Prayer Diet

Utilizing a prayer diet is a great way to lose weight.
Like many things in life that are difficult, praying to god can make
it easier to make positive changes in your life.

The most important aspect of a Prayer Diet, is consistency. You must pray on a daily basis, every morning, in order to keep your goals front of mind.
By starting this dialogue with god every morning, with his help, youll get the energy
to make the daily changes needed to become healthy by eating better and exercising.

Here is a great prayer example for you to say each morning to help focus the mind on your goals.

A Prayer to Lose Weight

Guide me lord, as I strive to lose weight
You are my light and my anchor, and with
you I know all things are possible.

Help me this day to make healthy choices and
give me the strength to fight against destructive
cravings that negatively effect my health.

You said, The LORD upholdeth all that fall,
and raiseth up all those that be bowed down.
As I bow before you today, raise me up
help me towards my goals.

I have been taught that anything that replaces
God is an idol. Help me to reject any unhealthy
habit in which I seek false comfort. For you
are my one true comfort and salvation.

In your name I pray, Amen.

A Prayer for Strength to Succeed

Lord, I come to You today to ask for affirmation. I have done all things and stayed away from all the food I am not supposed to have. Bless me, Father, for more strength to keep it this way.

Give me the grace to be stronger and encourage me to keep pushing on. With you, my God, nothing is impossible. I believe that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Thank you, Father for listening to my plea. I pray this with all Your angels. Amen.

A Prayer to Resist the Cravings

Today I pray to You to grant me the strength to stay away from anything that is unhealthy – alcohol, junk food, carbohydrates and mycotoxins.

I pray that this will help me lose the weight I have gained. Help me stay focused on being healthy and fit, dear God. I believe that I can do all things through Christ, your Son, who truly strengthens me.

May this enable me to steer away from all the unhealthy choices that I face each day. I pray that this strength will keep me focused on disciplining my body and do my workouts religiously. I pray that anything I do, eat or drink only be for Your greater glory.

I pray for a support group to push me towards the finish line. I ask for all these in this prayer, O Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Use these prayers, or write your own, and make sure to say it
every day before your first meal. Keep focused. The prayer diet is a great way to…

For more, read Ten Encouraging Weight Loss Affirmations!

Lose Weight Healthily

As you continue towards your goals, make sure not to fall for easy-outs and false prophets.
There are plenty of people that will gladly take your money and hand you a box of magic pills
that will solve all your problems. However, like most things in life, it takes time and work
to make real change.

So, lose weight healthily by eating right, and exercising each day.

Weight Loss Resources for Christians

From Spark People: Bible Verses to Inspire Your Weight Loss.

Prayer to have a baby boy

We have 2 girls. Im pregnant again and I pray to God to have a healthy baby boy this time. Please help me to pray for baby boy. As Im not going to have more babies. This is my last attempt. I never used any web prayers before. I hope it will work. Please help me pray. God bless you!

Urgent financial help Prayer

Dear Saint Joseph I ask for your intercession with our urgent financial need. Please help us in asking our lord for a financial miracle to meed our debts during this difficult times. We have no one to turn to and we are drowning in debt. part of my salary is being garnished so we dont have enough to pay our mortgage and debts. We have lost alot with our mistaken investments. I dont ask for riches just enough to satisfy our debts. Please dear father help us.


Submit a Prayer, Devotion, Or Essay

We are trying to continuously add great new content to PrayWithMe.

It is contributions from pastors, clergy, and everyday Christians that makes this site so special.

We would love to add your prayers, devotions, and articles to the site.

What We Accept:

  • Original Prayers
  • Devotions
  • Stories of Answered Prayers
  • Christian Related Essays

Note: This is not the place to submit prayer requests. Please Submit Prayer Requests Here

Prayers for Forgiveness

There arent many things in life more important than forgiveness. As Christians, we understand that we all make mistakes, and that we must learn to forgive, as God forgives us.

Below are a few sample prayers for forgiveness. Submit your prayer request below to ask God for forgiveness.



A Prayer for Forgiveness

I have sinned, Lord, and while I know that all have sinned and come
short I am having a hard time letting go of my shame and accepting your forgiveness.

I know that I am unworthy of your love, but Your Word promises
forgiveness as long as we confess our sins to You and repent.
I am so sorry for falling short of what You expect of me,
and I pray for your mercy and the strength not to make the same mistakes again.


There are many circumstances when we need to ask to be forgiven. One of the more common circumstances that we see in prayer requests, is asking for forgiveness after an infidelity.

We must learn to forgive even after the most hurtful of actions.

Forgiveness After an Affair

Being betrayed by a spouse is a very painful thing,
but we know, Lord, that it is Your will that we learn to forgive.
What others do should never impact our walk with you, God.

We need to be able to learn to forgive even the most painful breach of trust.
Help us to forgive our spouse the same way that we want You to forgive us,
and give us peace and healing for our broken hearts.


Forgiveness in The Scriptures

The word of God offers us guidance on how to forgive our neighbors, and ourselves.

“Then Peter came up and said to him, Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times? Jesus said to him, I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.””

[Matthew 18:21-22]

Read more Bible Verses about Forgiveness

Prayer for my tinnitus and other’s ear problems

Lord, We praise you for this wonderful life you have given us. We are sorry if sometimes we fail to appreciate it. Lord, please take this tinnitus away from me and help me in my life. Help me be more careful about my actions and on my body as well, especially on my ears.

Lord, I also pray for those who have tinnitus, please send us Your Holy Spirit so that we may be healed. I pray that the people may find the cure for tinnitus too. I also pray for those who have ear problems Lord. Please let them hear the beauty of life. Lord, take this ear problems away from us. Help us hear clearly and sleep peacefully every night. Save us Lord. Amen.

Inspirational Bible Verse Pictures


Welcome to our growing collection of home-made bible verse pictures and scripture quotes.

We’ve created these as a gift to our community to share freely via Facebook, Pinterest. There is so much wisdom and encouragement in the bible. If you find some here, pass it on.




















































(Note: Though we maintain the copyright to these pictures, we offer these images for free to use on Christian blogs and websites. We simply request that you cite us as the source with a link back to our website.)

Want to see some more of our sharable images? Check out our Inspirational Prayer Pictures.

Have you created a great bible verse picture? Submit it below and we’ll add it to the site!

Up Next:

The 18 Funniest Church Signs Ever →

Prayer to St. Jude for a financial miracle

Please St. Jude, pray for a financial miracle for us to free our debt with the IRS, creditors and personal loans. A miracle to help us pay our rent, bills and feed our children.

I have grown tired and weary and need your help for strength and belief that a miracle is on its way and we will overcome our financial struggle. Your strength and prayer will be gratefully honored. I thank you for your miracle.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

For strength to get my children back

Lord please give me the strength and the ability to do good by you and live the life of the truth and lord please give me the strength to get my children back and help me and guide me to a good job to support my children:)Amen

prayer for good results of exams

Dear god,

I know I don’t pray to you that often, or barely at all. But please keep me in your loving arms during this difficult time. I pray of you, banish the nervous feelings of which I have and help me remember what I have learned.

watch over me as I sleep, make sure no bad happens me. I beg of you to see me through this difficult time.


Prayer to forget

Dear Lord i thank you for all that you have done for me, i ask you now oh Lord to help me forget my ex-boyfriend, he really made me suffer and then he left me, i was heartbroken because i loved him bt with you i managed to move on but i never forgot how much i loved him.

Now after 1 year he came back to ask for forgiveness and i forgave him but a few days later he just changed and now i feel betrayed because i let him back into my life and he did not even care to know that he was hurting me again. I ask you Lord to take control and help me be strong and forget about him.

Help me to move on and find another worthy man. Touch his heart so that he may also realise his mistake and ask you for forgiveness. Thank you for listening to me and may your will be done. AMEN

Prayer for a coma patient

I would like to request a miracle prayer for my brother in law who is on coma now. Please pray that the blood clot in his brain will subside or dispel. I would like him to hear our prayers for him and he will have the will to live on strongly. I would to pray that he would revive and re.cover soon. Give him strenght and faith and restore his health soon. Thank you . Amen

Prayer for Healing a Broken Friendship

Lord, please assist me with my lost friend. I only wish for him speak to me again. Please soften his heart, and remove any resentment, anger, bitterness, fear, or whatever else is blocking our communication.

