health, forgive others, and be in good spirits.

In order to give back, I also need prayers that I can be of position to assist those in need.

Thank you for reading my requests and your prayers.

God Bless.

Prayer for forgiveness from my daughter

My daughter has not spoken to me in nearly 2 years. Please Blessed Mother, ask our Lord to help her forgive me. I have only wanted to be a good Dad to her, but there were times growing up when my anger showed. Please help her remember the good times we had as a family. Please let her know that I care about her very much and that I miss her.

Please take away the anger that she has to be and allow her to see me as a father who really does love her. Please give me the grace to remain patient, but please Lord, let this trial not be longer than it needs to be. I ask you , Blessed Mother, to ask your son to grant her success with her studies and to forgive me. I miss her so much.

What Are The Seven Deadly Sins?

By Brad Andres


So, you want to know about the seven deadly sins?

It is a good question. We don’t often here about “sloth” in our every day lives. Here is a brief run down of the seven deadly sins defined in a way we can all understand.

1. Lust

Normally, the first idea which comes to mind with lust is the act of sex. It is not uncommon for the idea of forbidden sexual activity to surface upon hearing the word lust. However, lust does not center around sensual pleasures.

Lust is an intense desire.

Lust is an unquenchable thirst. It is something that burns inside and has the potential to consume a person. Lust may show itself reaching for food, power, money, or any other thing an individuals heart may desire.

Do not lust in your heart for her beauty,
and do not let her captivate you with her alluring eyes.
Proverbs 6:25 NET

2. Gluttony

Usually, the first idea which accompanies the word gluttony is that of cramming food down ones throat. When someone is being considered a glutton, it is often on the basis of them over eating. When boiled down to its core:

Gluttony is simply an over consumption.

The sin of drunkenness is often associated with the sin of gluttony. The principal in action is that of an over consumption. Drunkenness is a result of too much alcohol. As the hyper indulgence of alcohol is defined by drunkenness, so is the hyper indulgence of food defined by gluttony.

Do not spend time among drunkards,
among those who eat too much meat,
because drunkards and gluttons become impoverished,
and drowsiness clothes them with rags.
Proverbs 23:20-21 NET

3. Greed

Green dollar signs flash in front of the eyes of a greedy person. This is the common mental image concerning greed, someone who desires more money than they need. While this idea is accurate, there is something that separates this intense desire for more from the sins of lust or gluttony.

Greed is focused on obtaining material wealth or objects.

Sometimes, greed is evidenced by a questionable choice. Committing other sins in order to obtain a material object displays the greed which exists inside a person.

My people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before you to listen to your words, but they do not put them into practice. With their mouths they express devotion, but their hearts are greedy for unjust gain.
Ezekiel 33:31 NIV

4. Sloth

A sloth is a slow, lethargic animal. It lays around, eats, and sleeps. It seems to accomplish nothing. So too does this sin of sloth relate to a persons problem with laziness. Throughout Christian history, sloth has referred to a spiritual laziness which rejects the free gift of Gods grace and salvation. However, this understanding plays off of the biblical idea of sloth and sluggishness.

Sloth is a laziness, an indifference, an attitude lacking motivation.

Biblically, sloth gives way to the downfall, or ruin, of a person. Because of their sloth (laziness or sluggishness), a person must go without their needed desires. Instead of a focus on spiritual aspects, sloth throughout Scripture deals with the physical side of life. The primary focus is on choosing to stay diligent concerning physical tasks which arise throughout life.

Go to the ant, you sluggard;
observe its ways and be wise!
It has no commander,
overseer, or ruler,
yet it prepares its food in the summer;
it gathers at the harvest what it will eat.
How long, you sluggard, will you lie there?
When will you rise from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber,
a little folding of the hands to relax,
and your poverty will come like a robber,
and your need like an armed man.
Proverbs 6:6-11 NET

5. Wrath

Wrath brings a thought of someone with a red hot face, screaming out of control. The common thought of wrath is that it is simply a heightened form of anger. This is both true and false.

Wrath is anger which seeks vengeance beyond an offense.

Anger is separate from wrath. Whereas anger may be an acceptable emotion, wrath is defined by the desired actions accompanying that emotion. Wrath seeks retaliation above what is just. Wrath doesnt intend to get even; it goes far beyond what is reasonable.

When they heard this, all the people in the synagogue were filled with rage (wrath). They got up, forced him out of the town, and brought him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, so that they could throw him down the cliff.
Luke 4:28-29 NET

6. Envy

Envy may bring a mental picture of a person daydreaming about being someone else. It is a feeling of resentment or discontentment which arouses from another individuals possessions or qualities.

Envy desires what someone else has.

Jealousy, that unhappy feeling connected to seeing someone else succeed, is closely connected to envy. However, envy is something separate from jealousy. Envy desires to obtain that object of adoration which causes a jealous feeling. It covets something, and devises a way to obtain it.

You shall not covet your neighbors house. You shall not covet your neighbors wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Exodus 20:17 NET

7. Pride

Pride is the hardest of the seven deadly sins to pinpoint. It is easy to spot a prideful and arrogant person who walks with their chin up, chest puffed out, and without regard for others who are worth less than they are.

Pride lifts oneself up above all others, including God.

Pride is considered by some to be the chief sin. It is thought by some to be the dysfunction that causes and leads to all other sin.

As an individual believes that they are the highest authority, that they are the best performer, or that they are untouchable, then they have dismissed God and His higher power above them. These thoughts of pride show themselves in disregard for the rest of Gods creation, Gods people, and their abilities.

The pride of your heart has deceived you,
you who live in the clefts of the rocks
and make your home on the heights,
you who say to yourself,
Who can bring me down to the ground?
Though you soar like the eagle
and make your nest among the stars,
from there I will bring you down,
declares the Lord.
Obadiah 1:3-4 NIV

Brad Andres is a licensed minister and his passion is to help people understand the Bible and maximize their God given potential for life.


