Please Father God open up the windows of heaven for me. Thanks Father God!!!

by Margaret ()

Please …..Father God Enlarge my Coasts and Territories. Please Father God bless me with your Grace Goodness and Mercy. Please Father God bless me with your favor. Please Father God show me your will for my life and future. Please Father God bless me with your intercession and will. Father God bless me with the Relationships of your choice. Father God Protect me and my home. Father God bless me with Health and Healing. God I love You!!! Father God protect me and my heart mind body and soul. Father God you’re Magnificent and Amazing. Father God grant me more of your Holy Spirit….Father God THANK YOU!!! IN Your… Holy Name AMEN AMEN AMEN!!! P.S. Please pray for Willie Richie. Thanks Father God, you’re Magnificent and Amazing!!! AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!

P.S. Please pray for Willie Richie. Thanks Heavenly Father you’re Magnificent and Amazing!!!

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