It has been over a year now, and I still miss him everyday. Please grant me the peace of mind to accept my crosses in life as You accepted yours, and grant me the grace to hold no bitterness or resentment in my soul towards anyone.

As in all things, may Your devine will be done and may I never loose trust and faith in You.

Prayers for Children When They Are Angry or Depressed

Heavenly Father, my child is your greatest gift,

and my biggest challenge!
I know my child is truly distressed,
and yet I am at my wit’s end to find a peaceful resolution.

I feel helpless and frustrated.
I ask myself, What would my Heavenly Father
do in His infinite wisdom and beneficence?

Lord, come into my heart and mind,
and share Your loving wisdom with me!
Help my child to heal his pain, and help me
to become as loving and wise a parent, as You are for us

Your children. Thank You Lord, for
hearing me and coming to my aid! Bring your loving Peace to me and my child today.


15 Inspirational Prayer Poems

Here we’ve collected the most beautiful prayer poems.

Prayers don’t need to be boring. Try writing your own poetic prayers and submit them below.

The Peace Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in self-forgetting that we find;
And it is in dying to ourselves that we are born to eternal life.


A Wing And A Prayer

Under the wing of an angel, we feel protected
Through prayers to God, we feel connected.

Peace is said to be offered on the wings of a dove
Prayers can bring peace along with hope, faith, and love.

Wings of a jet plane provide steady flight
I pray you remain steady and strong through this fight.

Butterflies have wings to fly playfully free
And free from this monster is what I pray you’ll soon be.

Birds spread their wings as they may leave their nest
We’re spreading our prayers that you’ll always be Blessed

Go fight and win this battle you didn’t start
On the wings of an angel and prayers from my heart

Michelle Butler

These Inward Trials

I asked the Lord, that I might grow
In faith, and love, and every grace;
Might more of His salvation know,
And seek more earnestly His face.

T’was He who taught me thus to pray
and He I trust has answered prayer,
but it has been in such a way
it almost drove me to despair.

I hoped that in some favored hour
At once He’d answer my request,
and by His love’s constraining power
Subdue my sins, and give me rest.

Instead of this, He made me feel
the hidden evils of my heart;
And let the angry powers of hell
Assault my soul in every part.

Yea more, with His own hand He seemed
Intent to aggravate my woe;
Crossed all the fair designs I schemed,
Blasted my gourds, and laid me low.

‘Lord, why is this?’ I trembling cried,
‘Wilt thou pursue Thy worm to death?’
‘This in this way,’ the Lord replied,
‘I answer prayer for grace and faith.

These inward trials I employ
From self and pride to set thee free;
And break thy schemes of earthly joy,
That thou mayst seek thy all in Me.’

John Newton


Something Wonderful

Be happy,
Be cheerful,
Be joyful,
Be ecstatic,

God has something wonderful for you.

Keep Believing

Never forget that the Lord is with you
Keep believing that you can pull through
Trust in yourself that you can do whatever
even if you feel like fainting wherever.
All it takes is one push
And you’ll get there in rush
whatever waves that come your way
You’ll make it an other way.
Tell anyone close to you,
“hey, you can do it too!”

An Autumn Leaf

Yesterday, I was the mist of the waterfall
Tomorrow I will be a raindrop
Racing toward my destiny
But today
I am the cloud
Floating amidst the mountain peaks
The hangman’s noose is empty
For I am life
I cannot be destroyed
The winds of adversity
Buffet and mould me
Yet I float free
I am freedom
The bird that flits happily
Among olive trees
I am the wind of the evergreen glades
I am boundless
Without secrets, without fear
I am love
The red ferns on mossy grass
I am Now
This hour, eternity
I know no beginning or end
I cannot be destroyed.

Immanual Joseph

It’s Okay

You’re going through a bad time
and you don’t feel like the sun can shine.
The Lord is with you
at the end of the tunnel, He is waiting for you.

You can do it and it’s okay
if you can’t believe it.
But yes, there is a pot of gold
at the end of the rainbow.

Out Of This Life

Out of this life I shall never take
Things of silver and gold I make.
All that I cherish and hoard away
After I leave, on earth must stay.

Though I have toiled for a painting rare
To hang on my wall, I must leave it there.
Though I call it mine and boast its worth,
I must give it up when I quit the earth.

All that I gather and all that I keep
I must leave behind when I fall asleep.
And I wonder often, just what I shall own
In that other life, when I pass alone.

What shall He find and what shall He see
In the soul that answers the call for me?
Shall the great Judge learn, when my task is through,
That my soul had gathered some riches, too?

Or shall at the last, it be mine to find,
That all I had worked for I’d left behind?


When you walk to the edge of all the light you have
and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown,
you must believe that one of two things will happen:

There will be something solid for you to stand upon,
or, you will be taught how to fly

Patrick Overton

Words Will Flow From You

Do not plan or plot
What you will say or do
On My behalf,
However well intended.
Do not even seek
To imitate what I
Might say or do

Live rather in the perfection
Of each present moment
As it unfolds for you,
And I will meet you there
In My eternal present,
To quicken and enliven
With My Spirit.

Words will flow from you,
Deeds so naturally,
Leading unselfconsciously
To your sanctity.

I Love Myself Affirmation

Deep at the centre of my being,
there is an infinite well of love.

I now allow this love to flow to the surface.
It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness,
my very being, and radiates out from me in all directions
and returns to me mutliplied.
The more love I use and give, the more I have to give.
The supply is endless.
The use of love makes me feel good,
it is an expression of my inner joy.

I love myself;
therefore, I take loving care of my body.
I lovingly feed it nourishing foods and beverages,
I lovingly groom it and dress it, and my body lovingly
responds to me with vibrant health and energy.

I love myself; therefore provide for myself
a comfortable home, one that fills
all my needs and is a pleasure to be in.
I fill the rooms with the vibration of love
so that all who enter, myself included,
will feel this love and be nourished by it.

I love myself; therefore I work at a job I truly enjoy
doing, one that uses my creative talents and abilities,
working with and for people I love and who love me,
and earning a good income.

I love myself; therefore, I behave and think in a loving
way to all people for I know that that which I give out
returns to me multiplied.
I only attract loving people in my world,
for they are a mirror of what I am.

I love myself; therefore I forgive and totally release
the past and all past experiences and I am free.

I love myself; therefore I live totally in the now,
experiencing each moment as good and knowing that
my future is bright and joyous and secure,
for I am a beloved child of the Universe
and the Universe lovingly takes care of me
now and forever more.

And so it is.

Louise Hay

My Prayer

Lord, on that old rugged cross of Calvary
You shed your blood and suffered agony.
You were mocked, scorned and spat upon,
By those who denied you were God’s own Son;

But the Father had a purpose, it’s plain to see –
You arose from the tomb with great victory.
You conquered death, hell and the grave,
For a sinner’s soul such as mine to save.

Then one day you called to me
To take up my cross and follow Thee.
That glorious day you cleansed my heart –
A brand new life you did impart.

I thank you, Lord, for redeeming me;
And if I had but one prayer, that prayer would be…
“Lord, keep me ever yielded to Thee”.

Love Yourself

I love myself for all that I’ve done
even those things that I regret.
I love myself because the Lord
does too, with Him, I shall never forget.

I love myself because I love those
who need love even if they don’t need me.
I love myself because I am strong
even the strongest winds can’t put me down.
I love myself because I am me
no one else will ever be.

Don’t Wait Until Tomorrow

Do you long for the day my friend, when forever you will be
Side by side walking with your Lord in perfect harmony?
Do you long to sing His praise with angels from above?
To bask and rest in His embrace, surrounded by His love?

My precious friend, don’t wait until tomorrow to be blessed.
Reach out and touch His heart today and find sweet peace and rest.
Lay hold on faith, rest in your King, Then watch your desert bloom.
His roses will grow in your life today and shed their sweet perfume.

Donna Word Chappell

Don’t Stop

Wherever you go,
the Lord is with you.
so when the going gets tough,
He will move mountains
to help you and who is with you.
Don’t stop when you get on a rocky road
it’s just God’s way of telling you
He believes in you
and what you can do.

