Holy Spirit, you deliver miracles. I have the belief in you, and for the most part, I truly accept your promptings. Unfortunately, I constantly distracted by 63 years of impatience, and a headstrong will that very often loses focus on you, to my continuous detriment.
I have called on St Jude, the patron saint of hopeless cases, often. I am asking you to partner with him, in the name of Jesus, because I am at a crossroad much bigger than I alone can handle.
I do have the faith of a mustard seed, but a brain of similar size. It tells my faith to stand down; to depend on man. My own fears mislead me, and sideline me. I am cemented in weariness: I have debt and no funds; lonely, alone and with no one.
In fact, I am so worn out I don’t want to spend time with myself!
Get me back on track to implement your mission for me. I am ready, but the willing and able is your purview.
Please make it happen.
Thank you in advance,
Will Quinn
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