Prayer to bring husband back

Father, in the name of Jesus, I need you now. Not a second or another minute, not an hour or another day. I’m reaching out to you this moment, seeking your face, asking for a miracle to save my marriage.

I have been praying and trusting you and I know that you hear me. I need you now Lord. Today Lord. Please work a miracle in my home. I am so disappointed about a lot of things. My husband is allowing the devil to use him and he has forgotten the vows he made to me before you Lord. I can’t take the lies.

He is seeing another woman, among other things. He is blatantly disrespectful and emotionally detached from our marriage. JESUS! I need you now Lord, to bring him to his knees, trouble his spirit, place a burden on his heart to know that he is sinning against you.

Please place a hedge of thorns around him. Arrest him, convict him, correct him please Lord. I cannot wait another day. My heart aches. I know you hear me. I am waiting on you and you only. Please deliver me.

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13 comments for “Prayer to bring husband back”

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  1. please bring back my husband

    My husband has cheated on me. we are trying to work on it. I want my husband back. he says he loves me every day. but also hurt me every day. today is christmas eve and he has turned of his phone so that I cannot talk to him. Please I pray for love and compassion in his heart for me. please have him call me and love me and come back to this family who loves him and adores him. I choose to spend the rest of my life with him. I want him to honor our marriage vows to stop lying and cheating and making excuses. I want him to get a wake up call . please help me

  2. i have the same situation

    Father lord help me ,show me your husband left with 2 children and went with other women.He does not call me for reconciliation .am ready to forgive him if he returns home and we make our marriage successful with God.Am desperate day and night because my prayers seem not reaching to God.

  3. Restore our marriage

    Lord I ask that you please bring my ex back home to his family. I pray that you break the ties with him and the ow and he remembers his vows he took before u Lord amen.

  4. Restore my Marriage

    My husband has abandoned our home. And is emotionally detached from our marriage. He doesn’t spend time with the children. He has created separation agreement. He comes back once in a blue moon. And calls me a sorts of disrespectful names. need prayers. I need God to restore our marriage.

  5. Miracle today my ex-husband back

    Saint Judas and God make miracle that my ex-husband come home today. The he plan to get marriage May 23 cancel. Amen please prayer for me . God bless you

  6. I am in the same sutuation

    He is getting marriage May 23.. We was together for 33 years.. You image how I feel.. I am be prayer that God change his heart and return him before May 23.. Let me know how you doing

  7. My husband come back today

    Maria- Señor mío Jesucristo te pido como todas las noches que me escuches, quiero a AM a mi lado, lo amo y lo necesito. Me urge verlo esta distancia y tantos problemas me consumen y me entristecen…

    Te lo pido


    San Antonio de Pauda, San Judas Tadeo inteceder por mi para que el amor de mi vida regrese a mi lado y podamos estar juntos y cumplir nuestros sueños juntos, formar nuestra familia y fortalecer y crecer el negocio de el.

    Oración propia de la Novena

    San Antonio, glorioso por la fama de tus milagros, obténme de la Misericordia de Dios esta gracia que deseo (Mencione el favor que pide).

    Como tú eres tan bondadoso con los pobres pecadores, no mires mi falta de virtud antes bien considera la Gloria de Dios que será una vez más ensalzada por ti al concederme la petición que yo ahora encarecidamente hago.

    Glorioso San Antonio de los milagros, padre de los pobres y consuelo de los afligidos, te pido ayuda.

    Has venido a mi auxilio con tan amable solicitud y me has aliviado tan generosamente que me siento agradecido de corazón.
    Acepta esta ofrenda de mi devoción y amor. Renuevo la seria promesa de vivir siempre amando a Dios y al prójimo.

    Continua defendiéndote benignamente con tu protección y obténme la gracia de poder un día entrar el el Reino de los Cielos, donde cantaré enteramente las misericordias del Señor. Amen.

    Letanía de San Antonio
    (como devoción privada)

    Señor ten piedad.
    Cristo ten piedad.
    Señor ten piedad.
    Cristo, óyenos.
    Cristo, escúchanos.
    Santa María, ruega por nosotros.
    San Francisco,
    San Antonio de Padua gloria de la orden de frailes menores,
    Mártir en el deseo de morir por Cristo,
    Columna de la Iglesia,
    Digno sacerdote de Dios,
    Predicador apostólico,
    Maestro de la verdad,
    Vencedor de herejes,
    Terror de los demonios,
    Consuelo de los afligidos,
    Auxilio de los necesitados,
    Guía de los extraviados,
    Restaurador de las cosas perdidas,
    Intercesor escogido,
    Constante obrador de milagros,
    Sé propicio, perdónanos, Señor,
    Sé propicio, escúchanos, Señor,
    De todo mal, líbranos, Señor,
    De todo pecado,
    De todo peligro de alma y cuerpo,
    De los lazos del demonio,
    De la peste, hambre y guerra,
    De la muerte eterna,
    Por los méritos de San Antonio,
    Por su celo en la conversión de los pecadores,
    Por su deseo de la corona del martirio,
    Por sus fatigas y trabajos,
    Por su predicación y doctrina,
    Por sus lagrimas de penitencia,
    Por su paciencia y humildad,
    Por su gloriosa muerte,
    Por sus numerosos prodigios,
    En el día del juicio,
    Nosotros pecadores, te rogamos, óyenos,
    Que nos guíes por caminos de verdadera penitencia,
    Que nos concedas paciencia en los sufrimientos,
    Que nos asistas en las necesidades,
    Que oigas nuestras oraciones y peticiones,
    Que enciendas en nosotros el fuego de tu amor,
    Que nos concedas la protección y la intercesión de San Antonio,
    Hijo de Dios,
    Cordero de Dios que quitas los pecados del mundo, perdónanos, Señor.
    Cordero de Dios que quitas los pecados del mundo, escúchanos, Señor
    Cordero de Dios que quitas los pecados del mundo, ten piedad de nosotros
    Cristo, óyenos.
    Cristo, escúchanos.
    V. Ruega por nosotros oh bienaventurado San Antonio,
    R. Para que seamos dignos de las promesas de Cristo.