More Christian Poetry

Prayers for an alcoholic husband

(Oak Hill)

Dear Lord please help my husband overcome his hard ships and let him be free of his burdens that follow him. I pray that you guide him in the right direction and help him be a better husband and father.

I pray Lord, that you help him have more patience and lead him from his binge drinking into a life closer to you. I pray Lord you keep our family together but only if its in our best interest. Lord in your name I pray! Amen!

Birthday Prayers and Blessings

Birthdays are wonderful occasions to celebrate one’s progress through life. Use these birthday prayers to bless, protect, and guide the birthday boy or girl on this special day.

A Birthday Blessing

Here is a nice prayer to say for someone who is celebrating their birthday. This blessing asks God to protect and guide the recipient through the coming year.

Renew My Strength

Heavenly Father, Please bless (name),
for today is (his/her) birthday.
Dear Lord, please protect and guide (name) as she
continues along the path youve chosen for her.
Give her the courage to follow in your light, and feel
your love wherever she goes.

Make her strong and give her the strength to make
good decisions in the coming year. Keep her free from
illness and sadness, for she is a truly good person who
deserves happiness and success in all aspects of life.

We know that life is like a book. With each new
chapter, we learn and grow towards what you would
have us be. Bless (name) now on this day, and in the future.

In your name we pray,




Birthday Prayers for Cards

Here are a couple birthday blessing poems that would be perfect for writing in a card, or posting on someones Facebook wall. They are sure to elicit a smile from the recipient:

May God Grant you Friendship

May God grant you friendship
and warm love within your home.
May he surround you in the quiet peace
that’s found in him alone.
May his hand lead you to laughter,
and his love dry every tear.
As you sense his presence in your life
more deeply every year.

Birthday Candle Prayer

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world”

May the birthday candles that represent the years of your life.
Be a reflection to others of your love for Christ.

I said a Prayer for You Today

I said a prayer for you today
And know God must have heard.
I felt the answer in my heart
Although he spoke no word!
I didn’t ask for wealth or fame
(I knew you wouldn’t mind).
I asked him to send treasures
Of a far more lasting kind!
I asked that he be near you
At the start of each new day;
To grant you health and blessings
And friends to share your way!
I asked for happiness for you
In all things great and small.
But it was for his loving care
I prayed the most of all!

Prayer to have a Happy Birthday Celebration

Here is a blessing to help ensure that one has a happy birthday celebration. Birthdays should be a time of happiness and merriment.

O God, Please ensure that (name)
has a happy and celebratory birthday.
I pray that (name) is surrounded by family
and friends as she marks the passing
of another year.

In your name I pray


Prayer for a Newborn Baby’s Birthday

Lets not forget the most important birthday of all. A baby’s first!

God bless this perfect little one,
Keep him safe and sound.
Bless his tiny hands and feet,
so he may conquer and defeat.
Brighten up his spiritual eyes,
so that he may undoubtedly become wise.
Bless his cute little mouth,
So your name he can shout.
But most of all bless his little mind,
to stay heavenly divine.
Oh! And don’t forget to bless his parents too
For the big job they got to do.

Read Birthday Bible Verses

“Why did I come out from the womb to see toil and sorrow, and spend my days in shame?”

[Jeremiah 20:18]

A Prayer to Find my Husband

featured prayers
I am an attractive lady, bright, smart as well as outgoing.. I have alot of unsaved men and men approach me for dates or even to get with me to fufill short term sexual pleasures…. This does not entertain me… I want to be with my husband and husband only that God sends me and blesses me with…

Prayer that I do not date anyone or man… that is not my husband.. Prayer that I am not deceived by the devil concerning dating and that God gives me knowledge .. Prayer that God sends me a Godly praying saved mate/husband and that we will be friends as well as prayer partners…Prayer that my mate/husband is after Gods heart and is attracted to me spiritually, mentally, and physically.. Prayer that he has unconditional and Godly love towards me, and that he is always prayerful and prayerful for me.. and vice versa…Prayer that he will love me as Christ loves the church and we will be together until eternity…

I pray that me and my ex girlfriend will be back together

I pray that me and my ex girlfriend will be back together. It’s been over a month since the breakup and my feelings for her still and will never go away. God put us together for a reason.

And I pray and know that God can and will get back together. I had dreams that we got married and had a family together and stayed together forever more. Me and she (ex) even talked about marriage and our future while we were together. I want that future. Those dreams to become reality. I don’t want it any other way. I thank God for the blessings I already have. Just this one extra blessing

I’m asking for, and Glory shall fill my life. For my relationship with my ex shall and will and already has happened in the Name of Jesus .
Please continue to pray for this. I miss her and love her so much. I pray God will bring her back when the time is right, even though I wish the time is now. Please God, soften her heart and please reunite us. Every night and day, I pray hard and cry with tears overflowing and soaking my pillow. Give me the strength to hold on to my ex and never let go, for I want her back in my life. Forgive me if this prayer is selfish, but it’s one of the only prayers I’m praying for right now and I will and am still praying for this to happen until she comes back or until the day I die (days are never promising in life when it comes to death) and I will pray until she comes back to me, no matter how long it takes. I want her back. I love her. I want to be her husband. I want her to be my wife. I pray for God to continue to give me these signs and the strength to hold on to my ex and never let her go.
I ask for everyone to pray for the restoration of me and my ex. Let her be an ex no more. To have God open my ex’s eyes and realize that a relationship with me can and will be the happiest thing in both of our lives. I want us to be together forever more; me and she spoke about marriage and our future i and I want those dreams to come true. I have no one else to turn to but God and I cannot do this by myself. Even though this was my first relationship, I want this to be my first and last. People say your first love will never be your last, but I know there are many people who have the first loves be their only loves. This is a realization that makes my faith go upward. I pray for the restoration and the forever-bond that me and my ex will have in the future .I have believe more signs of this prayer will be answered of me getting back together with her as a couple again, even one from a dream from my own father ! so please continue your prayers, as my faith as gotten even stronger than ever, knowing that this prayer will be answered.
Today I felt Satan trying to attack me into negative thinking that nothing will work out between me and my ex. I asked God for Her to give my ex girlfriend visions and dreams about me and her together again, just like I have received of her and me being together again. I believed she did give her those visions and I believe she received them too. However, I got really nervous. . . that I believe the Devil has hardened her heart even more badly. I started thinking that she will say he never wants the second chance with me… and with my nervousness and negative thinking. I also prayed really hard for the Devil’s attacks on my relationship restoration to end. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had received visions, dreams (myself, mom and even my dad) about me and my ex being together again. I hold on to those dreams really tight. So tight I don’t ever want to let go until they come true. I plead to God “What am I going to do?! I had those dreams, hope, and faith about her and me for a reason! I don’t want to let go of this girl! And I know this might sound selfish, but I don’t want her with another guy either! I already made up my mind of never loving another girl like I love my ex. No, I’m not going to stop praying for this for as long as I breathe, and when the going gets tougher. But when the going gets tough, the tough get tougher and I am the tough that gets together, as I will not rest until the desires of my heart comes true!”

I hope you prayed in agreement of this prayer, as I am tired of Satan trying to kill my desires, my hopes, and my dreams of my future with me and my ex girlfriend . Lord heavenly Father, please continue for me to fight on for my desires in my heart. For my ex girlfriend’s and her parents heart to be softened again. You, Lord, can soften the hardest diamond in the rough, and restore and renew people together when we least expect it. We don’t have to know when, but we all know that You can do anything, for anything is possible through You. Please continue to give me the faith and the strength to carry on my dream and for me to not give up. Satan, you will NOT win over my dreams and desires. You tried to attack me, and it only made me stronger; for God had me realize that you, Satan, are trying to attack and demean me when it comes to this desire and prayer. God is indeed working on restoring my ex girlfriend and I as I have envisioned it and through Faith, I shall prevail and our relationship between myself and my ex girlfriend will be restored in Jesus name.

