For reconciliation and true forgiveness in our family

by Lourdes ()

My mother of 90 years, decided to include in her will only her younger daughter with her two kids (a young lady and a boy), but didn’t include me or my son. This caused much disappointment and distress in myself, my husband and our son. I’m sure that my father (who died 26 years ago), left something for me, and also my godfather, who told me (while he was alive, that he was going to leave me an inheritance, what he had). After they both died, my mother did what she wanted, (she never gave me my place nor respected the man I chose as my husband); and she never loved me like a good mother loves her children, rather loved my sister more, and treated me like a second-class daughter for no reason. This offended my husband so much that he told me that she is not a good mother, that she doesn’t really love me; and that he hopes that I do not visit her, as if everything was fine, as if she was considerate of me, because he said that I would have to defend the right of my son, who is my mother’s legitimate grandson, and to claim to her saying: “Where is what my father and my godfather left to me?” (instead of treating her like if there’s nothing wrong, like: “Hello mommy, I love you very much”). My husband and I went to visit her once before she told us that she wasn’t going to leave me anything, but would rather leave my sister an inheritance; and at the time that she told us that, we asked her and gave our reasons as a legitimate daughter, but she assured that she was not going to change her decision. Since then we have felt aggrieved, and more so I, because she is my mother, and because I want to obey God in the commandment: “Honor thy father and mother,” (but I have not seen her since mid-February 2023 and I am very sad and overwhelmed by all this, which has caused distance and separation in our family relationships, affecting me more, as I am the direct daughter). When I brought up the subject, and started talking about it, she cut me off every time I brought the subject; and said: “I don’t want to hear about it,” otherwise, don’t call me or come, therefore I don’t talk to her anymore about that, but I can’t call her by phone when I am at home with my husband, because he has told me that if I call her to find out about her, (now that she is an elder), as if nothing was wrong, he will lose love for me, and I have only called her at work, well, as she has called me at work also and has told me that “she loves me, that I am her little daughter” (even though I’m her oldest daughter), and this breaks my heart, because at the end of the day she is my mother. My husband can’t see her or talk to her; and since I’m going to retire from my work soon, I’m afraid that after I stop working, I won’t be able to see my mother anymore or talk to her. Can you ask God to touch the heart of my mother and my husband’s too? Because the Bible says: “You will leave father and mother and be united to your wife,” that is, in marriage, but it also says: “You will honor thy father and thy mother.” So, could you pray that he is the one that tells me (without me asking him again): “ok, go and visit your mother at least once a month,” (as only God could touch him with His Spirit, compassion and kindness); and also can you pray for my mother, that she suddenly says to me: “ok, I’m going to give you a recognition, at least I will also leave you something, (even though not as much as your sister), and will include you and my grandson in my will or a new will, so you can see that I recognize you and your son too.” Her name is Consuelo Fernández and my husband’s name is Pietro Giambroni. And lastly, could you ask God to give me favor with them both and also strength, hope, faith and peace? Thank you brothers.

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