IAM in need of my own home! Tired of spending on renting at my age. Depression trying to set in, because of my mistakes and failures of my younger years troubles me often. I truly need an financial breakthrough that I can become an home owner, retired and have my own homestead so I can focus on The Most HIGH without being such an busy body, running, running, on this job of which I don’t want to be on! IAM almost seventy years old and feel like an failure. Please don’t post my name, I beg of you.
I also ask for prayer that I can relocate elsewhere OUT,of S.C.
I truly need a new relationship with God, new location and freedom to just live an peaceful life from getting up early to go to an job. I rather have time for God!I need this financial miracle to make ALL this possible. I truly want to work for God ministry in the vineyard.
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