Feeling overwhelmed

by Cindy ()

Hi, my prayer today is that maybe I can get some ideas or insight and hope and prayers so things that I’m going through will lesson and reassure me and calm my anxiety’s. First of all I’m 65 years old and a lot of things have changed with me because of my age and getting older which I did’nt know or think would be so bad, like alot of changes with my stomach ailments,having COPD, fortunetly I quit smoking in February, 2022, plus getting Covid 19 which is the reason I quit smoking and living with back injuries with Sciatica, Not sleeping well, waking up hyperventilating from bad dreams. All these things and others also brought on Anxiety and depression. I currently have an appointment to see a therapist for my Anxiety and depression, plus being depressed kinda gets you lazy and takes your energy and confidence away. I’m sure I will feel better knowing some other people out there are praying and supporting me to get strength and power to overcome these things and give me power from the Holy Spirit to heal and give me strength, Courage, confidence and Hope! Thank you so much and God Bless you! P.S. Your prayers are greatly appreciated also!

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