A Wedding Dinner Prayer

A Wedding Dinner Prayer

By ” Father Dan Wentzloff

Lord we thank you for our family gathered here today in celebration of this marriage and the love that unites us. Bless us all and the food that we are about to share with the Bride and Groom in their first meal together as Husband and Wife. Grant that this meal enrich us with wisdom andlaughter enough so that it’s memory will last for the rest of our life.

As food nourishes the Body, so does lovenourish the soul. Let their love for each other be a seal upon their hearts. We ask that you would take this couple into your hands.Guide them, O God, as they become a family, as they each change through the years. We thank you for the love, guidance and support of all the important people in their lives,their parents, family and friends.

Bless Jim and Erin as they begin their journey down the road of life together. May they always be as keenly aware of Your presence and rich in Your blessings.


Holiday Prayers

Here we have a huge collection of Holiday prayers for Christmas and Thanksgiving. There are also prayers for baptism and birthdays listed below.

Look to the sidebar for links for prayers for more special days.

Christmas Prayers

Glory On God, In The Highest

Almighty God, eternal Father, I thank Thee
That Thou didst so love the world
As to give Thine only begotten Son,
That whosoever believeth in Him
Should not perish,
But have everlasting life.

I thank Thee for the manifestation
Of the Son of God in the flesh.
I thank Thee that he is not only
The Savior of the world, but also my Savior.

I thank Thee that Thou hast given
Me part in the great blessings which
Thy Son has brought into the world
As the Savior of men.

Grant unto me now the precious
Gift of faith whereby I may know
That the Son of God is come,
That I may have part in His redemption.

I thank Thee, O blessed Jesus,
That Thou didst take upon Thyself
The nature of sinful man;
That Thou didst make a full satisfaction
For all my sins, and didst reconcile me to the Father.

I thank Thee for the great joy which Thy coming
Into the world has brought to mankind.
O blessed Jesus, I thank Thee
That Thou didst become a little child,
So that we might become children of God.
I pray that Thou mayest also be born
In my poor heart.
Grant me a childlike faith
And unite me with Thyself by the power of Thy grace.
Let the Sun of Righteousness arise in my soul,
With healings in His wings.
Make me a true child of God,
And an heir of life eternal.
O Lord God, let the glad
Tidings of salvation be diffused
Throughout the whole world.
Hasten the time when the knowledge of
Jesus shall cover the whole earth.

O bless Thy people this day.
Bless all, great and small, who now rejoice
In the birth of Jesus.
Help all to receive the newborn
King with open hearts, and to join
In the song of the angels:
“Glory to God in the highest;
Peace on earth, good will to men.”
All of which I ask for His name’s sake.

Peace Within

May today there be Peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love
That has been given you.
May you be content knowing that you are a child of God!
Let His presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul
The freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us!

Thanksgiving Psalms from the Dead Sea Scrolls

Songs of Thanksgiving

I will praise Thy works
With songs of thanksgiving,
Continually, from period to period,
In the circuits of the day, and in its fixed order;
With the coming of light from its source
And at the turn of evening and the outgoing of light
At the outgoing of darkness and the coming in of day,
Continually, in all the generations of time.

I am grateful, Heavenly Father,
For Thou hast raised me to an eternal height
And I walk in the wonders of the plain.

Thou gavest me guidance
To reach thine eternal company
From the depths of the earth.

Thou hast purified my body
To join the army of the angels of the earth
And my spirit to reach
The congregation of the heavenly angels.

Thou gavest man eternity
To praise at dawn and dusk
Thy works and wonders
In joyful song.

I thank Thee, Heavenly Father,
Because Thou hast put me
At a source of running streams,
At a living spring in a land of drought,
Watering an eternal garden of wonders,
The Tree of Life, mystery of mysteries,
Growing everlasting branches for eternal planting
To sink their roots into the stream of life
From an eternal source.

And Thou, Heavenly Father,
Protect their fruits
With the angels of the day
And of the night
And with flames of Eternal Light burning
Every way.

We Thank Thee, Jesus

O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever.
He satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness. Be Thou exalted,
O God, above the heavens: and Thy glory above all the earth. Amen!

For what we have received, O Lord, we are devoutly thankful. May it be health to our body,
as Thy presence is health to our souls. Amen!

Thou hast been very good to us, O Lord, through all our lives, and these are only the
latest of countless bounties. To Thee be thanksgiving and glory, world without end. Amen!

Lord, we thank Thee for this meal. We will again set about our tasks; and may it be with
the renewed sense of Thy loving presence and tender care. Amen!

We thank Thee, Jesus, our bountiful Provider, for what Thou hast given us.
As Thou hast fed us here, continue to feed us, we pray Thee, with the Bread of Life. Amen!

Read Christmas Bible Verses

“And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.”

[Matthew 2:11]

Click here to read more Christmas Bible Verses


Birthday Prayers

Almighty God, my Heavenly Father,
I thank Thee that thou hast spared me to see the light
Of this interesting day. Frtom early childhood to this
Moment Thou hast watched over me and preserved me.
Help me this day to remember Thy love and mercy.
Thy goodness has ever been new unto me.

In all times and seasons, in joy
And in sorrow, Thou hast always been the
Same gracious Father unto me. All my wants
Have been supplied. Help me now to be devoutly
Thankful, and truly to love Thee. May Thy loving
Kindness draw my heart ever nearer to Thee. Remind me
This day of the rapid flight of time, and so teach
Me to number my days that I may apply my heart unto wisdom.

Help me to remember that soon the days and years of this life
Will be over. Help me so to live that when life’s end comes
I may render my account to Thee with joy, and not with grief.

Lord, abide with me. Comfort me when in sorrow, and help
Me to be thankful when in prosperity. Blessed Savior,
Who art the Way, the Truth and the Life, help me to
Love and serve Thee, that I may after this short life
Be fit for Life Everlasting, for Thy name’s sake. Amen!

Anniversary of Baptisms

Gracious God and Father, I thank Thee
This day that I was early made a member of Thy kingdom
By the holy sacrament of baptism. I thank Thee that I am
Not my own, but belong to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ,
Who has made full satisfaction for all my sins.