Lord, I know You got us two to meet at that same place and time for a reason. I believe You are restoring our relationship (ex and I’s) in a way. You know, Lord, I still love her and want a promising future with her as my future wife , as I still see her as that. I know You will make a way for us to be reconciled again. I may not know how or when, but I know you can do this.
“Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.” John 14:13
These are just two of the many scriptures I follow by. Lord, You do not lie. And Lord, I know of your promises, as shown in these scriptures. I thank You for giving me this little nudge to the side, giving me the “go” on following this prayer and believing in this prayer I’ve been praying for many months. I believe the outcome shall be restoration, and I feel in my heart it’s going to come soon enough. With You, anything is definitely possible. Please make it so! In Jesus Name.

Finally, I want to pray that on Your promise, that I continue to delight in You, my Lord, for You are my only hope. As you can see, I cannot do anything in my power to do so because my power is weak unlike Your infinite power. Once delighted, as you promised, the desires will be rewarded unto my heart. My head slowly filling with all doubts and hopelessness will fade, not my heart’s desires and love that I cannot express unto words. My faith is what grants miracles. And Lord, my miracle is restoration of our relationship, for my ex girlfriend’s salvation, and miracle healing in our hearts and relationship. In my heart this will work. The devil tries his hardest to use one or both of us to stand in the way of the true miracle: restored love. You never back down on a promise. Lord I come to you with tears in my face and a desire You, in Love, have put in my heart. You never lie and I know by my faith, You will restore us both in a big way and both of us will be blessed together in holy matrimony (because I still claim us to be together in marriage someday) and a great life together with my family and her family bonded together through our future marriage. Lord, some people say this isn’t to be after this long. Some people say it just won’t happen. Lord, i stand by Your promises and miracles, not by what other people say. Despite on how the conversation may seem to others, I know You can work miracles and the outcome of restoration still stands firmly in my heart. In the NAME of Jesus, whatever obstacles the devil puts in both of us, take it away. Whatever bad thoughts come across me or my ex girlfriend or both mine and her family, remove them and fill us with love and understanding and fellowship. I may think I’m crazy for doing this, but God is a God of the impossible. He is a Miracle Worker and a Granter of Wholesome, Loving, and Cherish able desires. And this desire is of a restored love that no one may seem possible, not even me, but only through tainted faith is what not make a miracle happen. In Jesus Name, I forever claim this miracle in a big way! Amen.

Prayer for the Dying – How to Pray When Death is Near

By Brad Andres

Praying with the dying can be an intimidating thing. The time nearing death can be a very stressful and scary time for families and friends of the ill.

Let’s go over some of the basics of praying for someone who is nearing death. We’ve also included some sample prayers for the dying below to help guide you through this process.

If you do not know the individual, then spend some time getting to know them as a person. Ask them about their family, about their life. Find out what they are proud of, ask if they have any regrets. Discover what they believe the afterlife is going to be like.



(Read Bible Verses about Death, and Bible Verses about Heaven)

Once a rapport is established, albeit however small, then you can move onto the praying part. People need to know you care about them before you pray for them, and taking the time to ask about their life is one way to do that.

Therefore, following establishing a relationship, here are a few things to remember which will help guide you when saying prayers for the ill.

1. Do they know Jesus?


This is the most important question which you need to answer before praying with someone as they are about to pass onto the next life. If they do not know Jesus, you need to introduce them to each other as soon as possible.

In all actuality, if they do not know Jesus, then there is not much point in progressing further. Yes, you will still pray with them, for God’s comfort, peace, and rest, but if they are not going to inherit the free gift of eternal life, then what is the point? The point of praying those things is that maybe something will click, possibly the Lord could grab ahold of their hearts before death, and they may encounter Jesus before their passing. And besides, it is just courteous to bless someone in their dark hours of life.

Prayer To Know Jesus Before Dying

Lord Jesus,

Come into my life.

I believe you died and rose from the grave.

I believe you live eternally in heaven.

Cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

Forgive me of all my sins.

Move into my heart.

I make you my Lord and Savior.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

I accept your gift of eternal salvation.


2. Pray for God’s peace.

Death can be frightening for some, and for others, death can be completely natural. Some who know Christ will face death fearlessly, while some others will be terrified. The same goes for those who are not in a relationship with Christ; some will be unafraid and some will be frightened.

As stated earlier, it will be good practice to pray for God’s comfort and peace regardless of that person’s level of relationship with Jesus.

A Comforting Prayer for the Dying


Help [Insert Name] discover your peace.

Let them receive your comfort.

Help them to be at rest knowing that you care for them,

and that you love them.

Calm their soul as they move into the afterlife.

May they spend eternity with you;

may they live forever in your presence.


3. Pray for the Family

Just as death may be hard or easy for an individual, so can it be the same for any remaining family or friends. Sometimes when you have the opportunity to pray with the dying, you will be alone. Othertimes, family and friends will be present. Regardless, even if you pray this as you leave, it is still thoughtful to pray for those who will be mourning the person’s passing.

A Prayer for the Family of the Dying


Bring this family peace.

Provide them with your comfort.

Let them know you tenderly care for each and every one of them.

Lead them to be reunited with their loved one some day.

Sit with them in their mourning.

Let your presence provide rest.

Thank you, for the gift of life that [Insert Name of Dying] brought to the world.

May he rest peacefully with you for eternity.


A final note to remember is that this time is an emotional and stressful time for all associated with the dying person. Therefore, you may be given a chance to pray, and you may not be given a chance to pray. Remember to respect all people’s wishes, and know that as you walk with God into the room, you are inviting His presence into the situation. If you pray these prayers on your way back home alone, it still carries power to allow God into the situation.

And we will finish with my prayer for you.

A Prayer for Those Going to Pray with the Dying


Give this person strength.

Grant this person confidence.

Allow them the opportunity to discover if the passing person knows you.

Give them wisdom to know when to speak and what to say.

Let them bring your presence into the room.

Let them carry your love into the situation.

Encourage them with a special gift or your presence.


If you’d like to submit a prayer request for someone who is ill, please do so below.

Brand Andres is a licensed minister and his passion is to help people understand the Bible and maximize

their God given potential for life.

Find him at, and follow him on Twitter and Google.

Prayer For Our Relationships To Work

Almighty God, I ask of Thee to look into the relationship that I am having at this moment. I want it to be a lasting relationship and according to your will. I do care for the person so much but I do not know if he really care for me. I am not asking for him to be changed just that I want him to have more meaningful relationship with you because through you Lord, everything is in order.I just want to know if he really does love and care for me as the way I feel for him. Show me the way Lord and if this relationship is what you planned for me, help me to make it work. Thank you Lord.

Prayer for enough money to pay the bills

Lord I come to you, because I’m in financial difficulty.

The financial difficulty was of my doing. I was very foolish in spending money carelessly and not looking forward to the future.

Lord I come to you, because I need just enough money to pay my bills. I also admit to myself that I was FOOLISH in how I was handling money. Money is a is a necessary tool to have, but you must use it correctly.

Lord I thank you for giving me a place to stay, food to eat, and to wake up to see the SUN shine.

Lord you have norished my mind. You made me realize that money is not a recreation tool, it’s tool used to sustain your lifestyle.

Lord not only do I come to you in financial need. I also want to share my situation to everyboby else in the UNIVERSE. I only NEED, but I don’t WANT.

I will never “Live Above My Means” again!

In your name I pray, Amen

Financial Miracle Prayer for Rent Money

I have not paid my rent for 2 months and it was due on the 5th of August, the agent is waiting, I do not want to loose this house, I wanted it so much when it was being built I used to pray for it and I even showed God the one I wanted and he granted my request, I am now behind on the rent and if the agent chooses he can evict me as I have been living on my deposit.

I am pleading the blood of Jesus through the intercession of ALL THE SAINTS AND ANGELS IN HEAVEN, especially my dear beloved Mother Mary, ALL THE PATRON SAINTS FOR HOPELESS CASES, St. Jude, St. Rita of Cassia, and all my dead friends and relatives who are in heaven to please plead my case for me.

In my desperation I have tried to solve this problem myself and have ended up being disappointed, and scared. I have other mountains of debt to clear as most of the deadlines have now passed.


17 Beautiful Poems About Jesus

Here is our collection of wonderful poems about jesus. From Short poems perfect for a greeting card, to longer poems from famous Christian poets.

If you have written your own poem about Jesus, submit it at the bottom of this page! God bless.


O my dear heart, young Jesus sweet,
Prepare thy cradle in my spirit
And I shall rock thee in my heart
And never more be parted from thee.

