Pray for my marriage and family to reunite

by Aaron ()

Dear lord, I speak to you today to ask for your love and support for my family. My wife has lost sight of who she truly is and has made some poor choices. The last 3 years have been extremely tough for us with all the trauma we have faced and my wife has not dealt with the stress. But now we have made it through that challenge, it is time for us to heal together and become even stronger. I have opened my heart to her and offered forgiveness for her to come back and save our marriage and family, however she seems conflicted and afraid she has gone too far. Please guide her back to the loving arms of her family. Please support her to see the lifelong love and happiness that she can achieve by staying with her family. Please show her the importance of family and never giving up on those in which we love.
Please help her see the man I am and how committed I am to repairing our marriage and family.
I place my faith in your hands lord and seek your love, support and forgiveness. I will continually work to be a better man each and every day and support my wife to be the happiest and most loved individual around.
Thankyou my lord. Amen

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