Lost At Sea

by Prayers Admin ()

I have entitled this prayer request “Lost At Sea” because that is how I feel. There are many aspects of my life that seem so uncertain at the moment. For starters, my husband was a christian when we met and married, but eight years ago he decided he no longer wanted to attend church because he felt he didn’t have a faith. I have been bringing our two children up to know Christ and still attending church every week, but i admit that walking by faith alone through ,y marriage is difficult. I have also been in the same job for 22 yrs and am desperate to leave. My heart is at home with my children and wider family, but I cannot afford to give up work completely. I have applied for multiple jobs over the years and nothing has ever happened. I feel trapped with no other options and I just found out that my boss is leaving and the business structure is changing. I desperately want to leave, but am not qualified for any other job.
On top of all this, I just found a lump in my breast and am anxiously waiting for an appointment letter for tests. I feel like everything is out of my control and I have no idea what the future holds. When I pray and ask God for guidance. I don’t see a picture or hear anything. I am reaching out for prayer in the hope that maybe God will use someone else on my behalf.
I truly do appreciate anyone who takes the time to pray for me. Thankyou!

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