My adult son

by S ()

My adult son has ptsd, depression and alcohol addiction. Since last august it has become very bad. He has a physician and medication but will not go see his physician for more help. He says he believes in God and on a good day which are farther and farther apart he says he is thankful but then he changes rapidly into someone I don’t know and.turns to beer after beer after beer. He lives alone with his dog whom he loves very much. He speaks of ending
Everything because he says he is so disappointed in himself and that he has nothing. He will be 45 in December. We have always been mother and son from the time he took his first breath and we were very close but this year he has pulled away and i don’t see him
Much and most of the time it’s a rambling text or multiples of texts at 10:30 at night that sometimes continue due hours. I continue to prayer and ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help. I am so scared for him. Please pray for my son

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