Losing weight is never easy but it can be done as long as there is hard work, perseverance and determination. When doing something difficult, everyone needs a cheer leader to help a person carry on their goal. Who better than God? Here are ten beautiful weight loss affirmations for those who are trying very hard … Continue reading “Nine Encouraging Weight Loss Affirmations”
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14 Great Offertory Prayers
The Lord our God often gives us so many wonderful things that makes our life worth living. He gives us the gift of family and friends, the gift of love and laughter. As humble servants, we should show gratitude and give something back to the Father. Since God does not want anything material, we offer … Continue reading “14 Great Offertory Prayers”
9 Daily Morning Prayers to Brighten Your Day
Start your mornings with these simple prayers to brighten your day. Meditate, be thankful and show your love to God as you wake up and go through life. As written in Psalm 90:14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Bookmark … Continue reading “9 Daily Morning Prayers to Brighten Your Day”
Does God Answer The Prayers Of Non-Believers?
By Brad Andres How do we know if God does answer the prayers of non-believers? This can be a loaded question. It is also something that can be easily misunderstood. Therefore, before we attempt to answer this question, we must understand the exact question we are trying to answer. What do we mean when we … Continue reading “Does God Answer The Prayers Of Non-Believers?”
10 Daily Devotions for Women
As a woman, there are often times when I find that my spirit needs to be lifted. When this happens, I sit down and write a daily devotional. I find that talking to God is the best way to perk up when I’m feeling down. Here are 10 of my favorite devotions for women to … Continue reading “10 Daily Devotions for Women”