    Dios todopoderoso y eterno!, Glorificaste a tu fiel confesor Antonio con el don constante de hacer milagros. Concédenos que cuanto pedimos confiadamente por sus méritos estemos ciertos de recibirlo por su intercesión. Te lo pedimos en nombre de Jesús, el Señor.
    R. Amen.

    Oración de San Judas Tadeo para el Amor

    San Judas Tadeo, intercesor de todo problema difícil consígueme la voluntad de ( nombre de la persona a quien quieres dominar ) para que a mi cuerpo no le falte lo necesario para vivir, que su voluntad me pertenezca a pesar de las circunstancias y problemas adversos. Que en mi guarde sus esperanzas gozando de salud y fuerza. Y que día a día este conmigo. Asocio tu intercesión a la Sagrada Familia, de la cual eres pariente y prometo difundir tu devoción como expresión de mi gratitud a tus favores. Amén.
    Rezarla durante 9 dias

    Oh glorioso apostol San Judas Tadeo siervo fiel y amigo de Jesus ,el nombre del traidor a sido causa de que fueses olvidado de muchos ,pero la iglesia te honra y te invoca como el patron de las causas dificiles y desesperadas.Ruega por mi para que reciba yo los consuelos del cielo en todas mis necesidades ,tribulaciones y sufrimientos particularmente,(hagase aqui la peticion),y para que pueda yo bendecir a Dios en tu compañia y con los demas elegidos por toda la eternidad.Yo te prometo, apostol bienaventurado acordarme siempre de este gran favor,jamas dejare de honrarte como a mi especial y poderoso protector y de hacer todo lo posible para propagar tu devocion.Asi sea.San Judas Tadeo ruega por nosotros y por todos los que piden tu proteccion.AMEN. rezar padrenuestro avemaria y gloria.rezar durante nueve dias y publicar la oracion al octavo dia por cualquier medio manual o digital.Tener mucha FE ayuda y mucho que yo os lo digo

  8. God is in control

    I am also going through a lot of pain . my husband of 22yrs left me 7months ago and I have not heard from him but once. he just text me to accuse me of having him under witchcraft. I know I have a clean heart and I don’t know why he accused me of that. all I know is that I continue to pray to an awesome GOD that will expose the truth to my husband. Hang in there for GOD loves us and he is in control of our lives!

  9. praying for you

    I am experiencing the exact situation. I have been praying nonstop and will include you in my prayers. The pain is unimaginable. Have faith God will answer our prayers.

  10. Bring my husband home

    Dear Lord, I please ask that you will bring my husband back home. He not done anything that I cannot forgive. I ask Lord that you will convict him to turn back to you and fall down to his knees to plead for your forgiveness. Lord, please help my husband to forgive me for the way I have talked to him and put him down. Lord, my husband was the punching bag for my frustrations. Please, Lord help him to forgive me and ask for forgiveness himself. I have been told that he had cheated on me, but Lord only you know the truth. I know that he is hiding from me and avoiding me Lord, but Lord please let him remember the good time between us and Lord most importantly let him remember the good in you and the blessing of having you and the forefront of our marriage. Please Lord convict him as you have me so that he will see what we can have just as you have shown me. I truly do not believe that you would have placed this man in my life as my husband and my partner just to let him walk away. Jesus, please I beg and I plead with you O Lord that your will be done and my husband will return home and we can restore our marriage and live in you name. Amen

  11. Anonymous

    Father, God, I know what these ladies have experienced or experiencing. My husband came home on day accusing me of cheating and asked me for a divorce out of the blue. I was so shocked but granted his wish. Several weeks later, he remarried someone else. Can anymore imagine the hurt and pain I had to hold in because I was lost, confused and didn’t have a clue on what was taking place? I still hurt especially when my kids asks about their father? I still love this man and I pray heavily for him to come to his senses and return home to our family. With GOD on my side, I have to stay strong even though its hard to do! As I’m reading each post, I’m saying to myself, “I’m not alone.” Many have experienced this sadness and yes, it’s sadness! Right now, I ask in Jesus name to intervene and to bring these families back together and to restore the happiness they once had. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen!

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