forgiveness and removeing negativity from life

by Mahalakshmi ()

praise the lod iam mahalakshmi from bangalore india and iam from a hindu back round from my childhood i have been through many problems as child abuse i never got any love affection from my parents siblings and relative friends i was so alone and without knowing i might done any sin but i dont know that i hearted jesus because he has sacrified his life for u and me and for everyone please i surrender all my sins to lord feets please pray for my sins to be forgiven because of my sin i lost my parents life happiness now iam strugling alone with kids without health even my kids are feeling weak and sick please your prayes may get me out of all this and prayer for removing negativity i get bad dreams like fearing about kids and sexually dreams please i know that iam a sinner but i need forgiveness for knowing and unknowing sins all say he is a loving god i just belive jesus the healer redeemer and deliverer please pray for my daughter ,son and me and my Elder sister manjula and family and xhusband nanda for healthy heath and blessings over our lifes and deliver us from all evil sprits which attacking us every day by fearing us with lots of hope that all your prayers will get us free from sickness illness curses and evil sprits
only trust on my lord and you all

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