I thank Thee that before I could know Thee, I was brought to
Thee in holy baptism, and that now I am in the covenant of grace.
I thank Thee for the promises given to those thus brought to Thee.

Help me to realize and renew the promises made in my behalf
At my baptism, and to confirm them by a holy life.
Grant unto me ever the renewal of the Holy Ghost, and the
Forgiveness of sins, so that I may live unto Thee,
And not unto the world.

Ever guide my steps, that I may not wander away from Thee.
I thank Thee, o Father, for the great blessings which I enjoy
As a member of the Church. Sanctify unto me the means of
Grace, that I may be fitted for Thy service here, and for
Thy glory hereafter. Guide me, O God, through this life,
And bring me at last into Thy glorious kingdom in Heaven
in Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.

Healing from cancer for my mom

Heavenly Father, I come before you with a

solemn heart and in need of your intercession.
I pray that the cancer that has come into my mom’s life
soon fades into a quick remission. I believe in
your capacity for miracles, and ask for this on my mom’s
behalf. As we grow older, I know we become closer
to the day you accept us back into your kingdom.

I ask that you delay that holy union with my mom if it be your will. I ask that you grant my mom and our family this miracle through your love and compassion.

I also want to say a prayer for all the other people on this site praying for the same or similar miracle. Help us understand and accept your will.

In your name I pray, Amen.

Lord, I need your help

Lord, I need your help. I am sorry for all the times that i let the devil come into my life. I always felt that you would forgive me and it was weak of me to take advantage of your forgivness.

I want to provide for my famimly.

I have bills and am about to loose it all. I humbley beg of you to answer my prayers. I have so many people depending on me and I can not let them down.

I truley want to be a man of GOD. Please help me sin no more. Please help me. I need your blessings.


Prayer for a contract to come

St. Jude I ask you to pray for my family that we receive a new contract so that my son can start school back home. I have been so alone and so depressed and desperately want to return home with my family and this can be done if we receive a contract from the school we have been in touch with. I will be forever grateful for this favor granted to us St. Jude.

My Birthday Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for your blessings and guidance not only for myself, also to my family and friends..I am sorry for the times i forgot to praise you and thank you for giving your life to us…forgive me for my sins that I only think of my selfishness and rudeness of my heart….Please bless my mind, my heart and my soul that I may able to act and speak according to your will.

I pray for protection and guidance in my everyday journey…
I also pray for good health and happiness of my family and friends.

In Jesus name I pray.


Bless me So I can be a blessing others

Dear God

I come to you with a open heart, pouring everything I have to you Lord. Only you know all the struggles I have before me, only you know the years of pain and struggling I have endured. I thank you God for blessing me and allowing me to wake up everyday in good health and strength, but most importantly keeping me faithful. Lord as I go through these hard times right now in private, I ask that you bless me so I can be a blessing to others.

I feel as if I am in the lowest point right now in my life and I need your love and enlightenment in my life. I ask you Father, if now is not my time to be blessed I beg you to bless others who have a greater need. If you have to put taking care of me aside to help someone else, someone who is experiencing homelessness, being in a abusive situation, facing eviction, losing a job, facing divorce, facing the bondages of imprisonment, facing poverty and hunger I beg you Lord to put my blessings aside and please Lord, please Father God take care of them. I may be going through a very rough time right now, but as the tears roll down my face at this very moment, I have faith that you will help me, you have done it before and I know you will do it again. For it is not my will but THY WILL BE DONE. I thank you in advance for answering my prayers and that of those who have read this. I love you God, thank you for everything and thank you for my Faith!


Prayer For My Child’s Troubled Marriage

Dear Lord, my children need Your help. They are in a troubled marriage. One filled with numerous stresses – my son is working two jobs, my daughter-in-law is exhausted caring for four young children, financial problems and stresses I am not even aware of.

They are on the brink of divorce.
You know their needs,Lord. Guide them in Your ways and give them strength and courage to follow Your path. Bring Your healing and peace to this family.
In Jesus name I pray.

Prayer to please heal my dad

God I ask for healing! My dad is a strong believer in you and the miracles that you creat! I ask that you send him comfort, patient, love, faith, and hope! And heal his sick body! I am so thankful for the many things in life that you have given me and my family! And yet you continue to give and give! But we really need you right now! Please heal my dad!

Prayer to restore sense of taste

Dear St. Joseph if you could please ask the dear Lord to restore my sense of taste. For some reason it has disappeared , and is only there for a few bites sometimes and then nothing. Some days I can not taste at all. It has been three months and it is very very hard to deal with.

I am so sorry if I have done anything in my life to cause God to want his to happen to me. I have told him that many times when I talk to him. It seems like a silly request, I know, but I am lost sad and frustrated. I always pray daily and have all my life, and will not ever give up hope.

I know the dear Lord is very busy and perhaps its just not my turn yet. Please give me the strength to deal with this. I have been to the doctor and he treated me for a mouth infection, however there is still no taste. Thank you St Joseph for listening to my prayer

Prayer to soften my wife’s heart and forgive me.

Lord I come to you with nothing but sorrow in my heart.

You led me to my one true love.
I, being selfish and self centered have lost the greatest love I have ever known.
She is truly my other half and I did not treat her as I should have.

Please forgive me dear Jesus and soften her hardened heart and show her that I am truly sorry for failing her.

Lord I ask you bring whatever permanent changes to my spirit and mind and soul to show her that my love for her is true and eternal.
I pray that you see my love for here and heal my Marriage.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen..

10 Tips for Effective Prayer

By Brad Andres

How do you pray effectively? We get this question a lot.

There is no way to guarantee that your prayers will be answered. Though God does answer prayers. However, the scriptures do teach us how to pray the way God wants us to. So, here are some tips.


1. Understand Jesus opened the way for effective prayer.

In the early days, direct access to God was limited. There were sacrificial rites which needed to be observed, and even then, only a select few had access to speak with God one on one.

Today, we have direct access to God based on the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice enables us to gain a direct audience with The Holy One. God has given the gift of His special presence to all who accept the works of Jesus Christ in their lives.

Entering Gods special presence is the starting point of effective prayer.

