Heal My Leg Lord

by Simon ()

Father God,
I have,as you know, had this very bad injury which has been years in the making. I had just about had it fully healed with a skin graft to complete the healing.But ,somehow,unbeknownst to me, an infection appeared and wiped out the skin graft. So, once again it healed enough to try another skin graft,which was successful but once again it was wiped out by an infection. My leg had returned to the very bad ulcers,and not small ones either.They were large, below my knee mostly on calf,and excruciatingly painful at times.I know that you are there watching me and you see my suffering do believe now that you only can heal,and do believe you want me to have that faith as you have shown me that it will,at this time,not be healed by the works of man.So I come to you in faith to “please heal me dad,your child really needs you.Thank you freeing me from drugs and alcohol and keeping me alive.Please bless those who see this prayer.sSo that they all will also believe that with You all things are possible in my brother Jesus name. I do offer up this prayer in Jesus name.

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