But I shall praise thee evermore
With songs sweet unto thy glory;
The knees of my heart shall I bow
And sing that true Balulalow. (‘Lullaby’)

The Revival

Henry Vaughan

Unfold! Unfold! Take in His light,
Who makes thy cares more short than night.
The joys which with His day-star rise
He deals to all but drowsy eyes;

And, what the men of this world miss
Some drops and dews of future bliss.
Hark! How His winds have changd their note!
And with warm whispers call thee out;

The frosts are past, the storms are gone,
And backward life at last comes on.
The lofty groves in express joys
Reply unto the turtles voice;

And here in dust and dirt, O here
The lilies of His love appear!

Poem about Jesus


Baby Jesus

A virgin birth, a manger bed
A lowly stable
To lay His head.

A humble beginning for anyone
It doesnt seem fitting
For Gods only Son.

But God had a plan to redeem me and you
Salvation through Jesus
Offers life afresh and anew.

There Is No One Like Jesus

There is no one like Jesus,
Our Savior and Lord
The message is timeless
The price we could not afford.

On the cross
He bore our shame
Suffering, He died,
Our souls to reclaim.

Three days later
He rose from the grave
Purchased our pardon,
We are no longer enslaved.

Jesus is the Answer

Put your faith in Jesus.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Hes the one and only Savior,
Offering hope for toil and strife.

When the burdens seem too hard.
In Him find help and comfort,
Let His angels be your guard.

I Have a Friend Named Jesus

I have a friend named Jesus.
Theres no other friend like He.
I have a friend named Jesus.
Gave His life to set me free.

I have a friend named Jesus.
A perfect, sinless man.
I have a friend named Jesus.
For me He has a plan.

I have a friend named Jesus.
On Him I can rely.
I have a friend named Jesus.
All my needs He will supply.

I Love You, Jesus

Caroline Falzon

when I look at you, crucified on the cross,
I come face to face with the evil of sin.
when I look at you, abandoned by man,
I just want to sing to you in the best way I can.
I love you, Jesus
I love you, so much
stay with me, don’t leave me,
I want to love you until the day that I die.

when I look at you, hung on the cross,
I look into your face, I see my friend.
when I look at you, forsaken by man,
I feel sore to my bones, but forever to you in debt.
I love you, Jesus
I love you, so much
stay with me, don’t leave me,
I want to love you until the day that I die.

when I look at you, in pain on the cross,
my heart miss a beat, tears run down my face.
when I look at you, insulted by man,
I feel your love inside me, your love with no end.
I love you, Jesus
I love you, so much
stay with me, don’t leave me,
I want to love you until the day that I die.

Is Your Name Written Down


Is your name written down in the Heaven up above
It will only be there if you accept God’s great gift of love
His love is the wonderful plan of salvation that he gave
When his only son went to the cross for you and me to save.

He sent his only son named Jesus to be our Lord and Saviour
Jesus came to earth to save us, but with the world he found no favor.
They nailed him to a cross for our crimes and him we did eschew
He said “Father forgive them for the know not what they do”.

Jesus came into the world to save sinners and not to condemn
He said “Your sins are paid for. I am the great I am.”
He went willingly to the cross to save us from our sins
If you trust him with your heart someday to Heaven you’ll enter in.

His Feet

District Elder M.L. Maughmer, Jr.

His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
That made His little face glow
When His mother tickled His tiny toes.
His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
Which at the age of twelve
Made Him stand before those educated well.
His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
That stepped into the Jordan River
And carried our souls deliverer.
His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
That stood atop a mountain high
And proclaimed the Kingdom of Heaven is nigh.
His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
That treaded across countless miles
Bringing hope, healing, happiness, and smiles.
His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
That travelled over sand, rocks, and dirt
Carrying comfort and love to all those who hurt.
His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
That gently bent a blade of grass
Are the very feet that bore the guilt of my past.
His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
That didn’t run when His accusers approached
But held fast His stand in spite of every stroke.
His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
That marched up Golgotha’s hill
Fulfilling God’s purpose and His will.
His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
That were nailed to the cross
Just so I would not be lost.
His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
Stepped over into captivity
And lead the broken captives free.
His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
That walked out of a borrowed tomb
And through locked doors of an upper room.
His feet, oh, those beautiful feet
That crushed the curse of sin,
Will one day step on earth again,
To judge all history,
And forever reign in victory.
Oh, to sit at His feet,
Yes, those beautiful feet”
Is where I want to be
Worshipping God for all eternity.

Jesus Loves Us All So Much

M.S. Lowndes

Jesus loves us all so much
That He would bleed and die
He took upon His beaten back
The cross that saw Him crucified.

Yes, He loved us all so much
that he was scorned and scoffed
He took it all upon Himself
For it was the will of God.

God knew it was the only way,
the final sacrifice.
Jesus Christ, a sinless man,
would need to give His life.

And even in the gift He gave
We still have not yet known
the fullness of His mighty love
and the grace so freely shown.

All He asks is that we all
Repent and follow Him,
for He has made the way for us,
free from hurt and sin.

Yes, God loved us all so much.
And yes, He loves us still.
He longs for us to trust in Him.
And do the Father’s will.

Jesus Loves Us

Desley Finedon

“Jesus loves me this I know,
for the Bible tells me so.”
This is a very special thought:
to young and old it ought be taught.

God’s love was there before our birth,
even before He made the earth.
In our mother’s wombs He formed our parts;
knit together body, soul and heart.

He loves as a shepherd loves his sheep;
as a mother when her child weeps.
He is our Father, saving, caring,
protecting and our burdens bearing.

His love never fails, is always warm,
giving peace inside when outside’s a storm.
He is gentle too, patient, kind,
and with good thoughts fills our minds.

When we know God loves us so,
we are strengthened to face our foes;
not run away, feeling low,
alone, uncertain how things will go…

For He makes secure, brings hope to life,
boldness to stand for what is right;
changes us to consider other’s needs:
God’s love is shared through kindly deeds.

Jesus loves us: all may know
what the Bible tells is so.

Why I Love Jesus

Alon Calinao Dy

While riding a city bus,
I remember Jesus,
He died on the cross for us,
I asked myself, “What’s the purpose?”
I have so many questions,
Why he sacrificed his life?
I heard different suggestions,
Yet no one really knew His strife.
I have come to know,
That He must undergo,
A word called “sacrifice”,
In order for us to live in Paradise.
This is one of the reasons why,
I love my Lord Jesus,
and why I cry for Jesus,
I love you, Jesus.

Thank You, Jesus.

Bible stories tell us
How great Jesus was.
They tell us his works
and how he loves everyone.
Jesus has shown the greatest love of all.
He has died on the cross
for us to see and live
the home he calls paradise.
So with all our hearts,
let us thank Him for the greatness
He has given us
continuously and tirelessly.

Greatest Gift

He was a gift sent from above
Wonderful news brought by an angel,
Carried by a beautiful, pure woman
to come save us all.

He loved even those who brought him down.
Taught those who wanted to know more,
Healed those who were sick,
and most of all, changed the life of many.
He had supper with the Chosen ones,
prayed for them in the garden,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
and carried a heavy cross up to a mountain.

All those he did to save us from our sins,
to be able to live a great life,
because of the love he had for us.
For all that he has done for us, He is our greatest gift.

Biggest Love of All

Love is a word
all of us know and hear.
But no one has shown
the greatest love but Jesus.
His love is the greatest
for many things.
He came down on Earth
to live with us.
He sacrificed His life
to save us from our sins.
And he came back
as he has promised.
This kind of love is great
for he has done big things for us.
Only the Lord Most High
can make them happen.

Our Brother, Our Friend

God sent us the greatest gift of all,
the only person who knows true love.
Jesus is this person who nourishes us,
mind body and soul.
No matter what we do,
where we are,
who we are with,
it is Jesus who is really with us.
He knows what we’ve been through,
understands all our thoughts,
embraces us with open arms,
even if we do not do the same to him.

Im Living for Him

Im living for Him each and every day
He gave His life for all, to show us the way.

Im living for Him, I feel His embrace.
He took all my sins and died in my place.

Im living for Him what a wonderful peace
His love for me will never cease.

Im living for Him, Im clothed in His glory
Jesus, the only answer, what an amazing story.

