Lord show me your path

by Alison ()

Lord, show me the path you have for me. Do I leave behind being a Realtor and look for employment at the age of 63? You know I am not making enough income now to support my household. I am using my savings you have given me and I am thankful. But, I am oh so nervous. I know I should trust you Lord. I’m just not sure where my part ends Lord. Is this supposed to be a time of rest for me? You know how exhausted I was and how my health has suffered. Forgive me Lord for putting work first. Help me to look up to you and to hear you Lord. It’s hard not to have all the answers Lord. Please help me with this, my lack of faith, trust. Please show me when and how to move forward. If you want to have a regular job Lord show me with one I know has come from you. If you want me to continue with Real Estate bring the sellers and buyers to me Lord. Lord I ask for your help. I come to you. I know all of this is within your power. Speak to me and give me ears to hear. Love, Alison. In Jesus name, Amen

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