Feelings of Despair and Hopelessness

by D ()

Lord Jesus and God in heaven please help me heal my relationships and not feel so worthless, alone and in despair – please help me find someone who loves me for me and takes care of me until I die – I feel so hopeless, lots of despair and hopelessness at times if I do not keep myself in a state of perpetual busyness and distraction – once I am alone, I feel sad and tired – please heal me of this illness once and for all God I am suffering a lot and please pray for S that she heals and that S doesn’t d and C feels better and is healed and D acts better and has a good life I feel lost please fix me god you know what is best as you created everything – I want to do good please can you save me and prevent me from failing – also please heal and fix my relationships with A and R & M and S

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