2. Pray each word with purpose.

Some prayers are written out, such as the prayers we have here on Prayers-For-Special-Help. We have provided many prayers to help you articulate the thoughts and feelings you have inside of you.

A word of caution: You can recite a prosed prayer as long as you mean what you are saying. The words of prayer must come from your heart. Whether or not the prayers are spontaneous or premeditated does not matter. An authentic heart and posture before God is what counts in prayer.

Sincerity in His special presence helps keep prayer effective.

3. Continually communicate with God.

The True God knows each of us intimately. He knows our thoughts, our hearts, and He loves to help us. He desires we come to know him as intimately as He knows us. A close relationship with the Father is our basis for prayer, not a business-like partnership. We must talk with him as a friend, and not only seek His voice in times of need.

Continual friendship with God leads to effective prayer.

4. Live in line with Gods teachings.

In his writing, James teaches his audience that with an authentic and righteous lifestyle comes an effective prayer life. He encourages his hearers by saying they can achieve the same results in prayer as Elijah. Elijah was a prayer model, he achieved many things by prayer throughout his ministry. For instance, he called down fire from heaven to devour a sacrifice. We too, can achieve these great results through prayer.

Living life as God directs results in an effective prayer life.

5. Remember that effective prayer comes through an authoritative position.

It is fairly common practice to end a prayer by saying, in your name, or in Jesus name. We have been given authority to use His name, but the name isnt the power. The power is in the position of being a child of God and a representative of Jesus Christ on earth.

Thus, our prayers become powerful because of the position we are in. The power comes from living in Gods salvation and following His direction. Power does not come from simply adding a tagline to our prayers. However, a heartfelt understanding of being granted power through Jesus Christ is what drives powerful prayer. Reminding ourselves that we are praying in His name, otherwise stated as with His authority, is a great practice when it flows from sincerity and not from rote repetition.

Exercising Gods given authority results in effective prayer.

6. Have confidence in Gods ability and willingness to answer.

We trust God and His character. God loves to give generously, and delights to answer the prayers of His people. However, when His people ask, they must have complete trust in Gods character, and the fact that He does enjoy giving. If we are unsure of Gods character, and unsure if He will answer our prayers, then we should not expect for Him to respond.

Complete confidence in Gods character makes prayer effective.

7. Let Gods Spirit lead your prayers.

While we have been given Gods authority, we can not just run around and command things to happen. If we do not let God lead our lives, inspire our words, and direct our prayers, then we will not see the things we are asking for.

Sensitivity to Gods leading helps prayer become effective.

8. Pray within Gods will.

Hand in hand with being led by Gods spirit is the idea of praying within His will. Our confidence we must have arrives from knowing we are acting within Gods will. Being sensitive to Gods spirit is one way of knowing we are living within His will. In addition, being familiar with Gods written word is another guide to knowing His will in various situations.

The hard part is that sometimes our inner motives are amiss. Our actions, what we are asking for, may seem on track with God and His will. Nonetheless, our inner motives may not be authentically in line with Gods desires.

Praying in line with Gods will lends to effective prayer.

9. Pray persistently.

God will not give in and give us what we want just because we will not give up. We must ask in agreement with God and His desires. However, our prayers will eventually be answered according to what God deems best if we continue to keep praying.

Knowing that we need God and repeatedly asking things of Him shows our dependence upon Him. Being unashamed to keep approaching God in prayer shows trust and confidence in His character.

Persistence within Gods will powers effective prayer.

10. Practice small prayers.

A way to gain confidence is to ask God for things that may seem small to us. We are the ones with the issue of the size. A task is a task to God. All prayer requests are the same to him. It is our disbelief and our limitation of size that gets in the way of his power in our prayers. As our true confidence grows in Gods abilities, we will be able to have God answer prayers more effectively. And practicing small prayers helps you gain confidence for those seemingly larger prayers.

True confidence in God from personal experience results in an effective prayer life.

Brand Andres is a licensed minister and his passion is to help people understand the Bible and maximize

their God given potential for life.

Find him at, and follow him on Twitter and Google.


10 Tips for Effective Prayer

By Brad Andres

How do you pray effectively? We get this question a lot.

There is no way to guarantee that your prayers will be answered. Though God does answer prayers. However, the scriptures do teach us how to pray the way God wants us to. So, here are some tips.


1. Understand Jesus opened the way for effective prayer.

In the early days, direct access to God was limited. There were sacrificial rites which needed to be observed, and even then, only a select few had access to speak with God one on one.

Today, we have direct access to God based on the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice enables us to gain a direct audience with The Holy One. God has given the gift of His special presence to all who accept the works of Jesus Christ in their lives.

Entering Gods special presence is the starting point of effective prayer.

2. Pray each word with purpose.

Some prayers are written out, such as the prayers we have here on Prayers-For-Special-Help. We have provided many prayers to help you articulate the thoughts and feelings you have inside of you.

A word of caution: You can recite a prosed prayer as long as you mean what you are saying. The words of prayer must come from your heart. Whether or not the prayers are spontaneous or premeditated does not matter. An authentic heart and posture before God is what counts in prayer.

Sincerity in His special presence helps keep prayer effective.

3. Continually communicate with God.

The True God knows each of us intimately. He knows our thoughts, our hearts, and He loves to help us. He desires we come to know him as intimately as He knows us. A close relationship with the Father is our basis for prayer, not a business-like partnership. We must talk with him as a friend, and not only seek His voice in times of need.

Continual friendship with God leads to effective prayer.

4. Live in line with Gods teachings.

In his writing, James teaches his audience that with an authentic and righteous lifestyle comes an effective prayer life. He encourages his hearers by saying they can achieve the same results in prayer as Elijah. Elijah was a prayer model, he achieved many things by prayer throughout his ministry. For instance, he called down fire from heaven to devour a sacrifice. We too, can achieve these great results through prayer.

Living life as God directs results in an effective prayer life.

5. Remember that effective prayer comes through an authoritative position.

It is fairly common practice to end a prayer by saying, in your name, or in Jesus name. We have been given authority to use His name, but the name isnt the power. The power is in the position of being a child of God and a representative of Jesus Christ on earth.

