I had been in a relationship for nine years, my partner was diagnosed with cancer, so for a whole year i
rearainged my schedule took him to every doctors appointment he had. i was there with every surgery every radiation, never missed a time, with no one to help me, then his daughter came into the picture after a year and he turned on me, wouldnt , take my phone call called me everything but a child of God, I would never think he would do this to me, I cleaned his house washed his clothes did his shopping, ran up miles on my car, and i never got a Thank you from his daughter, he just threw me out, I did everything for this man during his treatment for cancer, and he gave me evil for good, so I ask for your prayers for me. And I Thank you for praying for me. she didnt want him talking to me anymore and thats what he dose he will not talk to me, he has just been so mean to me I dont drserve the treatment that he has shown me so I just pray