Need Employment🙏❤️

by Angel ()

Heavenly Father, You said You would supply all my needs according to your riches in Christ Jesus in Phil.4:19. I am in need of employment Father and my desire is Your will for my life. You are my sustainer and my fortress. You say if I seek You first and Your way of doing things then all things would be added unto me in Matthew 6:33. I’m letting my request be known and believe that I’ve received. Thank You Abba that my needs are met. I pray for knowledge, wisdom and understanding of Your Words. I’m seeking, asking and knocking so that the door will be opened in this situation in my life. Thank You Father for letting Your rill be done in my life. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, forever. I praise Your Name and thank You in YESHUA Name, Amen and Amen

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