
by Carol ()

Lord you know that over the last decade maybe more I’ve isolated myself except my new job and career you Blessed me with 4 years ago. The physical and emotional pains of waking up to find out I married a narcissist looking back at the struggles of my entire life decades long the sleepless nights the over flow of tears losing over 60 pounds me just getting up to go to work come home read a book watch TV go to bed repeat. I’m sorry I’ve shut myself out from everyone excluding my children and grandson but they’re grown have their own lives but I still pray to do your will as best I can. Please lord I’m 66 will never be able to retire comfortably rent increased more than 75% of my income no help fr9m my grown daughter living with me she’s costing me money lord please help us. I surrender I release I let go and give to you and do as you will with me. You’ve helped me so many times I will not stop praying to you

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