
by Marjorie ()

Hi. I have been dealing with sciatica and bursitis on both sides of my hips. Have been going to physio for almost 4 years and had cortisone shots. It goes away and then comes back . I would like prayer for complete healing. I am very involved in my church and I will volunteer for certain functions. I am in the anointing and after my back hurts. I believe in the power of prayer and by his stripes I will be healed without medicine, physio etc. I want to enjoy life and start walking again.

Also I am 75 and have been waiting on the Lord for a Christian husband who is serving and walking with the Lord. Many are not walking even tho Christian or believe. It’s important to me. I will wait like Boaz waited for ruth. The Lord is preparing myself and this person, Let me know if this is the person God has for me and him for me. Thank you.

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