Prayer to overcome barrenness

My husband and I have been struggling with infertility for over 13 years and are barren. Please pray the Lord will remember me and open my womb and that He will bless us with a healthy baby. Please stand in agreement with us.

A Prayer of Longing

Lord, I’m asking you for a child. Your word says you will give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4), and this is my greatest desire. I want to be a parent. I want to raise a child to love and serve you all of his/her life. Please search my heart and my motives. … Continue reading “A Prayer of Longing”


Greetings. Please pray for me. Grace in each and every area of my life. For financial breakthrough. Sassa appeal money. For money to receive online in Europe and dollars. For me to get my profits for business and investors in Jesus name. For cases with me and mfundiso to be closed and end and any … Continue reading “Deliverance”

To Conceive a Daughter

Thank you God for opening my womb, so my husband and I can have our daughter. Lord, we have asked, and we know in our hearts- you will provide her in your time. Thank you for providing three sweet little brothers for her, to guide and protect her, she will never go without love. Thank … Continue reading “To Conceive a Daughter”

Becoming a Grandmother

Dear Virgen Mary: I humbly ask you to help my daughter in law and my loving son, to become parents and for me, to receive the happiness to hold a grandson or granddaughter in my arms before God calls me. Please Sweet and loving Virgen Mary, you are a mother and you know the Blessings … Continue reading “Becoming a Grandmother”

Sex Hurt

This is what hurts me. A man chooses to be with me with the action they are taking in having sex or oral copulation ot kissing or whatever and what they are doing with their mind is giving themself to another women or woman and usually the same women and I am tired. I am … Continue reading “Sex Hurt”

Extended miracles

To be healed need miracles in my life healed of brain tumor, early menopause, cycle delays womanhood delays,envy,jealousy go n pcos,brain confusion,Ovarian cancer,endomerial and brain cancer must die, diabetes high bp and no jail or prison free keep me legal, financially able to support myself and husband. Delays in my puberty and menstrual cycles must … Continue reading “Extended miracles”

prayer to get pregnant

Dear heavenly father i come to you today and always your loving servant to ask of you a request to be able to conceive a baby this is a reward that i will cherish with my life i will honor your name most high and praise your holy name i thank you for the blessing … Continue reading “prayer to get pregnant”

Fertility prayer

Dear Jesus may you bless my womb so that I can conceive and bear a child. Hear Daniela’s prayer so that I can conceive next year and bring fruit to my life and let my husband and I create a child heal my womb in the lady of Guadulupe’s name and Jesus I pray forever … Continue reading “Fertility prayer”

Praying for a Baby Girl

Lord God, please bless me and my husband with a baby girl. You have given us the two most beautiful and special little boys, who I love with all of my heart. Please, when the time comes and your will for us to conceive is near, let us conceive a daughter. It is the desire … Continue reading “Praying for a Baby Girl”

Heal my womb

Please Lord heal my womb , open it and make it healthy to where I no longer will suffer a miscarriage . Lord make my wound healthy and fertile . I thank u lord for this blessing and giving me a beautiful baby .,in Jesus name I pray ! Amen

Prayer against miscarriage

Dear Lord Jesus! I come to You today in sadness and sorrow, for the devil has tried your daughter twice with miscarriages! Heavenly Lord, come to my rescue, heal me, and heal my womb, that I may conceive a baby and have a safe delivery without any more miscarriages. Heavenly Lord, pls cleanse me with … Continue reading “Prayer against miscarriage”

Prayer for a baby boy…

Dear Lord GOD, First of all, cleanse my soul from any sin that will surely block me from asking you to grant my prayer. I am humbly asking for your forgiveness for all the things I’ve committed against your will, Lord. Lord GOD, I do pray that may my husband and I be blessed with … Continue reading “Prayer for a baby boy…”