Lord, I come to you for help. I feel hesitant, I have done what I can for my exams and there’s nothing I can do now except rest in Your grace. Please forgive me for the lapses in my part. Regardless, I put my entire trust in You, knowing that my future is secure. Grant me the grace in the eyes of the examiners and help me get through my exam results successfully. Bless all my efforts and may I receive abundant good news from Your hands. I pray that the results would be favourable, I trust that You will prosper the fruits of my efforts for my exams. But whatever the results may be, I already have the ultimate victory through You. I thank you for the success that awaits me. Thank You for the experience, for the opportunity to take the exam. I thank You for the knowledge I gained and all the lessons I learned. I also pray for all the examinees that we will all pass our exam and. Help us to trust You more and walk beside us oh Lord as our exam results are approaching. Calm and ease our hearts and mind while waiting for the result. I pray that whatever the results be, we may accept it with open arms. I pray for the examiners also that You would grant us favor in their eyes. I pray for my family and friends that they may also be at peace as we wait patiently for the results, ease their minds and may their memory remind me of their support regardless of the results. I thank You because You did not abandon me. I submit everything into Your good hands, hear and answer my prayers, Lord. I know that in You, all things work together for good. We put our uttermost faith and trust in You to lead us to victory. In return, I promised to make You known and cause You to be invoked. I asked You this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
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