Prayer for daughter and job

by Angela ()

Please pray for my daughter who is taking her driving test today and she is super nervous because she failed her last road test because the examiner was so hateful with her and made her nervous. I was called into a meeting with Human Resources because a new employee falsely accused me of some things I absolutely did not do. I have been at my job for 20 years, and I am an honest, hardworking, dedicated employee and I have been so upset and sick over this false accusation and the worry of this person potentially costing me my job. I have never met a more manipulative person . Please pray for me and pray for restoration for me in this situation and that the truth comes to light and this person is seen for who they really are and that the accusations are unfounded. I am also experiencing some health issues and some problems in my marriage of almost 30 years. They also need to find a way to get a car for our daughter who is going off to college this fall. Thank you for praying with me.

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