Feeling lost and lonely

by Lisa ()

My sister and I are 15 months apart. We’ve been best friends all our lives. She’s has been there for me numerous times and I for her. I’ve a toxic marriage and my husband has been very vile towards my love ones. I believe this is why communication stopped 13 years ago when, my sister stop talking to me I was 43. I’m now 55. Not only did she stop talking to me, but she no longer allowed me to see my beautiful nieces anymore. They were 6&8. I’ve been in their lives since birth and they were ripped from me. They’re now 21&19. I’ve been heart broken and in pain for to many years to count.She never said why and not even a goodbye. Before this happened I was starting to feel extreme anxiety &depression. I was having panic attacks. I was struggling financially because the father of my son refused to pay child support. We lived in 7 different places, including my sister’s. The emptiness in my heart has never been filled. My spirit is so damaged that I contemplated suicide 3’x. I’ve been in therapy for the last 13 years, but nothing can fill that void of my family. I can’t express how much I miss them everyday. I don’t want to die of a broken heart.💔 I want my family back. I pray to God to help me through this trouble time in my life. All I wish and pray for is to have my family back my life. Could you pray for my sister and my entire family to forgive my transgressions an accepted my forgiveness.

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