More Christian Poetry

Prayer For the One I Love to Come Back To Me

Oh, Holy Father. I ask for your guidance and help in my relationship that has just ended unexpectedly. He was the love of my life my best friend and for some reason things started to fall apart. We ended our relationship on bad terms and he will not speak with me.

I pray to you to let his heart and mind forgive me for what I did to him, even though what he did to me was much more worse. Give him the strength to see the wrongs he did to me and to finally have the will to tell me he’s sorry as I had told him I was sorry. I want our happy relationship that we once had back it was fun and loving. Oh, Holy Father strengthen our relationship so that we may at least be friends again, even though my heart still aches for him and his smile.

I want to know if he was also telling me the truth about not cheating on me ever when we were together, and I pray that it was the truth and that he truly did love me. Please Dear Lord, fill both our hearts with love, patience, joy, and happiness for one another. Help us find our way back to each others arms.

Also help him heal his bitter heart towards me and find the love he once had for me come back. Fill his heart and mind with the good things we had together and less on the bad.

I pray for him to know how much I still love, care and miss him each and everyday since we’ve been apart, and how much it hurts me that I no longer have a best friend by my side.

I pray to you, Oh Holy Father, to forgive both our sins and to grant us the happiness we truly deserve. But to give us one more shot at love and to rekindle our love for one another once more. Amen.

Prayer to keep my family together

My Lord Jesus, I pray to you to Please keep my family together. All I have is you and my family and thats all I want in my life. You have blessed me Not once, but twice with giving my family to me. I love you and thank you for this God. Im asking for your help for guidence and strenth.

prayer to get old job back

Heavenly Father, my new job is not working out and is causing me anxiety to the point of tears. I want to leave the job before I get fired but I want to stay with the company.

I pray that you will grant my request that I get my old job back as soon as possible. Also I pray for all that come to you in need that you will provide them guidance and forgiveness.

The Footprints Prayer

The Footprints Prayer is an inspirational poem about having faith in God. Also known as Footprints in The Sand, this prayer shows how God is always with us, especially in times of need.

It is thought by some that the person describing the dream is in fact, Jesus. Just as we all sometimes struggle with our faith, so to did Jesus. In times of need, we must look back and see the footprints in the sand to realize that God is, has, and always will by our side.

The Footprints Prayer

One night I had a dream…

I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord, and
Across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; One belonged to me, and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of my life flashed before us, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that many times along the path of my life, There was only one set of footprints.

I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest
and saddest times in my life
This really bothered me, and I questioned the Lord about it.
“Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
You would walk with me all the way;
But I have noticed that during the
most troublesome times in my life,
There is only one set of footprints.
I don’t understand why in times when I
needed you the most, you should leave me.

The Lord replied, “My precious, precious
child. I love you, and I would never,
never leave you during your times of
trial and suffering.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you.


Footprints Prayer


Footprints in the Sand Art

Here is a beautiful image depicting this prayer.


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Prayer for my sick father

Recently, we have found out that my father may of been diagonsed with cancer. It has filled my family with dread, they are scared of the unknown as am I, but I know if have the Lord by my side. Neither of my parents are unfortunately Christians and I pray to my dear God that he can bless there hearts, I ask for protection in this is difficult time and that you will help my parents fragile state of minds. We are all scared, as my dad grows weak it crushes me to see him so ill. Can you please help in this time of heartache ask for strength and love and that my parents and siblings with feel Jesus Chrit warms arms around us in times of pain. I hope and pray that one day they can love God in the way that you and I do.

Thankyou so much,
In Jesus’s name,

Asking God to give me Money

Heavenly Father,I come before you Father,for I have sinned against you,am asking for your forgiveness,am drowning in debts, I dont know what to do,My life is falling apart, my family is fallinf apart becauce ob my debts, I can no longer be able to buy food,cloth for my kids, everything is falling apart, I can no longer enjoy my work because of this situation of debts I am in, please Lord am begging you to give me money so that I will be able to pay every penny I owe, please Lord am begging you,give me Money to pay everything and be able to buy this house that I want at HA THETSANE WEST for my Family and stop paying rent,Father in you name I curse my debts,in holy name every debts that I have I order the HOLY SPIRIT TO CANCEL EVERY DEBT I HAVE,I ASK for your mercy Father PLEASE help me Deae Lord,for thre is nothing impossible with you.I NEED MONEY,HEAVENLY FATHER,AM BEGGING YOU,HEAR MY CRY,PLEASE LORD FOR I TRUST IN YOU,I LOVE YOU AND GIVE YOU MY EVERYTHING.PLEASE DEAR LORD FOR YOU SAID I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU,HEAR MY CRY AMD WIPE MY TEARS FROM ENEMIES.AM ASKING FOR MONEY TO PAY EVERYTHING FOR MY DEADLINE IS ON 27/06/2011 TO PAY EVERYONE PLEASE HEAVENLY FATHER,FATHER OF ABRAHAM.JACOB AND ISSAC GRANT ME A MIRACLE TO CLEAR EVRYONE AND NEVER EVER MAKE A DEBT,I PROMISE FATHER I WILL NEVER EVER GET INTO DEBTS AGAIN PLEASE HELP ME.I SINCERELY ASK FOR YOUR MERCY,PLEASE GOD HELP ME IN JESUS NAME AMEN.

Prayer for my daughter who seeks a relationship.

Please pray for my beautiful 30 year old daughter who has everything to offer a man, but cannot seem to find and build a relationship with anyone she dates. She is so frustrated.

She wants nothing more out of life than to marry and be a mom. Please pray that she remains patient, especially that a gentleman she liked so much can see what a good partner she would have been and to give her a second chance.

He dangles the possibility in her face from time and time which makes it so hard for her to move on.

Prayer for Job Security

Jesus, please restore and secure my present job. Please reverse the Management’s decision on redundancy and retain my employment. Also I pray that I will receive excellent job offers so I will have a choice should I plan to leave on my own accord.

Please pray for me Mama Mary. Intercede with me Saint Padre Pio. In Jesus name I beg thee. Amen.

Prayer for Healing of Eyes

Lord Jesus, thank you for everything you have given me. I can see your hands in my life and I thank you for it. Thank you for helping my father and loved ones in their time of need and thank you for the emotional support and wisdom you have granted all of us.

I pray today for my eyes. I ask that your healing come to them, to take away the damage to them and allow me the gift of sight unhindered. May you give others who still take their sight for granted the wisdom to appreciate this marvelous gift.

Thank you for everything, amen.

Prayer for Negative Biopsy Results

St. Jude,

I pray to you and The Lord and ask for assistance. I pray that my biopsy results are negative and I pray that I do not have cancer. I pray for your miraculous blessings and I pray for strength to help me get through the stress of waiting for the results . Thank you so much for everything ! St Jude thank you for always helping me and Lord, I thank you for the strength you give me everyday, I thank you for my beautiful family, my wonderful amazing husband and the greatest gift from you, my daughter. I thank you for our jobs, the food we eat everyday, the house we live in, our good health, my solid marriage and the love I share with my family. I know all this is possible because of you . Thank you!

Prayer for Healing of any Diseases and Sickness

Dear Heavenly Father, Lord I first ask for your forgiveness. I know that I haven’t always done right and have done wrong on many occasions, but God I’m asking you right now in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus to touch my body from head to toe. Oh God I ask for your healing powers to enter my body right now.

You have my permission Lord. Search my body, from the marrow of my bones to every hair on the surface of my flesh, HEAL me right now God!! HEAL me from any Chronic Diseases, Infectious Disease, whether it be and STD, HIV, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Pain Weakness, Anxiety, Depression, Stress. Oh GOD Heal like ONLY YOU CAN!!! OH GOD I ask that you Anoint my body, mind, soul and spirit.

I desire to be more like you each day God. I pray this not only for myself God, but I know there are other young men like me, who trust you completely and whole heart! GOD I know you won’t fail. I know that you said in your word that whatever we ask, in YOUR Name, believing, that we shall receive. Father I thank you for giving me another day on this earth to “get it right”

I DECLARE AND DECREE right now in the NAME OF JESUS, I AM HEALED! I AM FREE FROM SICKNESS! I AM FREE FROM ANY DISEASES! I AM BLESSED AND HIGHLY FAVORED! I AM A LENDER AND NOT A BORROWER! I AM ABOVE AND NOT BENEATH! I AM BLESSED!!! Now Father as I close this prayer and ask that all of this be done for YOUR GLORY, I also ask that you keep me Humble in your word. I realize that in order for you to Increase, I MUST Decrease!

