Heart Transplant

by Trish ()

As we speak my 49 yr old son, Paul, is at the hospital that performed his heart transplant two years. The heart has started to reject. The increase in rejection medicine is making him so sick that he is losing a lot of weight and muscle. The transplant team is meeting to determine what is the best treatment for him.
Paul has 4 young children and his wife left him six months after getting his new heart. They share the children every other week. She is now involved with many men. I take the children to church summer camp, and VBS. Paul can not be in crowds as he has now developed the CMV virus which can not be cured and he has no immunity.
Please pray for his health, for his children, and since it has been 2 yrs Medicare is now changing his benefits where he has to pay for a lot of his treatments and meds and he needs financial help as he only receives Social Security. God is Good and has kept him alive for the last 2 years and allowed him to be with his children for this time. He helped his 14 yr old daughter when she tried to committ suicide saying she did not want to live if her Dad didn’t. My son reminds me of the story of Job in the Bible where all the bad things kept happening to him but he kept his faith. Pray for my son’s faith to stay strong as he goes through all his challenges.

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