by B ()

I am begging you to please save my life by a miracle of my driver’s license being restored. God with losing my mother, driver’s license, job all at the same time and now due to my driver’s license being suspended its cause my grief to be extreme and I hold alot in now and feel alone without my mom the one I vented to got advise always had cause me to add stress to my father having me to depend on him 100% being I’m not married no kids, he already works 60 hours week, works in town, coaches, it’s also cause the Lil ones to not care about me being I miss all the programs games and stuff the rest my family has give up on me due I never can do because can’t drive I feel as if I’m living in hell and I can’t live like this. I have put effort in reaching out others to help due I am out if money have no way going and can’t even drive get headstone please give me life and make me better before it’s to late

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