Spiritual Instincts

Today I learned that slow feet plus concealed ice equals staples.

I had just finished my morning walk and was strolling leisurely down the sidewalk, when my feet left the ground. Fortunately my head stopped my fall. I went down so fast that I am certain that I could have achieved Guinness World Record status.

With the back of my head feeling as though it had been pushed through my forehead, I pulled myself off the ground and made it home. My husband saw the blood and off we went to the Quick Care. Before leaving the house I did two things: called a co-worker, which I don’t totally remember, and prayed.

I can’t tell you what I asked God at that point either. He may still be laughing. Anyway, at that moment I discovered that, after years of faith, God gives you spiritual instincts. I knew I had to pray. So whatever I said, the Spirit interpreted. And I am sitting comfortably at home writing this.

The other thing I learned is just how fast the “twinkling of an eye” (1 Corinthians 15:52) really is. That is how long it will take for our Savior to make His second entrance and finish history. “In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye” (1 Corinthians 15:52), I hit the ground. That is the same amount of time it will take for Christ to bring me home.

On that day, like today, I will hope that my spiritual instincts will kick in, and I will be in prayer when He returns.

Denise Larson Cooper has a passion for Christ and sharing His Word. A wife and mother of two daughters, Denise currently works as a gymnastic coach.

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Check Out Denise’s Books!

Godnesia: Keeping God in Mind Each Day http://amzn.to/2GSquOD

Ordinary Days With an Extraordinary Savior – http://amzn.to/2mFGASBLife Is a Metaphor: Recognizing God in the Everyday – http://amzn.to/2De1rU2

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