Thus, our prayers become powerful because of the position we are in. The power comes from living in Gods salvation and following His direction. Power does not come from simply adding a tagline to our prayers. However, a heartfelt understanding of being granted power through Jesus Christ is what drives powerful prayer. Reminding ourselves that we are praying in His name, otherwise stated as with His authority, is a great practice when it flows from sincerity and not from rote repetition.

Exercising Gods given authority results in effective prayer.

6. Have confidence in Gods ability and willingness to answer.

We trust God and His character. God loves to give generously, and delights to answer the prayers of His people. However, when His people ask, they must have complete trust in Gods character, and the fact that He does enjoy giving. If we are unsure of Gods character, and unsure if He will answer our prayers, then we should not expect for Him to respond.

Complete confidence in Gods character makes prayer effective.

7. Let Gods Spirit lead your prayers.

While we have been given Gods authority, we can not just run around and command things to happen. If we do not let God lead our lives, inspire our words, and direct our prayers, then we will not see the things we are asking for.

Sensitivity to Gods leading helps prayer become effective.

8. Pray within Gods will.

Hand in hand with being led by Gods spirit is the idea of praying within His will. Our confidence we must have arrives from knowing we are acting within Gods will. Being sensitive to Gods spirit is one way of knowing we are living within His will. In addition, being familiar with Gods written word is another guide to knowing His will in various situations.

The hard part is that sometimes our inner motives are amiss. Our actions, what we are asking for, may seem on track with God and His will. Nonetheless, our inner motives may not be authentically in line with Gods desires.

Praying in line with Gods will lends to effective prayer.

9. Pray persistently.

God will not give in and give us what we want just because we will not give up. We must ask in agreement with God and His desires. However, our prayers will eventually be answered according to what God deems best if we continue to keep praying.

Knowing that we need God and repeatedly asking things of Him shows our dependence upon Him. Being unashamed to keep approaching God in prayer shows trust and confidence in His character.

Persistence within Gods will powers effective prayer.

10. Practice small prayers.

A way to gain confidence is to ask God for things that may seem small to us. We are the ones with the issue of the size. A task is a task to God. All prayer requests are the same to him. It is our disbelief and our limitation of size that gets in the way of his power in our prayers. As our true confidence grows in Gods abilities, we will be able to have God answer prayers more effectively. And practicing small prayers helps you gain confidence for those seemingly larger prayers.

True confidence in God from personal experience results in an effective prayer life.

Brand Andres is a licensed minister and his passion is to help people understand the Bible and maximize

their God given potential for life.

Find him at, and follow him on Twitter and Google.


Prayer for my daughter who had seizure

My child had seizure recently. We brought her to the doctor, series of test and EEG were done and everything is found to be normal. However, after 2 weeks, the seizure happened again. I am lost on what to do as my parents and husband are telling me there’s no need for any other test because the previous test all came out clear. I am a bit paranoid now reading lots of articles regarding infants having seizure. I can only ask the Lord to bless my child and make her well.

Dear Lord, I seek for your loving mercy.
I ask Thee to put your powerful healing hands over my child.
May Your hands hold every cell in her body and make them well.
May Your touch ever protect her from all sickness.
I believe Lord that You are the most powerful healer and the most merciful Lord. Amen.

Stress at Work Prayer

Heavenly Father, I have let the stress at work get to me and am feeling worn out, angry, irritable and unhappy. Please help me to have faith to know that you are the God of peace and not confusion or stress.

Please help me to keep my eyes fixed on you when I am dealing with stress at work and let me be a light in my workplace instead of an unpleasant person who is stressed. I love you with all my heart. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Thank you for loving me and giving me peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for Home Loan Approval

Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for all the blessings for me and my family. I know, we were given so much and yet here I am asking for Your help again. I have nowhere else to go to. No one understands my heart’s desire but You.

I am going through a tough situation at this time. Lord Jesus, please help me with my home loan. I pray that I get unconditional approval very soon. 2 banks already declined my application for a very small reason.

I am so heartbroken. I undoubtedly have more positive reasons to be granted a home loan. I saved up and worked hard to deposit on the land. But now, I need a loan to build my house. My parents are old but are still helping me achieve my dream.

I don’t want to disappoint them, Jesus. Please Jesus, grant my request. Amen

Prayer for a miracle my settlement will be resolved & I will receive it now

Dear Jesus our Lord Please Heavenly father help me receive my settlement now. I am waiting for 80,000 to come to me, and I am worried when I don’t hear from my Lawyer. I was confident until my dad starts about how he doesn’t want me to receive my settlement.

I love my dad but he doesn’t like his children to have anything even though dad and his 3rd wife are extremely wealthy. Pray I will receive my settlement and God wont listen to my dad who is jealous of his kids just like he still is over my Mom and was with her, he never liked any of us to achieve. He liked seeing us all fall. Pray God will lift me up and let me achieve my goals. Pray God will let me have my settlement and Pray my dad will quit having a nervous break down about the money I haven’t even received yet.

Pray he will enjoy his relationship with me before he dies or I die. Pray my Mom will be just fine and safe and healthy and my daughter will always be there for my mom and so will my son-in-law and they will be nice to me and mom and so will the grandkids thank you . Amen

Prayer for a good tenant and sale of properties

Dearest St. Joseph, foster father of our Lord Jesus Christ and spouse of our Mother Mary, I invoke your help in finding a very good tenant to our parental house.

A tenant that will be a good steward to our property just like you when you were entrusted with the care of the Holy Family.
St.Joseph, please intercede for me and my family for the immediate sale of our properties.

We have been trying to sell these properties for years and we pray and trust that through you help these sale will materialize.

All these I lift up to Almighty God through your help and in the most powerful name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

Prayer for the Needy and Poor

Please pray for the needy and the very poor;. the homeless and those who are hungry ;millions of people are staving in a country which is so flourish, lord help us to know that it is good to help the poor and the needy; be your neighbour friend, lord i pray that it will be a good winter, my body soul and mind aches for the homeless; lord may you warm their path, help me that i may help even one homeless person,bless all the children of the world keep them safe i pray.

