over my marriage

by Angelina ()

Heavenly Father,

We come before You with hearts open and longing for Your divine intervention in our marriage. We ask for Your grace and mercy to cover us, and for Your love to bind us together stronger than ever before.

Lord, we pray for restoration. Heal the wounds that have caused division and pain between us. Remove any bitterness, unforgiveness, and anger that have taken root in our hearts. Help us to release any grudges and to forgive one another just as You have forgiven us.

Father, we turn to You, our Creator, the source of pure, holy love. Fill our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls with Your love. Help us to reflect Your love in our marriage, to be patient, kind, and understanding with each other. May Your love overflow in our relationship, bringing peace, joy, and unity.

We ask for protection over our marriage and family. Cancel any weapon that is formed against us. Shield us from any harm or evil that seeks to destroy our union. Strengthen our bond and help us to stand firm against any challenges that come our way.

Lord, we invite You into every aspect of our marriage. Be the centre of our relationship, guiding our actions and decisions. Help us to grow closer to You and to each other, nurturing a love that mirrors Your own.

In Jesus name, we pray.


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