I just want to Thank you JESUS! satan, you have NO PLACE and NO POWER!!! I believe and and know that because I reverence and worship YOU GOD, IT IS DONE!! While I was trying to figure it out, you’ve already worked it out! Because of that, I am HEALED!!! Thank you JESUS!!!! AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!!

Prayer to complete home repairs

“O most holy apostle, Saint Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honoureth and invoketh thee universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, and of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, as I am desperate need for my home to be complete, for my children to gain strength and honor and for the money to be there to finish the things the home needs completed.

Make use, I implore thee, of that particular privilege accorded to thee, to bring visible and speedy help where help was almost despaired of. Come to mine assistance in this great need, that I may receive the consolation and succor of Heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (here make your request) and that I may praise God with thee and all the elect throughout eternity. I promise thee, O blessed Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favour, to always honour thee as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to thee.


Prayer to be delivered from pornography addiction

Please pray that I be free from my pornography addiction. It has gone on for too many years now, and it’s getting bad. Pray that I be relieved of this burden, that my memories and desires be healed. Please ask the Lord to set me free.

Prayer for Passing NCLEX-RN

Dear Lord,

My desire is to do your will and help serve and heal your people. I have long been on this journey of achieving my RN license. Lord guide my study habits that I may understand the concepts to pass the NCLEX. Father you said in your word whatever I ask you for you will grant unto me for your townsmen know that I am a worthy woman (Ruth 3:11). Father you did not bring me this far to leave me nor to fail me. I ask you Father in the name of Jesus to increase my faith, that I may press toward the mark of the high calling.

God please help me. I cannot do this by myself. Please guide my steps and ways that when I pass I will give you all the praise and glory.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen

Prayers for Teachers

We offer prayers for teachers because teachers have the enormous responsibility of imparting knowledge to our children, and their job is often difficult!

Prayers for teachers are to be said for and by them, to bring guidance and divine support so that they may bring the word of God to others. The prayers are for Sunday school and religious educators, but apply in principle to all teachers.

There is also a prayer that teachers may say to request guidance for difficult and troubled students.

Luke 6:40: There is no disciple who is superior to his teacher; but every one whose instruction is complete will be like his teacher.”

[2 ESDR 9:17]

The following has been submitted by Olga de Juana. Thanks Olga!

Teachers Prayer

Help me to be a fine teacher,
to keep peace in the classroom,
peace between my students and myself,
to be kind and gentle
to each and every one of my students.
Help me to be merciful to my students,
to balance mercy and discipline
in the right measure for each student,
to give genuine praise as much as possible,
to give constructive criticism
in a manner that is palatable to my students.
Help me to remain conscientious
enough to keep my lessons always interesting,
to recognize what motivates each of my students,
to accept my students’ limitations
and not hold it against them.
Help me not to judge my students too harshly,
to be fair to all,
to be a good role model,
but most of all Lord help me
to show your love to all of my students.


Sunday School Teacher’s Prayer

Father in Heaven, I thank You that
You have called upon me to take part in
the instruction of young people. See that
I am fit to do this honored work before me.
Grant me a clear understanding of Your word.
Teach me, that I may teach others. Help me
to realize the solemnity of instructing immortal
souls, and give me aptness to teach. Enable me
to set before my students a pious example.

Make Your word quick and powerful in the
hearts of all. Bless, I pray You, each of the
students committed to my care. Grant that
they may receive with all readiness of mind
the lessons of Your word, that they may be
brought to the full knowledge of Your grace
and to the true faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.

O Lord, bless also their parents. Help them
to bring up their children under the care and
admonition of the Lord. Sanctify them, that
they may feel a pious concern for the salvation
of their children. Grant Your blessing upon the
instruction and admonition of both parents and
teachers, that all these children may become full
members of Your church, and heirs of Your salvation.

May these children be motivated to also say
prayers for teachers as well. Bless, O Lord, the
superintendent and the pastor. May our school
and church prosper to the praise of Your holy name,
and to the salvation of all the members,
for Jesus’ sake, amen.

Prayer of a Sunday school student

Dear Father in Heaven, I pray for Your blessing.
I thank You for this Sunday school, where I may
learn more about You. I thank You that You
have called upon me into Your covenant by
baptism. Help me to remember my Creator
in the days of my youth, that I may not depart
from Your ways.

Bless our school, officers,
teachers and students alike. Help us to learn
Your truth with joy. Open our hearts that we
may receive Your word. Help us to love and
obey Your truth.

O Lord, bless my teacher
and give him or her much joy in teaching us.
Bless my parents, and help me to obey them
in Your name. Please forgive all my sins,
and help me to be Your obedient,
faithful child, for Jesus’ sake.


Prayer for Troubled Kids

Almighty God, Heavenly Father, whose mercies are new unto us every morning, and Thy faithfulness every night, grant us. we pray Thee, Thy Holy Spirit, that we may heartily acknowledge Thy merciful goodness toward us, give thanks for all Thy benefits, and serve Thee in willing obedience, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Merciful God, we pray on behalf of these children and youths, that they may be more and more renewed by Thy Holy Spirit. Grant that they may receive with all readiness of mind the lessons of Thy word, that they may be brought to full knowledge of Thy grace and to the true faith in Jesus Christ. Cause all sinful affections to die in them, and all things belonging to the Spirit to live and grow in them. Give them strength to gain the victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Defend them against temptation and every pitfall. Let Thy fatherly hand supply their wants for this life, and let Thy Holy Spirit guide them in the way of Thy commandments. Make them living members of Thy Holy Church, and heirs through hope of Thine everlasting kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Almighty and gracious God, we ask Thy blessing upon all Thy servants to whom Thou hast committed the work of teaching the young; guide them, O Good Shepherd of the sheep, that they may be able to guide the lambs of Thy flock in the way of life; and give them Thy continued grace, that they may persevere in the good work which they have undertaken; reward them abundantly through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen!


Read Bible Verses about Teachers

“And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”

[1 Timothy 2:2]

Click here to read more Bible Verses about Teachers.

  • Thankful and Guide prayer - Lord, Thank you for all the blessings that I received and my family received. You always make us safe and healthy esp. my parents and… ...
  • Prayer - Will you pray for me to have someone teach me to do my own salvation and discipline myself with not giving into temptations to eat… ...
  • Increase wisdom able to remember it to teach and share with others. - I have a desire to learn more about the Bible and God. I want to be able to share it all with Women's Sunday school… ...
  • Work Support - I've submitted an Educational Health and Care Plan nearly 2 weeks late as I've been struggling with time. Please, protect me from any local authority… ...
  • Prayer for the defense - Dear God, I thank you po for all the blessings we received every day. Please forgive me for the sins I committed. Please send me… ...
  • Prayer for my research project - My Father in Heaven. I place myself under your feet, hidden in the sacred blood of Jesus. I place my supervisor and my research project… ...
  • Prayers for Teachers - We offer prayers for teachers because teachers have the enormous responsibility of imparting knowledge to our children, and their job is often difficult! Prayers for… ...
  • Prayer for the community - (Dover, De, USA) Heavenly Father, you gather us together in our faith journeyTrusting in you, we join one another as a communityA community of faith… ...
  • Simple Sunday school prayer - Dear heavenly Father.I thank you for this Sunday school to learn more about you and your word.Let us put aside all our distractions so that… ...
  • Prayer for for Students with Severe Discipline Problems - Abba Father, we ask to be filled with the fruits of Your Spirit and that You impart to us Your perfect wisdom that we seek.Please… ...
  • school prayer - Dear father in heaven your children are here before you we offer this day all we do think and say please give light to our… ...

Prayer for my son’s exams

Please pray for my son’s exams. he is in class x . he has done very badly, he cannot concerate on his studies.

His exams are starting on the 1st of march. please pray.

Dear Lord Walk With Me Today

Dear Lord walk with me today. Show me the right way to freedom and love. Shine your almighty courage and strength into me. Bless me, my family and my friends. Guide me through my hardships so that I may succeed in everlasting happiness.

