I am humbly asking for prayer for my upcoming colonoscopy. Please pray that the procedure will go flawlessly. Pray that every part of my colon will be healthy and free of any polyps, abnormalities or issues. Pray that the medical team will take care of me and guide the surgeons hands to perform the procedure with expertise, precision, and care and NO sedation will be needed or required. Pray that the procedure will go comfortably, quickly and no discomfort or pain. Please pray for a clean bill of health and everything will go perfectly and I have nothing to worry about. I am so stressed about this. I have never had one done before. Thank you to everyone for your prayers. I hope this all makes sense and please pray for all aspects of this procedure to go perfectly. Pray that everyone will be so very kind, caring, compassionate and will keep me calm for the procedure. And, that again, I have nothing to worry about as I have all of you wonderful people praying for me. And, I thank you all so very much. I am SO very appreciative of all of your prayers for this. I am so blessed. Thank you, SO much, from the bottom of my heart.
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