Removing evil spirits

by Shangra-La ()

Praying for the removal of the spirit of death and other spirits from my body, mind, soul and from my home ceiling walls windows. Let the senders take my place. Any evil spirit attached removed never to return all portals in my home closed. Enchantments, drums, demonic animals, rituals sound waves, spells and curses are removed and can no longer penetrate my life no longer attach to me. I pray for the removal of the rejection curses that I am accepted wherever I go and the curse of bad luck and dislike is removed off me. All negative energy removed from my body, mind soul and home. All satanic plans for my life and calendars of death are rendered null and void. Praying for the Holy Ghost to enter me and my home and cast out them demons. I pray for love, peace, joy and happiness in my life and that the end of my enemies attacking me with witchcraft are destroyed by Holy Ghost fire. My mom is protected and delivered as well. They leave her alone.

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