Prayer to the Holy Spirit – How to Pray in the Spirit

prayers to the holy spirit, praying in the spirit

What are Prayers to the Holy Spirit?

It can be recalled that in the New Testament details, a tender relationship between the Holy Spirit and Jesus was solidified through the earthly life and the ministry. Jesus is stated in The Gospels of Matthew and Luke and the Nicene Creed as “conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary”. Therefore, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove during his baptism. During the Last Supper, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples.

Being a Christian is about having the Holy Spirit dwell in individual believers. This enables us to live in a life of faith and righteousness because the Holy Spirit intercedes and supports our every act. The Holy Spirit also acts as our comforter and Paraclete especially when we are undergoing a life of difficulty. For this, many prayers fo the Holy Spirit is directed to ask for favors in order to overcome challenges or succeed in our plans.

Let these prayers for the Holy Spirit lead you as you ask for guidance.

A Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Lord, we acknowledge that on our own, our efforts to pray are not enough. We try very hard to pray on our own, yet we fail. We are not as prayerful as much as we should be, and we do not pray with the right attitude as well.

For this, we ask you, Lord, to let your Spirit lead our prayer time. Allow us not to be overwhelmed by our concerns. Allow us to follow the leading of your Spirit. May we recognize Your presence and be at peace as we pray.

Thank You, Lord, for letting us draw near to you. Thank You for calming our hearts and relieving us of worry. You have said in your Word not to worry about anything, but in prayer and petition, let our requests be made known to You. Now, as we stand before Your throne, we present our concerns to You.

We also acknowledge Your sovereignty, Lord. So as we present these concerns, may Your Spirit give peace to our hearts as You answer our prayers. Your answers may not be the ones we wanted, but Your will be done, Lord. We ask Your Spirit to give us submitting hearts so that we may yield to Your will. In Your Name, we pray, Amen.

Come Holy Spirit Prayer

Come fill our hearts, Holy Spirit. Let our hearts be full of the love of God. Let this love overflow in us so we may share it with others too. Lord, let your Spirit reign in us so that we may be channels of blessing to everyone we meet today.

Lord, let Your Spirit guide our lives today. On our own, we tend to sin. We pray that He would convict us whenever we think of committing a sin. We humbly ask Him to take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to You. On this day, we ask the Spirit to let no evil thoughts come to fruition. Rather, soften our hearts so that we may express love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These we pray in Your Name, Amen.

Holy Spirit Prayer for Miracles

Lord, our lives are full of challenges. These challenges can be so overwhelming that we can no longer figure out what to do anymore. There are times that we just want to give up because of our weakness.

Teach us, Lord, to walk by Your Spirit in these trying times. We ask You to make miracles in our lives through Your Spirit, transforming these challenges into opportunities for us to grow in faith. Grant us the miracles of overcoming these challenges, Lord, that You may be glorified. We ask the Spirit to give us endurance that we may face these challenges head-on. Allow us not to waver nor falter in the midst of them. In Your Name, we pray all these things, Amen.

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Morning Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for this new day. Thank You for allowing us to wake up once again. Your steadfast love never ceases, and Your mercies are new every morning.

As we start our day, God, we may once more be locked up in our routines. We ask the Holy Spirit to always remind us of Your presence, God. Let us not forget that You are always there to answer our prayers wherever we are.

We also ask Your Spirit to move in us that we may reflect Your holiness today. In this world, there are many temptations to sin. But through the power of Your Spirit, we can do the right things. Remind us, Holy Spirit, that we are no longer slaves to sin, and we can always choose to do good each time.

Prayer to Receive the Holy Spirit

Lord, thank You for the gift of eternal life that You have given us freely through the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ. We are also grateful that our salvation is assured. At times we may forget this, so we ask the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives that He may remind us of this assurance.

We recognize, Lord, that our lives here on Earth are not perfect. We can still sin against You. We pray that the Spirit will always convict our hearts-whenever we sin. Allow these convictions, Lord, to change us from within. We do not want to displease You, Lord, but we cannot be holy on our own. Remind us every day, Holy Spirit, to live our lives the way our Savior Jesus did.

You said in Your Word, Lord, that we should live our lives holy because You are holy. For this, we ask Your Spirit to give us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Help us to manifest these values in our lives every single day. Be our voice of conscience, Holy Spirit, so that our lives may be pleasing to our Heavenly Father.

We also ask Your Spirit, Lord, to teach us how to pray. Prayer does not come naturally to us, so we ask the Spirit to move us to prayer each time. May we always be attentive to the Spirit’s leading. May we always be willing to pray, that we may not quench the Spirit. Thank You also, Lord, that Your Spirit knows our concerns even if we cannot put them to words. Thank You that we have an intercessor on our behalf. Always remind us, Lord, that your Spirit is within us, and that we can pray to You at any time.

All these we ask in Your Name, Amen.

Purpose of Prayer to the Holy Spirit

As you may have insight from the prayer guides, the purpose of the prayer to the Holy Spirit is to build and encourage comfort to individuals and the church or the people. There are many gifts of the Spirit and a prayer covers the many aspects of our important relationship to the third person of the Holy Trinity. Let these prayers guide you in your day and lead you to a life of gratitude, and allow you to take comfort in the gifts or favors that the Spirit is willing to bestow.

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