Moving on

by Kylan ()

I am seeking guidance. I want to relocate with my son and I . I want to know is this the best choice. I would be walking out on faith. I want to be the best mother I can be. I want to grow closer to God and fulfill my purpose, my dreams. I want the opportunity to be financially stable, successful, and wise. I want to finally make a firm beneficial decision that will grow my life, grow my son’s life and allow me to set up his future in the most uplifting way. I pray for my mind, and body to align. I have auto immune diseases and I pray they work in my favor and don’t stop this road if God opens it. When I go to the hospital I end up being admitted and I pray those days are behind me. I pray over myself that I can and will be ok. If it’s in God will for us to move, I pray my son and I are happy and healthy. If it’s God’s will to keep me put I pray for happiness and wellness and peace! I’ve had such a rough time I seek peace. I pray for healthy and healing interpersonal relationships, as that’s been a significant hurt in my life. I pray I grow to be better, I seek God more and more over my life.
Thank you

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