I need a miracle prayer for my husband

by Gods ()

Thank you for your prayers. I need a miracle with my husband. I have been married for 3 years and I feel like 50 years. Throughout those 3 years we’ve lived together, I found out a lot of things about him that makes me want to divorce. We have beautiful kids together. I don’t want a divorce and I know he doesn’t want one. I need a huge shift in this marriage, God has blessed me with this man, my childhood friend. I pray God softens his heart, help him make right decisions for the family, Godly decisions that is long lasting. I pray God opens his eyes to people surrounding him and the job he has, to make him see there is no future. I know God can change a person and I need a miracle prayer to change my husband’s thoughts. I pray God shows him and help him change for the sake of the family. In Jesus name, Amen

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