Father I’m asking that you forgive my sins. Father in the name of Jesus i rebuke the known and the unknown weapons against me and my family. I break curses and things in dark places, I rebuke in the name of Jesus the seen and unseen. I pray your miraculous spirit comforts me in this time of stress.
I pray for a sign that can only be from you. I ask now dear Father that you will hear my plea and look at my heart as I struggle each day to be obedient. I want to be in your will and I want to be a light for others to see the Christ like being I have become through your grace and mercy. With a humble heart I praise your holy name and thank you for everything you have given me. I ask that you lead me to necessary changes and let no man put me down.
You are my Savior and I thank you because I can pray this prayer and I can find peace and comfort through your grace and mercy. I love you because you are love. In Jesus name I pray,Amen
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