employment and relationships

by ms ()

I am praying for new employment. I have been struggling in my current position and I have been applying for new employment and I trusting that a door will open soon. I know where 2-3 are gathered and agreeing that prayers work when we are on one accord.
I am currently interested in a gentleman a my church and we have been talking only through social media. I believe that he is afraid to take a chance on us because of his past, he seems like an amazing person and well mannered. I just pray that he would just trust God and step out on faith. I have had toxic relationships in the past but I also know that God can change any situation around. I have love for this person in my heart. I don’t want to be to pushy because I don’t know what he has gone through in the past. I really feel in my heart that God sent this man to my church for me because my pastor prayed that God would send singles to our church. Please just pray on my behalf that my prayers will be answered in Jesus, Christ Name! Amen. Thank you for your prayers.

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