I trust in you Lord. I fine peace in Praying to you Lord. I love you. Thank you for listening. Amen.

Prayer to Bless My Business

God please bless my business and guide me where You need me to go, do and be.

Please help me to hear Your voice and make only the choices and decisions that You want me to make.

Your word says “ask and you will be heard by God”. I am giving You my all, Dear God, as I can not go alone any longer without Your light to guide me and without Your path that You have chosen for me to take.

I am tired and weary, Dear God and You and only You can make the proper changes in my life to carry me on.

In Jesus, Holy and Precious name I ask of You, Dear God, Amen.

Prayer for Admission Graduate School

Dear God, and Jesus, Son of God,

Please grant me admission into Columbia University for the PhD program. This is my absolute dream. My absolute life plan. I promise to be faithful to you, and steadfast to my dream, and adamant with my prayer. I have prayed to St. Jude and St. Anthony, and now give you thanks and express my wishes because you are all-powerful.

I thank you for granting me the grace and courage to accomplish all I have. I thank you for keeping my family safe. I love you with all my heart and ask you now to help me in this. I see myself going there already, walking through those doors. I thank you.

Forgive me my trespasses and sins, for all I have is love for you. Pray for me.

Prayer to Soften My Wife’s Heart

Oh Lord I pray that You will give me what I need to change and be the kind of man my wife needs and deserves for a husband. I have wronged her terribly by hiding financial problems and stealing her hopes and dreams. I have not treated her right emotionally. I have been a poor husband and friend. I must thank her because of her asking for a seperation I have come back to You Lord. She has saved me, now I ask for the chance to save her. I need the gift of patience and to soften her heart which I hardened through my actions. I also ask that her coworkers stop influencing her to not give me a chance. If I am given a fair chance, with Your help I can restore our marriage. Thank you Lord. Amen

Prayer for financial windfall

Dear GOD i’m praying for a financial blessing to come into my life. I know that all good things come from you and i’m asking you to bless me with a windfall that will eliminate any and all debts that i have.

I know dear GOD that you own all the financial institutions. You are the one who,s in charge of it all and i can do nothing without you.I love you LORD and i thank you because i believe it’s already done.

Learn How To Pray To God

There is a lot of advice out there about how to pray, but there is not a right or a wrong way when it comes to how to communicate with God.

That said, when starting out, you may be in need of a guideline, a template of sorts, to help form your prayers until you become comfortable praying without it.

How To: Teach Children About Praying.

A Couple Ground Rules

In the Bible, Jesus mentions a couple things that should not be done when praying.

“Do not always pray openly for others to see and hear.” [Matthew 6:5-6]
“Do not pray using repetitive prayers. ” [Matthew 6:5-6]

After admonishing his disciples not to pray for show and not to use rote prayers, Jesus gave a beautiful example of a prayer, and said that this is how His followers should pray.

Before beginning His prayer, Jesus said, After this manner therefore pray ye:.

Learn How To Pray With The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer is the prayer that Jesus wants us to use as an example of a good prayer.

Lets go over each line and examine the structure and meaning of this prayer.

“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. ” [Matthew 6:9]

Before launching into to what you need or the purpose of your prayer, start with praise to the Lord. Begin your prayer with worship and by exalting the name of the Lord.

“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” [Matthew 6:10]

Remember that when you pray, you are not making demands of God. Christians should always want Gods will above their own. Include this in your prayer by asking that Gods will be done.

“Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” [Matthew 6:11-12]

After you have worshiped and exalted the Lord and asked that His will be done, it is time to ask for any needs that you might have.

This could be healing for yourself or others, the strength to deal with difficult people, help with financial needs, the need to be forgiven for sin or anything else.

“Whatever needs you have, the Bible says that you should make your requests known unto God” [Phillipians 4:6]

There is nothing wrong with asking God for help in meeting your needs; in fact you just saw that the Bible tells you to do just that.

What Christians must be careful of, however, is coming to God with a laundry list of requests without taking the time to offer praise and worship. That is why following the basic template of the Lords Prayer is helpful.

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: ” [Matthew 6:13]

With temptation all around, it is a good idea to include a request for help in avoiding it. When you ask God for help in avoiding temptation you are acknowledging that the strength to live a dedicated and holy life does not come from you, but from Gods grace.

When you ask God to deliver you from evil, He can put a hedge about your life and help to protect you from the influences that could cause you to fall into sin.

“For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” [Matthew 6:13]

Finally, you should end your prayers the same way that you began: with praise and worship to God.

Be mindful that you are not following The Lords Prayer word for word. Instead, use it as a guide to pray the prayers that are on your own heart. When you pray in the same manner that Jesus prayed, you words will find their way to the heart of the Lord.

When To Pray

The bible gives countless examples of when to pray.

This site gives a decent breakdown of the different scriptures quoting when people pray in the bible.

What should we take away from this?

I believe there is not “right” time to pray. But, it is a good idea to pray every day, and this becomes easier if you choose a time and stick to it every day.

I pray in the morning in order to prepare myself for the day, and to help keep me on the right path throughout the day.

Praying in the evening is better for reflecting on the day’s events. If you can do both, great!

And of course, it is common to pray before dinner.

How Do You Pray?

Join the conversation!

We want to know how you pray.

What does prayer mean to you?

What is your favorite type of prayer?

When do you like to pray?

How often do you pray?

There are no right or wrong answers. We are all her to learn how to pray from one another. Help teach others by sharing your story.

Prayers for Gratitude and Saying Thank You

Showing gratitude is one of the most important things we can do as Christians. Lets all strive to be gracious each and every day.

Below are several beautiful prayers for gratitude. When we pray, often times we are making requests. Take a moment to simply say thank you to God.

Thank You Prayer


The Gratitude Prayer

God help us to always look to the many things for which we can be grateful –
even in the midst of times of loss.

Let us enjoy the peace that comes with having a grateful heart.
The Bible tells us that it will rain on the just and the unjust,
but there is always something to thank you for, God.

Teach us to make the choice to think on those things,
so that we may always have a thankful heart.


I Am Grateful For God


From the scriptures…

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” [Ephesians 2:8]

Read more bible verses Bible Verses about Grace.

Prayers for Grandmothers

May God bless our Grandmothers on this day, and every day.

Here is a small collection of prayers for grandmothers. Submit your prayer request below, and our community will pray with you.

A Prayer for Grandmothers

We thank You, God, for all of the grandmothers who are here today.
Their love and wisdom have helped to shape us into who we are,
and we have learned about how to love You and how to love each other
through their example.

Bless each of them with long life and show us all how to
honor them in ways that would let them know how much they mean
to us and that would also be pleasing in Your sight.


A Prayer for Grandma’s Health

Oh God, we come before you with a request for healing for our beloved grandma. We know that it is within Your power to make her well again, but we also know that to everything there is a season, and sometimes we must simply trust You.

Still, we want to make our petition known, Lord. If it be Your will, we ask that You pour Your healing oil on our grandma that she can once again be healedand whole.

We ask this in Jesus’ name.


The Grandmother’s Prayer


From the scriptures…

“My son, keep your father’s commandment, and forsake not your mother’s teaching.” [Proverbs 6:22]

Read more bible verses about Mother’s and Women.

Prayer to Heal Stomach Problems

Dear Lord,

I thank you for your unconditional love. I thank you for the blessings you pour upon us each and everyday that we do not realise and take for granted. Lord I pray that you will heal me from this condition. This condition where whatever I eat, I have horrible heartburns or stomach pains. I pray that you will heal me completely in your name Lord.

Prayer to change life for the better

Heavenly Father, I look up to you in this time of change. Allow me to have the courage to change my life for the better. Allow all my burdens to be risen up to you as I know that You will see me through. Forgive those who have done evil and allow me to do the same. Teach me to love with an open heart and open spirit. Take time for me today to help with all the trials you have set out for me and allow me the strength and energy to follow you. Give me the blessings to find a new home, keep my family together, and bless those who are away, may they be strong and know how much love is out there. Let them know you and I are thinking of them and missing them dearly. Bless me with love, strength, wisdom, health, courage, forgiveness, and a willingness to learn.