
by Marilyn ()

I’m asking for prayer for our marriage. My husband and I are at a stand still and not really being blessed of God. I keep praying for us. Our marriage therapist told us that we are too messed up for them to help us. I wrote her and asked her, Isn’t God the one that can do the impossible. She hasn’t written me back. We can’t afford to pay for counseling that our insurance won’t cover. Many Christian counseling centers only do no insurance. I’m praying for a miracle. My husband avoids the issues that are hurting our marriage and won’t spend time with me. He would rather be with the dogs or the TV or on his computer. I’m feeling alone here, but I know that God is with me and sees my tears. I want to keep my eyes on Jesus. But at times I fall into doubt. I repent of my doubt as I feel it. Yet it’s hard feeling like this. Please pray.

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