Pray I won’t lose my home

by Kimberly ()

I broke my mother’s trust and she is threatening to kick me out of our house. I have disabilities, no money, no job, no car, nowhere to go, and animals who depend on care from me who I couldn’t bring along if I’m homeless. She hired a lawyer and already started the eviction process but there’s still a week left for her to change her mind. I feel like the most rotten person alive and have asked her forgiveness but she won’t even speak to me and is seemingly wanting to cut me out of her life forever . If it happens I’ll be on the streets and I’m so scared and desperate right now.. Please pray that she has a complete change of heart and that God moves her to forgive me, let me stay in my home and keep my animals and work this out with me , as she says she is a Christian lady. Thank you, kimberly

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