God step in..please

by Adelita ()

God please get my gf. Off drugs, change her make our life better. Help us. Keep her safe. Protect us, move mountains. Change her, bless us. Make a way out of no way. Give us a miracle, blessed life. Open doors, marriage. Not for no one to take her from me. Miracle I need to place her. Stop DNA thief, give back what was stolen. Evil worker to stop. Make her to love me extremely. Marry her. Get her pregnant. No road blocks, stopping us. Change her. Help me. Heal my bd. Heal my m. Bst…favor, respect. Good companionship, loving relationship. Not to cheat. Her to be only mines. Bless our relationship. Speak to her God. Angels, Your Spirit to help, an guide us. I’m knocking. An asking. Agree?

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