May god bless all of us and open our minds and hearts so that we can help each other; regardless of who they are; remember blessing has no color; god bless us all.when some one cries for help dont look the other way; we are all god;s people; you may be in a good position today but you never know what tomorrow brings; always remember that god is our keeper.

Prayer for a non-Christian girlfriend

Dear Lord,

I have been dating a non-Christian girlfriend for several months now. However, we both know that due to our differences in religion, a future together in marriage is simply impossible.

As such, we have had to break up today, as we’ve decided that it would be easier to end our stressful relationship earlier rather than later.

Forgive me, Lord, for not praying as earnestly to you about our relationship as I should have and as I have attempted to. Forgive me also, Lord, for misleading her or causing her any and all of the stress that we have been going through.

Most importantly Lord, I do not know what the future holds, but I thank you for bringing her into my life, because she has been nothing good to me.

I pray that she does not harden her heart against you, and I thank you that so far she has not, yet I pray that You soften her heart and that, despite the many negative examples of Christians out there, you will reveal yourself to her, and that she will in her lifetime witness many testimonies of good Christians who will sow seeds in her heart that will eventually bring her to You.

Lord, we may never get back together, and only You know the plans you have for us, and they are only to prosper us, to give us a hope and a future, so I pray that I can put my trust in you Lord, no matter what.

Most importantly, Lord I pray that You will save her and that she will some day see the light and give her life to Christ.

Thank you Lord,
In Jesus Name I pray,

A prayer for my daughter to do well on her final exams.

Jesus, please have mercy on my daughter Mallory. Please help her and bless her so she does well on her final exams in college this semester. She is full of despair and feels hopeless. She puts in far more hours of study than anyone else around her, but her courses are very difficult and her grades do not reflect the effort.

Please smile upon her, grant her understanding, confidence, a sharp memory, and good grades. she needs this in order to continue with her degree plan. Please come to her aid and grant this miracle.

Prayer for Healing from a sinus infection/upper respiratory

Please pray that God would heal me from this horrible sinus infection that I have had for the last two weeks. I suffer from anxiety and depression and have trouble with panic attacks and this sinus infection has made it hard for me to rest and to breathe. This sets of the anxiety and the depression.

I am always worried about dying. I am a christian and I know that I will go to heaven but it worries me that I would have to leave my family. I am only 46 years old and in pretty good physical health but my mental health has really gotten bad over the last two years.

I suffered the loss of my beloved father due to a year long illness that caused him great suffering and this was VERY hard for me.

I also lost my mom in 1995 at the age of 46, so I am having a hard time dealing with the death anxiety issues. Please pray that God would heal me and help me to find happiness in my life again.

Prayer to find Lost Official Documents

Dear Lord,

I thank you for the amazing plans you have for me. currently very depresed and devasted after failing to find very important official documents that were misplaced.Please find them i have a few hours deadline to miss this great opportunity…
Father in heaven through the intercession of Saint Anthony. me find my documents. .msy all the glory unto you..Amen

Tips for Keeping a Prayer Journal

By Brad Andres

Prayer is something we are to be engaged in every day. Whether we are communicating with God on the go, or we are setting aside a dedicated hour, it is considered prayer. Therefore, sometimes we will have a prayer journal in hand while waiting to hear from God. Othertimes, we will hear from God on the move and need to come back to our prayer journal afterwards.

A prayer journal can be very beneficial to an individuals walk with God. Below are some tips for keeping a prayer journal. Note, there is no right or wrong way to keep a prayer journal. The best way to keep a prayer journal is to do what works for you. Nonetheless, here is some guidance and some tips that may help you start a prayer journal or adapt your approach if needed.



I have kept both a paper prayer journal and an electronic prayer journal. I prefer an electronic prayer journal. Again, this is my personal preference, it is what works for me. Here are some pros and cons of each type.



  • Handwriting forces a long thought process and engagement on reflection
  • Unless you set it on fire, or spill coffee over it, paper is a safe way to store information
  • A journal and pen is much less expensive than any electronic gadget


  • Hard to find information if you do not remember the specific date or page number
  • Handwriting generally takes more time than typewriting
  • Generally, a journal stays at home and is not instantly available
  • Over the years, a collection of journals make take up much space



  • Ability to search your entries for key words or phrases in order to update prayer requests.
  • Many note keeping programs will sync to your computer, tablet, and mobile phone. This enables you to be able to enter prayer thoughts quickly, even when God speaks to you on the go. This also provides access to your prayers in multiple locations.
  • Takes up little physical space.


  • While still a safe way to store information, there is about as much chance as fire or coffee spills to losing your information in a hard drive crash or other similar electronic mishap.
  • Electronic gadgets cost much more money than paper and pen.
  • Typing does not reinforce a reflective mindset as easily as handwriting a journal entry does.

All in all, there are various positives and negatives to any format you choose for your prayer journal. If you have any other pros or cons, be sure to include them in the comments section below!


What should be included in a prayer journal? In short, anything you want! Below are some examples of information and types of entries I use for my personal prayer journal.

  • Date – I like to know when I prayed about certain things. This lets me see a timeline between prayer requests and eventual answers or responses.
  • Summaries – I do not record every word from all of my prayers. Often times, I will summarize my prayers and summarize what I have heard from God. I am more concerned with main ideas and concepts than with a detailed word for word recording.
  • Answered Requests – Its great when you can read about a prayer, and then turn to read about the answer or response from God. This lets me draw encouragement from past connections and experiences with God to trust for the future.
  • Spiritual Events – Sometimes encounters with God occur in the context of some spiritual event. You feel a breakthrough inside your spirit. You witness or receive a miracle of healing. You witness or receive a financial miracle or spectacular provision. You encounter an angel. You exercise Christs given authority over an evil spirit. Or, you may have simply had an a-ha moment. All of these events usually accompany learning something from God or experiencing him in a fresh new way.
  • Personal Struggles – The psalmists often wrote of their personal struggles and internal conflicts. This helps process these struggles in our minds. It also helps us pinpoint issues and communicate what we need God to help us with.
  • Written Prayers – Writing can also be considered prayer. We can write to communicate with God. Prayer is not always strictly spoken words. Sometimes I write prayers that I will return to pray again later. This is more of a psalmist approach in telling God about my struggles, praising him for his faithfulness, and seeking his counsel or will.

