
For a sweet treat try our Sundays. Inviting the Holy Spirit into my preparations this morning. Inviting the Holy Spirit into my person. Take my natural & do the supernatural with it. When I am weak Thou are strong. I pray for boldness & utterance. Help me be a shepherd to the flock you’ve given … Continue reading “Sunday”

End of Summer Praise

Today is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice & be glad in it. Today is our church’s End of Summer Splash Party where we celebrate at an Aquatic Center all God has done this summer. We celebrate the success of T Ball League on our church campus with double the children from … Continue reading “End of Summer Praise”

My Pastor to help me

My pastor has promised me things that he never gave me. He has thinking that’s wrong about something I do in life. He pressured me at the last minute for a meeting with a man at church he set me up with who’s an awful manipulator and I can’t stand this man. This man has … Continue reading “My Pastor to help me”

Prepare to meet thy God

Muslims from all nations are infiltrating into our Southern Border in mass numbers to do us harm. They are militant Islamic Jihadist coming to kill stupid Americans in 2024. They will not assimilate into American culture, they will not obey our laws; They bring their own law Islam; They have no respect for the United … Continue reading “Prepare to meet thy God”


Jesus please protect pastor Nyeshia l Benjamin & Curtis bouier from the sinful,lying notorious, unconsiderate that know us are involved with us unofficially,unpatriotic ungrateful , that have priorities critical crisis that don’t share love professionally with care or understanding,bad mothers , bad fathers, bad authorities, un by accident and don’t care for others feelings not … Continue reading “Gain”

Protection/direction for vulnerability

Pray for protection for our children, elderly, and those with special needs and that God will put people in their path to teach them about Jesus andsalvation/deliverance and how to pray when needed

Pastoral Prayers

Here are a few sample Pastoral Prayers. If you know of a good example of a Pastor Prayers, please share it at the bottom of this page. Sample Pastoral Prayers Below are several prayers for pastors to use as examples for praying with their congregation. They include prayers for guidance, healing, strength for our leaders, … Continue reading “Pastoral Prayers”