Browse our collection of new year’s prayers to find inspiring words to refocus your life. Pray for faith and courage as we enter the new year of 2024. Renew your devotion to living righteously in fellowship with God.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
2 Corinthians 5:17
A Simple New Year’s Prayer
O God,
your days are without beginning
and without end.
We dedicate this coming year to you.
Give us such prosperity as you know is good for us,
and make us abound in doing whatever is pleasing to you;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Source: Mozarabic Collect for New Year
Psalm 91 Prayer
Dear God, Thank you for your presence with us, thank you for your Almighty Shadow. Thank you that you go before us, and cover us from behind. Thank you that you are in our midst and that our future is secure in the place you’re preparing for us.
Your words bring such hope and comfort. Remind us of your strength today, may we see glimpses of your glory and blessing along the way as we seek after you. For victory and salvation are found in you alone. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.
New Year’s Day: Name of Jesus
O Jesus, our Savior and our Lord,
by the proclamation of your grace,
you took the yoke of the law from our necks,
and removed the burden from our shoulders to your own;
Hear the prayers of your Church,
that we may joyfully serve you here,
and see your glorious presence in all its joy in the life to come;
through your mercy, O our God, you are blessed,
and live and govern all things, now and forever. Amen.
Source: Mozarabic Collect for New Year
A New Year’s Prayer for Wisdom
God, Give me wisdom from your truths, fill me with a desire to faithfully follow after you, more than any other thing. Thank you that you are far greater than whatever I may face in the day. Thank you that your presence goes with me and that your joy is never dependent on circumstances, but it is my true and lasting strength. I ask for your peace to lead me and for your grace and goodness to cover my life this day. Let your Spirit and power breathe in me and through me again, fresh and new.
Pray for Healing and Protection amid the Coronavirus
New Year’s Prayer for Women:
Dear Jesus, You are awesome in glory and majestic in power. You are the King over all the earth, and You are my King. Today begins a new year for me. Thank You for Your promise that You’re preparing a place for me. With that promise tucked in my heart, I can stand secure in You as Lord of my life. Thank You for sealing me with Your Spirit and engraving my name on the palm of Your hand.
Thank You that You have made and are making me beautiful in Your sight. Help me to confidently walk in that beauty. Prepare my heart for my reunion with You at the foot of Your eternal throne.
Awake my soul morning by morning to meet with You. Fix my heart on Your steadfast Word. Show me my sin. Humble my heart to repent of it. Sift me if You need to, Lord. Destroy in me anything that steals my affection from You. Give me an obedient, surrendered heart.
Draw me close so that I can hear even the faintest of Your whispers. Saturate me with Your love so that I can love lavishly and give generously. Ignite a fire in my heart for more of You. Infuse me with the fullness of Your Holy Spirit power and use me as Your vessel. Revive me when I am weary.
Strengthen me from within to walk in the plans You have for me, to follow Your will, even when it’s hard. Enable me to trust You in all things. Show me Your ways and move my heart to walk in them.
I love You, Jesus! And I ask all this in Your precious and holy Name.
Source: Encouragement for Today Devotional
Prayer for a Renewed Heart
O Lord,
you have mercy on all.
Take away my sins,
and mercifully kindle in me
the fire of your Holy Spirit.
Take away my heart of stone
and give me a heart of flesh,
a heart to love and adore you,
a heart to delight in you,
to follow and to enjoy you,
for Christ’s sake. Amen.
Source: Ambrose, d. 397
Love, Light, and Renewal
O beloved, Love eternal, my good,
happiness which knows no bounds,
I desire to grasp you with most worthy reverence.
I desire to reserve nothing for myself.
O Everlasting Light,
surpassing all created lights:
flash your lightning from above
and penetrate all the corners of my heart.
Cleanse, beautify and revive my spirit with all its powers:
that I may cling to you with highest joy.
Source: Thomas à Kempis, Imitation of Christ
A Prayer for Faith in the New Year
Lord, even though I woke up with the same troubles I had yesterday, I know there is great power in my choices. So today, dear God, once again, I choose to listen for your voice above everything else. Forgive me for not trusting you enough. Forgive me for spinning my wheels and trying to work everything out all on my own. Help me to truly let go of what you have asked me to release to you and to believe that you’re at work in ways I can’t fully see. Help me in my unbelief.
Prayer To Not Drift from God
Forgive us for drifting away from you, for allowing other things to become more important in our lives. Help us to live aware, to choose wisely, to stay close to you, and anchored in your Truth. Apart from you, we have no hope. Thank you for your great love and mercy, thank you that you wait for us, that you call us to yourself, and you strengthen us in our weakness. Thank you that you alone are our Refuge and Safety, and you fill us with hope. We come to you today, choosing to walk in Your Presence and Light. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
We hope these new year’s prayers helped to guide you in requests to God for renewed faith, courage and love. May God Bless you in 2024!