Prayer Lists

These can help keep us focused and help us to remember to pray about certain things.

People – I list those people I wish to pray for, and sometimes write the phrases or things I wish to pray about for them.

Situations – Some situations are immediate, and other situations I would like to see change or appear. I keep a list of these to remember the non-pressing matters where I desire to see God move.

Country – It is good practice to pray for national direction and for the national leaders.

Church – It is also good practice to pray for your local church, its direction, and their leadership.

Missionaries – The missionaries whom you feel a connection with, keep these missionaries in prayer. This helps remind you to pray for them as well.

In conclusion, keeping a prayer journal should be a joy, not a burden. You have the freedom to write journal entries as often or as little as you like. There is no need to feel pressure to make daily entries, and there is no pressure to need to reference your prayer journal daily either. Having a living relationship with Jesus and communicating with Him daily is the goal.

Keeping a prayer journal is something that may be a good practice, and it will more than likely augment your relationship with God. Do you have any other tips on keeping a prayer journal? Please be sure to share them in the comment section below!

Brand Andres is a licensed minister and his passion is to help people understand the Bible and maximize

their God given potential for life.

Find him at, and follow him on Twitter and Google.


Bible Verses for Encouragement

Often, we as Christians seek out Bible verses for encouragement to give us strength and inspire us to do God’s will.

There are a lot of different Scriptures to encourage Christians in a large variety of circumstances and situations. We have compiled a list of Bible quotes about encouragement after searching diligently through the Scriptures.

Use this list of bible quotes to find that special verse you need.

Whether you’re feeling down and need an uplift or looking for strength to accomplish some difficult task for God, we hope you can find a bible verse to encourage you and give you strength.

20 Scriptures for Encouragement




“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

[ESV, Romans 8:37-39]


“For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”

[2 Corinthians 5:1]


“I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.”

[John 10:28-29]


“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.”

[Psalm 91:1-4]


“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

[Romans 8:28]


“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

[Isaiah 40:31]


“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

[Jeremiah 29:11]


“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

[Romans 8:31]


“Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him In love.”

[Ephesians 1:4]


“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

[Matthew 11:28]


“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”

[Psalm 34:18]


“Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

[1 John 4:4]


“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

[Deuteronomy 31:6]


“no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD.”

[Isaiah 54:17]


“fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

[Isaiah 41:10]


“The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.”

[Zephaniah 3:17]


“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

[John 14:27]


“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”

[Psalm 32:8]


“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

[John 16:33]


“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”

[1 Corinthians 10:13]

Rejoice! Check out these 50 inspirational bible verse pictures →

What do we learn from these bible verses?

By examining these Bible verses about encouragement that we have listed above, we can see that God is there for us and that he will always protect us, strengthen us, and empower us to live our lives as Christians in this world.

He has not left us without hope. He has given us his word and filled us with his Holy Spirit who dwells within all of us as Christians.

He also has given us these Scriptures in his word to assist us when we are in need of encouragement. These are the words of our God, so they are powerful and true.

Whenever God has said or promised anything, we know that we can rely on him to always keep his word and fulfill any promises that he has made. Because of this, we should allow the Holy Spirit to encourage our souls and then go forward in peace with faith in our God.

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Miracle prayer for a baby boy

I am pregnant and ever since a child I have longed for 2 baby boys. I have dreamt and wished for this my whole life. I have an elder son and my prayer is for the baby growing in my womb to be a boy. My Lord can see my heart and all the truth in it.

He knows how deeply this is in me and how I long for it. How I have threaded my dreams for my chikdrenHow I have longed when I see sibling boys together. In the matchless name of Jesus I pray and beg for this request to be granted to me.

Bible Verses About Healing

There are some important Bible verses about healing that show how God can heal us from any affliction or ailment.

There are many Scriptures that talk about healing. We have searched through the Bible to find the best quotes that describe healing sickness, disease, and ailments that sometimes afflict our bodies.

When you look at the 20 Bible verses about healing below, you will find a number of hopeful promises along with actual descriptions of healing that have taken place throughout the history as recorded in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Scriptures About Healing




“Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

[ESV, James 5:14-16]


“And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction.”

[Matthew 10:1]


“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;”

[Ecclesiastes 3:1-2]


“To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. Blessed is the one who considers the poor! In the day of trouble the Lord delivers him; the Lord protects him and keeps him alive; he is called blessed in the land; you do not give him up to the will of his enemies. The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health.”

[Psalm 41:1-3]


“Behold, blessed is the one whom God reproves; therefore despise not the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds, but he binds up; he shatters, but his hands heal.”

[Job 5:17-18]


“And Peter said to him, Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you; rise and make your bed. And immediately he rose.”

[Acts 9:34]


“He touched her hand, and the fever left her, and she rose and began to serve him.”

[Matthew 8:15]


“Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”

[Proverbs 16:24]


“And the Lord will take away from you all sickness, and none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which you knew, will he inflict on you, but he will lay them on all who hate you.”

[Deuteronomy 7:15]


“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

[Psalm 147:3]


“Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.”

[Jeremiah 33:6]


“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,”

[Psalm 103:2-4]


“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.”

[Jeremiah 17:14]


“It happened that the father of Publius lay sick with fever and dysentery. And Paul visited him and prayed, and putting his hands on him healed him.”

[Acts 28:8]


“Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, and also healed his wife and female slaves so that they bore children.”

[Genesis 20:17]


“Then he stretched himself upon the child three times and cried to the LORD, “O LORD my God, let this child’s life come into him again.” And the LORD listened to the voice of Elijah. And the life of the child came into him again, and he revived.”

[1 Kings 17:21-22]


“And the king said to the man of God, “Entreat now the favor of the LORD your God, and pray for me, that my hand may be restored to me.” And the man of God entreated the LORD, and the king’s hand was restored to him and became as it was before.”

