Healing for my 83 year old dad & my entire family

by Mary ()

Please.pray for my 83 year old dad he just got his catheter removed & now he cannot me this is very serious. Please ask God to open his bladder so he can pee he has been through so much he is finally at his house where he wants to stay the catheter was very uncomfortable. Please pray that my 82 year old mom & my brother have guidance from God on how to help him. Please clear my dad’s confusion & give him peace from God. Please be with my mom with her health problems.Please pray that the doctors,nurses,physical & occupational therapists come to their house & a home health aid to help my 82 year old mom & brother their health isn’t well either. Please ask God for a miracle also for my anxiety & my husband’s alchohol problem. We need a miracle & God can do it. Thank You!

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