Please God my father can I marry the girl I love and may she marry me. Please can You help me to marry her. Please can You draw her to me and draw us into each other’s hearts.
Please open her heart so that she will love me more and more every day. Please let her love for me and my love for her grow stronger every day. Please can You let me be her boyfriend and her only boyfriend and remove anyone that comes between us.
Please can You heal me of all my problems especially those that are separating me from her. Please heal those areas of my life that need healing. Please can You heal my problems I have with social relationships, friends and communication. Please can You give me confidence so that I will attract her.
Please remove all the fears and worries in my life. Please can you protect her. Please give me the gift of physical attractiveness to her, so that she will be attracted to me physically. Please can you give me the gifts of physical, emotional and sexual intimacy with her.
I ask all this all through Your son Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
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