[1 Kings 13:6]


“”Turn back, and say to Hezekiah the leader of my people, Thus says the LORD, the God of David your father: I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. Behold, I will heal you. On the third day you shall go up to the house of the LORD,”

[2 Kings 20:5]


“But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” And he took him by the right hand and raised him up, and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong. And leaping up he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.”

[Acts 3:6-8]


“And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues.”

[1 Corinthians 12:28]

What do these healing scriptures teach us?

From the Bible verses about healing, we can see that not only has God healed in the past as described in the Scriptures, but that he promises to heal us in specific circumstances and situations in the here and now.

Jesus healed a lot of people with a lot of ailments and afflictions. Then his apostles and followers did the same. There is still people being healed today through prayer and faith in God.

What we can learn from the above Bible quotes about healing is that God loves us and doesn’t want us to suffer affliction, and that he wants to heal us when it is going to be beneficial to us and help us live a Christian life in service to God.

Though, having said that, it is important to understand that God may not heal ailments in situations where he is protecting us from falling into sin or from other things we don’t understand.

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Prayer to heal brain aneurysm

Father God, Thank you for this day, Thank You for the life You give us, and the hope that comes from our Faith in Your healing power. You know your daughter Lori. You know the situation she is in right now with the aneurysm in her brain. Lord give her strength to over come this affliction if it is within your will.

Help her to see You and feel safe in the place she is at right now. If she can come back to us, we would be so greatful, there are many people here that love her and look to her for guidance. But Lord if you want her to come Home, give us the gentle peace only you can provide. Peace to know that your will was done, and that she is free from suffering. We ask this all in Jesus precious name, Amen

Lord please resurrect my dog, Foon Foon from dead

Dear God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My dog is found sleeping and not answering to my call to wake up. Please wake him up and resurrect him if it is your will. I believe it is your will to bring Foon Foon to my life and you healed him once when he had wound at his bottom. Now, Lord, I plea that you give me the anointing power to raise him up as Jesus you say you are here to give life to the fullest. May your will be done. I cast out evil spirit which intend to steal kill and destroy in the name Jesus. I take authority over my belongings which include my pet dog, Foon Foon and bring him back to life in the name of Jesus. May your will be done, Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.

Prayer for my missing pet cat

All mighty and ever living God, I ask the help of your son, Jesus, and of St. Felix of Nola to find and locate my missing baby girl, Luna. She has been out of my house since 6:00am on January 12th, 2014, and has been missing all day, and I don’t know where she is, at all.

I’ve looked everywhere around my neighborhood, and all the backyards of other houses, and still nothing.

The last time we ever heard from her howls and meows, she was on outside, on our own house roof.

This is leading us to fear that she’s been either attacked or taken by birds of prey.

And so, God, Jesus, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Felix of Nola, I ask you to help me, my mother, and any neighbors in our neighborhood, to find and help bring her back home to me, safe, sound and unharmed.

And let our beacon of love shine more and more brightly, so that she can find her way home again.

Let it shine forth from my heart and home to light her way back and to hasten our reunion. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for hearing my prayer.


Prayer for deliverance from sexual sin, online prostitution.

Ramona is stripping online. “Hercules50” daily torments this sister and gives her money to debase herself and defile the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Please pray the Lord would break the influence of Ramona over those who come to see her strip, and their influence over her, and all of relationships she has with them, especially this one who allows her to keep doing this from a financial point of view.

Pray for deliverance from demonic influence as well.

And pray for me please. I have unmarried couple living above me, and I can feel the demonic oppression. I went on a 5 day fast, while the woman was gone, (Ramona was doing better for about a month then) but then 3 days later she moved back in. I need much prayer support. It has been extremely difficult to get work done, I work from home, and it is hard to get focused and pray as I should.

Prayer for my daughter to be confident in her studies

Dearest Lord

I come to you for help as mother and as your child. Father help my little one with her school work Father, help her reading to be improved and her maths (addition, subtraction and times table)to get better Jesus, she was given to me by you, help her to be brave, confident and outspoken in all she does, help to be successfull in all her present and future doings Lord I ask this in your name Jesus. AMEN.

Prayer to Heal my Dad who is now in coma and very critical condition

Lord God I know and I believe in your merciful power, I know that with your miraculous hands will heal my Dad’s body, from head to toe, you alone are the Holy One that can heal him, you alone are our strength,

Pls Heavenly Father hear our prayers, only you know the desires of my heart, Pls hear our prayers, ease whatever pain in my Dad’s body now, help him to be strong in this time of sickness, help him to be strong for us, and help us to cast all burden and doubts, we surrendered everything to you O Lord,

Pls help my Dad to wake up from his coma, and recover from this illnesses, Help us to be strong and to keep our faith in you, we want to feel your graces dear Lord, we want to feel your here with us, in Jesus holy name. Amen.

Prayer for healthy skin


I have thinning hair and still have some scars from old chicken pox on my forehead, freckles, acne and some scars on my cheeks..

i would like to have new healthy, clear and beautiful skin without scars and get healthy hair.

Please pray for me to heal my face from scars and freckles and make my hair thicker and longer.
I am only 23 years old girl
Thank you xxx

Prayer for scholarship

Dear Prayer warriors i am hoping you could stand in agreement with me for a full scholarship as i have been accepted at a college abroad for a study programme i have long awaited for. It is indeed a miracle that i was accepted and i praise our heavenly father for that.

I am trusting for a full scholarship that includes tuition fees, accommodation , flight tickets, transport, foof, books, excursions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen. i need an answer before June 25, 2011
Thank you

Prayer for Help and Guidance for My Child Struggling in School

Jesus,thank u for all the love you have given to us.My kid is struggling in her studies she is always having a stressful day.Lord,you know that because of her shyness she finds her subjects more difficult.She has only 1 friend that can help her.

I am requesting you Jesus to help her and i am hoping that her professor understand her weakness.She really like her course.I know by your help Jesus,she can finish her studies.By your will,she can be calm and safe.All these i ask through Christ our Lord,Amen.