Pray for my 83 year old dad’s health

by Mary ()

Please pray for my 83 year old dad he has so many health problems & he needs healing. My 82 year old mom has health problems too & my 83 year old dad is a diabetic & my mom & my brother are sleeping weird hours my dad has dementia & bad eyesight & he is not getting his medicine or meals or his medicine on time & his insulin on time. He tries to get out of bed without his walker & his catheter dragging behind to use the bathroom this is all dangerous & he has small blood clots in his urine bad we think these are OK please ask God to convict my mom & my brother to follow a schedule for my dad that was set up & ask God to send Healthcare workers & home health aids that are led by good to help him get better & by some miracle to send home health aids too. Thank You! ♥

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