Not enough

by Ashley ()

Please pray for me and my family and marriage. My marriage has been going through ups and downs for the past 4 years of being married. It has more downs than up. My husband is quick to anger, quick to yelling, and quick to blame others. I pray for my husband to change his ways and turn to God. He does not want to know God and think is is all a joke. I pray that he will stop mocking and laughing at God. I pray he will be more gentle with our kids and want to spend and give them more then that they need of him. I pray he appreciates and values me more as his wife. And I pray that he turns from his lustful ways. I will never give up because I have the strength from my all might God and savior. I pray he will give me the strength to keep moving forward and keep our household strong and be united with one another again. I pray for happiness, honestly, and love through God for my family. Thank you Jesus in your almighty name I pray Amen.

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